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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Mansion

    "Gensokyo... I can also pull a few strings to get more people. But I don't see how an army can grow so big as to have several pentillion people."


      Engi-con; Huey
      "Well now, what is it and what can it do?" The announcer said.
      Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-28-2013, 03:08 AM.


        Yukari's Resort

        "Gensokyo... I can also pull a few strings to get more people. But I don't see how an army can grow so big as to have several pentillion people."

        "We don't need an army that big, we just need a weapon that's able to kill several pentillion people.", John calmly said.

        "The NOVA nuclear bomb can do that.", john said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Engi-Con; Wily

          "Shadow Devil. Activate!" Yelled Wily as suddenly a black slime like substance starts coming out of nowhere and begins circling the eye. Eventually the substance stops and forms a body around the Eye. The eye then opens up, towering over most of the crowd.

          "Allow me to introduce you to the Shadow Devil! It's body is made out of a special substance that is both a liquid and a solid! It's body can change from a solid to a liquid." Said Wily as he looks around. As he sees Axl he grins. "Ah Shadow Devil attack that robot!" Said Wily as he points at Axl who is shocked.

          "What!?" Said Axl as the Shadow Devil quickly slams it's hand down on Axl. Axl is then absorbed into the Shadow Devil's body.


            Yukari's Resort

            "Using it too near Gensokyo will threaten us too." Yukari objected. "If anything, it'll be a final straw."
            "Whatever. I'm taking Nazrin back to Gensokyo. You guys have fun."

            Scarlet Devil Mansion

            "Hey. Hey, wake up!"
            "Huh? Araa, Miss Fujiwara, what brings you here?"
            "A bout... With Miss Flandre? Isn't that signing a death warranty?"
            "I'm a phoenix. I can never die thanks to the Hourai Elixir."
            "Araa, of course. Please do come in!"



              Isaac saw the Giant monstrosity slam its hand down on the robot from the hotel.

              "This better be an act, or else I'll have to dismantle your bot.", Isaac said to Dr. Wily.
              Last edited by S121; 06-28-2013, 03:34 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Engi-con; Yuyuko
                "Axl, no!"

                I flew down to the robot.

                "You let him go this instant!!!"

                A giant fan appeared behind me.



                  "No need to worry Isaac. That little robot is going to be okay." Said Wily as he looks at the Shadow Devil. "Besides it's impossible to dismantle the Shadow Devil without destroying it completely." Remarked the Doctor as suddenly Axl bursts out of the Shadow Devil's body, completely clean of any of that black substance.

                  "The Shadow Devil is used for offensive and defensive purposes. The Shadow Devil can easily immobilize most foes with it's body. To defend itself the Shadow Devil has several features." Said Wily as Metal Man walks up to the Shadow Devil. Metal Man takes out some Metal Blades and tosses some at the Shadow Devil, though the blades just get stuck in the machines body.


                  Axl lands on the ground behind the Shadow Devil safely. "Whoa that was weird..." Said Axl as he stands up. "I'm okay! Though that was still a rotten move old man."


                    "Since you took Axl against his will like that, I'll be your challenge."
                    Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-28-2013, 03:28 AM.



                      Isaac listened to Dr. Wily's explanation.

                      "Okay. I was just being cautious. I know that you guys share some animosity towards one another.", Isaac said, mistaking Axl for X.
                      Last edited by S121; 07-01-2013, 05:13 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        Wily looks at Isaac. "What are you talking about I don't even know that robot!" Explained Wily as he sees Yuyuko threaten him to release Axl. "Just look over there! He has been released!" Exlclaimed Wily as Axl walks up to Yuyuko.

                        The Shadow Devil had noticed how Yuyuko was willing to fight it.

                        "TARGET IDENTIFIED" Said the Shadow Devil in a cold mechanical voice. Suddenly it's whole body melts and becomes nothing but black slime, it's eye also melting with the body as well. The black slime the starts chasing after Yuyuko.
                        Last edited by NeoFox; 06-28-2013, 03:49 AM.


                          Yukari's Resort

                          "How far away can you make a gap?", John asked Yukari.

                          "You could drop me off in space, then I could make my way to the fleet and plant the bomb. I'm too small of a target for a ship to pick up, so I won't be detected. We could blow it up far away from Earth. They can't just jump straight to Earth, they risk crashing into the moon or the Earth itself. It would give us a fighting chance and increase our odds of survival. At the very least, it would heavily decrease their numbers, making the fighting on Earth easier.", John explained.
                          Last edited by S121; 06-28-2013, 03:36 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "Uh, When I said challenge... I didn't expect a full on attack!"

                            I floated over to nearby ocean. That should at least hinder it when it returns to a solid.


                              Yukari's Resort

                              "That might be possible if the ship is large enough." Yukari nodded as she took Nazrin. "We'll discuss more later."
                              And Yukari disappeared just like that.


                                Yukari's Resort

                                (Well, at least she's thinking about it. The last time I went on a suicide mission was against the Didact. I hope she doesn't reject the idea, simply because it sounds impossible. Nothing is impossible, not for a Spartan.), John thought to himself.

                                John looked over to Renamon and spoke.

                                "Aqua isn't coming. We'd might as well go back. I still need to train with Rumia.", John said as he walked inside the resort.

                                John looked over to Rumia and saw that she was trying to sleep.

                                (Damn. Then I guess I'll just have to keep training with light. Maybe she can train me later.), John thought as he went outside to train.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

