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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    X looked up at John and stood up straight.

    "John... it has been a honor fighting with you. Ever since I first met you I had be glad to have someone like you by my side, but after today I will be leaving Gensokyo for work with the Maverick Hunters along with Alia, and maybe Zero and Axl. I just thought I'd let you know in advance." Said X as he bows down politely to John.


      Ancient City

      John was a little saddened by the sudden goodbye, but he didn't show it. John knew that he would have to eventually say goodbye to those he met in his journeys. They might not have known each other for very long, but X was one of the reasons John felt human. Instead of showing sadness, John gave a calm, caring look at X and spoke.

      "And it was an honor to fight with you as well. I wish you the best of luck. You've come a long way from the innocent pacifist back in Osaka. You still try to find the peaceful solution, yet you are not afraid to fight back to protect those around you. You're a hero in the truest sense of the word, don't ever forget that.", John said to X in a tone of pure sincerity.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ancient City

        X smiled as he gave a salute to John. "Hopefully one day we will meet each other once more in the future. After all I feel like it was destiny that all of us... me, you, Renamon, Yuuka, and the others met. It's like we were sort of destined to meet. Like we were destined to fight side by side." Replied X as he sighs. "It still feels like just yesterday though... like it has only been a mere day since we met... Granted we haven't known each other for very long..." Said X as he gets a somewhat saddened look on his face. "I'm definitely going to miss everyone... but hopefully maybe something will come up and we will team up once more..."


        Axl thought for a moment when he finally remembered who Yuyuko was talking about. "Okay! I'm on it!" He said as he focused for a second, before turning into an identical duplicate of Youmu complete with replica of Youmu's sword. "How's this?"
        Last edited by NeoFox; 11-03-2013, 04:23 AM.


          Ancient City

          John gave a alight smile at X and spoke.

          "Nothing says that you can't contact me from my helmet. If you ever want to talk or see what's happening, my channel is always open.", John calmly said, trying to cheer X up.

          "Besides, if you start missing us and ever feel the need to see us again, all you have to do is call me and I'll make a portal for you.", John added.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Ancient City

            X chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Yea I guess there's always that. Let's just hope I'm not too busy working with the Maverick Hunters to call in once and a while" Said X as he looks back at John. "After all my previous rank and status with the Maverick Hunters is still standing despite my absence."


              Ancient City

              "Well being busy is better than sitting around all day. If they work you too hard, don't be afraid to call me if you need me. I'll be there to help if you need it.", John said to X.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Ancient City

                "That's true. Well if I ever need you I will be sure to call. Don't forget to call me in the case you need anything as well John." Said X as he kindly walked off. Giving one small wave to John as he walked away.


                  Ancient City

                  John waved goodbye to his friend. He was a little saddened by him leaving, but he knew that X would be alright. Where X was going, he would not be alone. John remembered how in the sort time they knew each other, they shared stories and talked about their problems. They fought as a team and talked with each other like close friends. Out of all the times John had said goodbye to people, this was the first time he felt as if he was losing somebody.

                  After X had left, John turned over to Six and spoke.

                  "I apologize for the delay. Let's go.", John calmly said to Six.

                  "No problem.", Six calmly said as he nodded to John and followed him towards the bar.

                  Six was honestly surprised by John's behavior. Contrary to John's reputation, he was actually a caring person. He was said to be almost emotionless, yet here he was, comforting one of his friends and giving a heartfelt goodbye. Perhaps there was more to the Chief than he thought.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Ancient City

                    As Jack was walking by a small red dot appeared on his radar... no two dots appeared. One was right in front of him, while the other was right on the edge of his radar. Almost out of range.

                    On the ground in front of Jack nothing could be seen... at first... If one were to look close enough one would see the faint outline of a UFO. The UFO was obviously Galaxy Man who had used his color changing ability to camouflage perfectly onto the ground while in UFO form. Most people only acknowledge him as part of the ground, much like a rock and such.


                      Ancient City

                      Jack saw the outline, thanks to his enhanced vision, but he pretended not to see Galaxy Man. Jack continued to walk forward, acting as if he was still searching for other robots. As soon as Jack got within lunging distance, he took his opportunity and lunged at the center of the faint outline.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ancient City

                        Right as Jack lunged Galaxy Man immediately used his teleportation function to try and teleport behind Jack. However Jack was simply too fast for Galaxy Man's teleportation abilities, and as such got tagged.

                        "Oh darn it! Looks like you tagged me! All that's left is Shade Man, Bubble Man, and Astro Man! Good luck with finding Astro Man though. Anyways I last saw Shade Man somewhere near the entrance of the city. He was hiding under a bridge." He said as he flew off.


                          "Hey, Huey, what do you think of MSF personally?" Otori asked.

                          "MSF? It's a real spectacle, if you ask me. Who would've thought that all of this started from..."

                          And they went on talking for the rest of the night.

                          Yuyuko laughed in spectacle, Meanwhile, she was looking for Youmu.

                          "Youmu! Where are you?!"


                            Ancient City

                            Jack smirked as he now knew the next location on his list. He would still look for other robots on his way to the bridge, decreasing the time it would take for him to catch each one. First, Jack was going to chase the red dot on the very edge of his radar. Jack ran towards the dot, ready to catch whoever it was.

                            "Well, it might not work for some of them, but I think it would work for Wrath, possibly a couple others. I'll need to iron out the details, but it just might work if I'm clever about it.", Isaac said to Lujuria.
                            Last edited by S121; 11-03-2013, 05:31 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Ancient City

                              As Jack reached the location of the red dot there was a pond filled with murky water.

                              Occasionally a bubble would float up to the surface. Bubble Man was quite intent with his hiding spot at the very bottom of the pond. Since he was built for being underwater he was just minding his own business. Almost like he forgot about the contest completely.


                                "Yea," Said Lujuria. "Recklessness is a gift to some, and a curse to others. You're just going to have to be careful."

                                Lujuria put down her plate.

                                "... I've... never talked to someone like this... not in the longest time... if ever..."

                                ((Theme for this moment))

