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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    @ Kristia


    ...and I'll make my leave in 15 minutes =w=; it's 2:35 AM atm for me



      Nighty night.


      Welcome back!

      I actually find that pretty funny. One of the "wordiest" members of Org. XIII, and he simply skips the badguy monologue with Sora.


      Ok, I think I know what size ammunition the assault rifle uses.

      It is the 5.56x45mm round. It's not the same design, but it's still the same size. I don't know if the assault rifle's bullet comes out of the barrel as one piece, or if it's jacketed, so it's still a wild guess, but a fairly safe, accurate guess.

      I'll get to work on the grenades in a moment, but I have a suspicion that they are 25mm grenades...
      Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 02:38 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        @ S121

        aye...but I realized something also...
        a lot of the rifles are lasers

        and I have a feeling Lisa would use this one in particular also...

        Haze Via

        Haze is a rare form of the Chrome Dragon...which is a nightmare inducing thing if you're of the faint of heart.

        (This is Haze)

        (This is Chrome)

        My point: Who would fashion a rifle in the style of an enemy's head? Someone like Lisa



          So what weapons will she be using? Lasers or bullets?

          I found what size the grenades are. I was wrong when I said 25mm. They are actually 40mm grenades. 40mm grenades would fit nicely in your hand, while 25mm grenades are thinner.

          (40mm Grenade)

          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            G'night all.



              Nighty night.

              Wait, John isn't anywhere near Satori. It's only Renamon and Nera.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                @ Wriggle


                @ S121
                Possibly both.
                I mean if I were to equip her with the best gun that looks like something she would use...

                Dio Schwann

                It seems like it uses bullets but meh.
                PSO2 is a weird animal when it comes to that...there's no practical uniformity to convert to rl equivalents.

                ...actually now that I think about it, I wouldn't have to worry about converting, cause she is a game character ...hrm...

                anyway I don't think the gunslash and rocket launcher are possible to analyze, so now to look at her physical attributes.


                  So S121 where is Isaac? Because perhaps he can stumble upon Zero and Samehana. Like he could of heard Zero's little speech just now and comment about it?


                    @ Neo

                    suddenly, I think Zero should meet Morgan. She would assure him that getting close would help break him free of that purpose. ...Sounds like an S-Rank conversation waiting to happen =w=...



                      I'm on it.


                      I'll get on that in a moment.

                      Do you have other pieces of data on their strength, reaction time, run speed, etc.?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Oh BTW...
                        A cutscene that took place before the battle against Sigma in X4 in Zero's story showing what happened when Zero was first uncovered by the Maverick Hunters.

                        The way Zero acts in the video is similar to how he will act in the sequel when he is in his Awakening process. Except due to the fact that Zero grows stronger from the Maverick Virus and a more powerful strain called the Zero Virus will be inside him during that time he will be far more dangerous.

                        Also please note that when Zero was first uncovered Sigma was still the leader of the Maverick Hunters before going Maverick.


                          @ S121

                          If I looked at stats...

                          Here's Female human at capped ranger

                          HP PP S-ATK R-ATK T-ATK ABL S-DEF R-DEF T-DEF
                          520 100 420 473 379 349 365 460 383

                          and CAST Female
                          530 100 436 483 350 353 365 483 346
                          +10 - +16 +10 -29 +4 0 +23 -37

                          So better health, striking and ranged attacks, along with slightly better ability/dexterity and significantly better ranged attack defense with weaker Technique defense and attack.

                          For running...
                          They have hover jets on there shins.

                          see these two videos:

                          in both, the casts use the hover jets...
                          ....aside from all the other epicness...

                          EDIT: Better one of ingame use of it

                          Also Launcher gameplay and rifle gameplay

                          Oh and here's Lisa when you first meet her.
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-30-2013, 03:27 AM.



                            What are the stats of a beginner human? I assume that would be the abilities of the average human. Once I have that, I can give a more accurate judgement or estimation.


                            Isaac might be pissed if Zero starts attacking him.

                            Isaac has been known to kill people that attack him, such as Dr. Stross and the screwdriver, so he might not be the best person to initially attack.

                            He doesn't seem to enjoy killing people he knows, but he sees it as necessary.

                            Of course, Isaac doesn't have the speed of Sigma or Zero, but he does have the Stasis and Kenesis Modules.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              @ S121
                              the base?
                              Ok I'll give the base for both as well

                              CAST Ranger lvl 1
                              190 100 84 94 69 97 72 94 68

                              at lvl 65 (cap)
                              530 100 436 483 350 353 365 483 346

                              Human Ranger lvl 1
                              187 100 81 92 74 96 72 90 75

                              at lvl 65 (cap)
                              520 100 420 473 379 349 365 460 383

                              oh and some more Lisa Cutscenes

                              Listen to her voice...
                              doesn't she remind you of...
                              A certain vampire known for going a bit crazy?

                              oh and this one has translations

                              Part 1
                              "Who's there? ...Oh, another Arks member. Don't startle me like that."
                              "You see, Lisa is a sniper. I don't like when people sneak up behind me. You'd better be careful."
                              "Anyway, Lisa hasn't gotten to shoot anywhere near enough, so I'll be going now. Fufufu... Going to shoot them full of holes... Fufufu."

                              Part 2
                              "...Good day. How are you? Lisa just finished a job and I'm feeling good. I just happened to see you and came to talk."
                              "But you know, guns really are nice..."
                              "They leave no trace and your enemies dance around and they fall... Doesn't it just send shivers down your spine?"
                              "It feels like you're in complete control... Ah... Talking about it has made me want shoot some more."
                              "Okay, Lisa taking off! Farewell! Adieu!"

                              Note: This is the skill calculator for PSO2:
                              Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-30-2013, 03:48 AM.



                                Not only that but since Zero and Sigma are machines (ones made for combat mind you) they have heightened reflexes, and combat capabilities. Not only that but in the video Zero didn't use his Z-Buster, and he doesn't get his Z-Saber until X2... and that video took place before the events of the X series started...

                                So let's see...

                                Zero would have better speed, combat capabilities, equipped with weapons, increased power due to the virus coursing through his system, and is insane yet retains his combat prowess...

                                Damn Zero would be a threat.


                                A little video from the fan-game Mega Man Unlimited which is a sort of ending point of the classic series. In fact I think Capcom even gave Mega Man Unlimited applause I think... though I could be wrong.

                                That's also Zero when he was NOT even finished and he still greatly overpowered the original Mega Man.

