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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "I did as well. It was Youmu. She came, though. Maybe if you're lucky, whatever is missing will turn up soon."


      Room 508

      Yukari opened a gap above the table. Shortly after, a half-used eraser dropped from it. "Here you go."

      Honolulu, Hawaii

      After the thrilling performance, (as expected from the world-famous artist!) The sailor-hat girl roamed the city. Wearing a loose T-shirt, baggy jeans, and sneakers made her look less like a world-class celebrity and more like a tomboyish girl... Captain.
      "Whoa, what happened here?" The sailor-hat girl passed by a grocery store called Old Horatio's to find two to three police car around it. She walked closer to find that there has been a robbery.
      "Hey, old guy." The sailor-hat girl approached the counter. "I don't care if there was a robbery or not, I want some chips. Can I get some hot Cheetos?"


        Room 508

        John caught the eraser as soon as it exited the gap.

        It looked as if a wave of relief washed over John. He may be able to keep a cool head during battle, but this was different, much different.


        "Don't worry Utsuho. I have an eraser. Just give me a minute and I'll have the card looking as good as new. I promise.", John said as he took the card.

        John gently rubbed the eraser against the card, slowly removing the graphite.

        (Okay John, almost done.)

        , John sighed a sigh of relief as he finished.

        He made sure that the card sustained no damage in the process. Not only that, he kept his promise. The card had no traces of defilement.

        "There you go, Utsuho. It's fixed."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Room 508

          Utsuho sniffed as she observed the new "Get out of Jail Free" card, not besmirched with drawings.
          "Yay!" Utsuho smiled. It was ironic how a hell raven from old hell would be scared of devil drawings.
          "Cilantro-and-lemon Pasta is done." Youmu announced, bringing a pot of steaming noodles covered in tomato sauce. "I made a lot for Yuyuko-sama... Who I do not see... Where is she?"

          Honolulu, Hawaii

          "The first day of Engi-Con was a great success, wasn't it?" Nitori looked over to Isaac as they walked back to the hotel. Lt. Trelawney has already left to sleep an hour ago. "I can't wait for the second day to come already. I'm so excited!"


            Room 508

            X looks at Youmu. "She's outside on the balcony with Axl." He said as he walks away from the door.


              "... Ya know, Axl... Whenever I'm around you... I feel at peace for some reason..."


                Room 508

                "Yay!" Utsuho smiled.

                It was as if a giant weight had been lifted off of John.

                John smiled in relief and handed Yukari the eraser.

                "Here's your eraser back.", John said as Youmu entered the room.

                "Cilantro-and-lemon Pasta is done." Youmu announced, bringing a pot of steaming noodles covered in tomato sauce.

                Honolulu, Hawaii

                "The first day of Engi-Con was a great success, wasn't it?", Nitori asked Isaac.

                "I'd say so.", Isaac answered as they continued to walk back to the hotel.

                "I can't wait for the second day to come already. I'm so excited!"

                "See, aren't you glad you came? Of course, tomorrow I have to test my new thrusters. It's for one of my projects... That was the whole reason I lost my breakfast.", Isaac said, rubbing the back of his head.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Room 508

                  "Can you call her?" Yuuka asked from behind Youmu as she brought in serving dishes and forks. "We're going to have dinner."

                  Honolulu, Hawaii

                  "I still feel very uncomfortable that I'm representing the government. I wish I'm doing this in a freelance." Nitori said.

                  "Mmm, freaking delicious." The sailor-hat girl munched on the hot Cheetos she bought, her fingers red with artificial coloring and spicy pepper powder that covers the chips.
                  "I wonder if there's anything interesting going on..." The sailor-hat girl strolled towards Honolulu Hotel to see if anything is going on.


                    Honolulu, Hawaii

                    "I still feel very uncomfortable that I'm representing the government. I wish I'm doing this in a freelance." Nitori said.

                    "Don't worry, once we get Zero a new body, we're turning the Dr. in. We're going to expose him.", Isaac reassured Nitori.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Honolulu, Hawaii

                      "Okaaaay..." Nitori reluctantly agreed as they approached the hotel to find a familiar face?
                      "Murasa?" Nitori asked, pointing at the sailor-hat girl eating chips. "Is that you, captain?"
                      "Huh?" Murasa, the sailor-hat world-famous DJ, turned around to find a blue-haired girl in a fancy business suit. "Nitori?"


                        Room 508

                        X looks at Youmu and Yuuka and nods. He then quickly opens the door. "Hey dinner is done!" He said as he poked his head out. Only to see Axl and Yuyuko are distracted looking at the ocean.


                        Hotel - Honolulu


                        A old man can be seen walking into the hotel, a few robots following closely behind him. The man can be heard mumbling something as he entered the elevator.


                          Honolulu, Hawaii

                          "Nitori?", the captain asked.

                          Isaac was slightly confused.

                          "How many Touhou Characters are staying here? Is there some kind of reunion, or convention?", Isaac asked in a surprised tone.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            X came out. "Hey dinner is done!"

                            "Oh? We'll be there in a second."

                            I got up and walked towards the door.

                            "It seems that we've gotten quite attached, huh, Axl?"

                            I got to the glass door. I stopped.

                            I then ran back to Axl and...

                            "Thank you for everything."

                            I kissed him on the cheek.


                              Honolulu, Hawaii

                              "Well, a lot apparently." Murasa growled, walking up to Isaac until she was right under his nose, a sign of intimidation. "Ya got a problem? I might as well sink your ship right now, if you know what I mean."
                              "Calm down, Murasa. This is Mr. Isaac Clark, and he is with me." Nitori smiled nervously. She knew that, with so much water around, Murasa can drown the entire island.


                                Honolulu, Hawaii

                                "Ya got a problem? I might as well sink your ship right now, if you know what I mean.", Murasa growled at Isaac.

                                Seeing this caused Isaac to crack a smile, as if he was going to laugh.

                                Then, the smile grew wider and wider, despite Isaac's best attempts to keep it under control.

                                "I'm sorry. It's just that you really don't look like one to be giving orders. Just being honest.", Isaac said as he BARELY suppressed a giggle.

                                Isaac was used to much scarier things than intimidating girls, so he couldn't help but feel like laughing at his situation.

                                "Anyways, nice to meet you.", Isaac continued as he began to calm down.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

