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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    So Mundus arrives... That means I have to wait for Mima and Neo.


      Sorry guys. I've been busy preparing for a large Halloween party I had planned. I usually always throw a Halloween party each year. So how is Wily supposed to be informed? Like how does he receive the invite? Does it just manifest in his hand or something?


        Adding a little surprise...


          ^Sounds fun. If you're too busy, we can wait (maybe)



            Oh no I'm fine. I can RP. Tomorrow though I will be a bit less busy.

            Wily though won't be able to make it to the little card game those evil guys are holding.

            Mostly because he has to work on repairing the damages any of the Robot Masters had received during the battle. So how did Wily receive the invite to the card game anyway?


              halloween, such a crazy night, I´ll give you some facts

              many girls use it as excuse to use "revealing" attires

              Dentists have it like the night before christmas

              Some people make trick candies, instead of sweet/sour candies they have either fruit or vegetables

              and finally.. my weakness for hot watermelon lolipop is overused by my special partner XD
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Yea, let's start the game tomorrow. Get the gang together now. We do this, then chances are that we will be done in the week, two max.

                P.s. You and I, Wriggs. Kings of plot twists.

                @ Kristia

                OMG I LOVE THOSE!!!



                  Who did you have in mind? (from your post before.)


                  I LOVE those candies! XD

                  @Wriggle, Wonder, and NeoFox

                  Welcome back! (if you weren't already here)


                  I have a question.

                  About the whole Shiki part, what do you have planned with that?

                  I was thinking of having John plan on helping her keep her job by reminding the Ten Kings that she did go above and beyond the call of duty to protect Gensokyo. Perhaps they would overlook Shikieiki's misstep.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Yea, I have plans. Don't worry. Though she broke a taboo, they will only confiscate her powers temporarily. Doesn't seem like much, but it's (almost) like murdering someone, but being put on probation instead of full on jail sentence. However, they would like to hear the thoughts of close ones. Be prepared for it just in case.


                      So all the people who were invited to the card game in Purgatory had received the invite through Hell Raven's if I read correctly?


                        King? When did I say I was king?

                        I would prefer the term "Emperor".

                        And having Daiyousei be invited by the same guy who abducted HM is a dastard plan. Nice, Lucifer. Nice.

                        I wanted you to see some more action, so I thought I could invite one of your people.

                        Nope.avi I guess


                          @ Wriggs
                          Oh, wasn't it? Came up with it myself.

                          @ Neo
                          Yup. Hell raven.


                            Originally posted by Kristia View Post

                            many girls use it as excuse to use "revealing" attires
                            It's the most-
                            wonderful time-
                            of the year~

                            WaitwatamIsaying? >w>;

                            Oh and speaking of revealing
                            I did mention stringkinis in PSO2...
                            *goes to the fashion thread is PSO-World*
                            *Latest post contains it*

                            Contains a modestly proportioned female in skimpy swimsuit attire.



                              You know what would have been a bit more interesting?

                              If Zero was the one who received the invite. I mean he IS going to be a sort of villain role in the sequel due to his Awakening.

                              However he hasn't awakened yet so he really isn't evil yet.

                              I wonder how Nitori would take it when Zero fully awakens in the sequel.


                                How do you know about those candies wonder? for what I know, they only sell them in México

                                The character I have in LP2 is a custom one from the multiplayer

                                And cucoo, that is a perfect example that that game is designed by men

                                (not that I wouldn´t enjoy seeing Rebecca in.. *nosebleeds*)
                                Last edited by Kristia; 10-28-2013, 10:41 PM.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


