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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Hey wriggle quick question.

    Remember Sentinel? You had something planned for her and X in the sequel in terms of a relationship of sorts possibly forming between them right?

    How do you even plan on having X and Sentinel meeting once more?



      John would have to be pretty pissed to resort to slapping signs. He would most likely tear them out of the ground and throw them.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        I was more like saying that as John goes to punch the Auditor or so the Auditor replaces himself with a sign :P



          John would be thoroughly steamed, probably start cursing under his breath.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            So what I was thinking about Sentinel was that she comes to help with the Devourer.

            It completely slipped out of my mind.

            Our gun-toting loli android is going to see the light in second season.

            Excuse me while I go write it down.


              It would be quite amusing to watch the Auditor just f*ck with John like that.

              John's Berserk Button would be pushed beyond it's limit.


              Maybe during the arc I have planned Sentinel and X would meet up again while X is on a mission for the Maverick Hunters.

              Also I wonder what Nitori would do when Zero claims he will be leaving to travel the world on his own, and the next time she sees him Zero would be completely insane (to the point where he would attack anyone or anything. Regardless of their alliance) due to his Awakening process. Then when after that Zero would be fully Awakened, and at full power as well as only one thing on his mind... fight and destroy X.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 10-28-2013, 02:01 AM.



                Actually, if you REALLY wanted to see John at his angriest, then the Auditor would need to attack people John cares about, or civilians.

                John is known for becoming enraged by civilians being mercilessly slaughtered.

                That is John's canonical berserk button.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  I was talking about bloopers though. You know like our characters are acting the whole events of the RP, and the Auditor was just told to "improvise" during their fight sequence. As such he decides to just be annoying as all hell.

                  Then in a backstage scene the camera guy sneaks into Zero's dressing room where he is getting his hair brushed, and armor polished as well as reading a magazine called "Hair Weekly" a magazine about how to manage good hair. xD



                    I knew great hair like that couldn't be natural! XD

                    I have no clue what John would be doing. I imagine someone drawing a derpy face on his helmet, but that's pretty much it.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      @ the John and Yukari scene

                      "I CALL DIBS ON THEIR CHILD UNIT!"
                      - Fire Emblem Awakening Logic


                        Zero: *Looks in mirror and sees the cameraman in his room* "GETOUTYOUFREAKINGBAST*RD" *tosses magazine at cameraman*

                        I imagine Wesker to be arrogant as all hell, and a complete jerk to his coworkers.

                        I also just pictured Six and Claire acting all lovey-dovey behind the scenes. Boy would Six's reputation be ruined if that video got viral...

                        X would probably be trying to memorize his lines for the sequel, with Axl chilling out backstage listening to music.



                          Nah, Six would be regarded like Bond, hyper-lethal vector and romantic. XD

                          Coffee Boy: "H-here's your coffee Mister Wesker."

                          *Wesker takes drink and spits it out*

                          Wesker: "What is this garbage!? You call this coffee!? It tastes like mud!"

                          *throws coffee at wall*


                          Well that was sudden. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves just yet. ^_^;

                          That DOES raise an interesting question. Would you get a Spartan Youkai? That's actually quite terrifying to think about. You already know what a HUMAN Spartan is like, so you can only the imagine the OPness of a YOUKAI Spartan. 0_0;
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Oh... Oh dear.



                              well.. my brain is shutting down..

                              I hope you guys take a godd rest, goodnight^^
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Okay this is random... but what if the Robot Masters that survived decide to stay and live in Gensokyo?

                                I imagine Guts Man would become Yuugi's personal Robot Master: (After all Guts Man seems to match her quite well. Being the typical tough yet kind guy. With a bit of stereotypical construction worker type personality. Guts Man is also the strongest RM physically. Being able to lift 2 tons with ease.)

                                Metal Man would probably end up as Sakuya's personal assistant:

                                Metal Man is just freaking deadly. He is made of a durable light-weight metal steel.

                                Metal Man is designed for all terrain, as well as deforestation. His Metal Blades are made of Ceratanium, and he has a near indefinite amount of them (all Robot Masters have near infinite of their own weapon.) Not to mention that the Metal Blades can easily cut through solid steel.
                                Last edited by NeoFox; 10-28-2013, 02:39 AM.

