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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Lujuria chucked.

    "Stop it, that's my line to make you feel guilty."

    She laid on the side of the mountain.

    "... Come on, lay down for a bit."


      Youkai Mountain

      Isaac shrugged his shoulders as if to say "why not", and sat down next to Lujuria and looked up at the stars. Whenever he looked up at the stars, it always reminded him of the stars he would see while on the Ishimura, or the Titan Station. It was always somewhat unsettling to Isaac, but at the same time, calming.

      "... You know, even after being up there, I still can't help but be in awe by it.", Isaac said to Lujuria.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Voile Library

        From a heap of rubble and wreckage appeared Patchouli, her robe dusty from scavenging through whatever was left of the library and her hair messy from digging through the rubbles.

        "Gah!" Patchouli wobbled in fatigue, for the strain on her body was great.


          Voile Library

          John saw Patchouli out of the corned of his visor and quickly approached her as she wobbled.

          "Careful, you shouldn't push yourself past the point of exhaustion.", John said to Patchouli as he tried to prevent her from falling over.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Ancient city´s bridge

            After seeing that everyone was enjoying their evening, the jackal and the fox stood at the bridge´s railing while seeing the water flowing

            "So, got any ideas? I mean for the future" Renamon asked drinking some sake

            "I have been planning on a house close to both the scarlet´s mansion, this city and the Hakurei shrine" Nera said with her eyes closed

            "Sounds nice for me, besides, this lands are always high on activities" the vixen looked at her partner

            "And we will put our noses into all the events we find" the jackal laughed with the idea
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              "Yea. Being surrounded by blazing fires... A little darkness is... Relaxing... Ironic, given I'm technically a demon."

              She looked up.

              "... Isaac... I... Think..."

              Just then, a helicopter passed by with a skull that represented the world. A bearded man was looking out.

              "... Nevermind. I think we have to warn everyone.

              King 8: I hope you realize that there was another rule in place, should this loophole occur again.

              King 1: Yes. It states that if a yama is not present at the scene of the revival, they can redeem themselves by putting the revived back to rest and the revivers under arrest.

              King 5: And plus, there is evidence that Shikieiki was indeed at the scene.

              King 4: Thank you for your opinion. That's one. Komachi, send her back.

              King 9: Send Yuuka back and retrieve Flandre.

              Komachi: yes sirs. Alright, Yuuka, let's go.


                Youkai Mountain

                Isaac looked at the helicopter with a look of slight confusion. It was unusual to see a helicopter in a place like this. A Youkai would have absolutely no problem taking out a helicopter and an entire squad of humans, but perhaps it was better to be cautious.

                "You don't think they're hostile, do you?", Isaac asked Lujuria as he stood back up.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "Not sure, but look. Guns and rockets. I dunno... Let's go."

                  Otori looked up in awe.

                  "Awe, man, about time!"

                  The helicopter landed at the entrance and out came none other than big boss. Otori rushed up to him.

                  "Dude... Are you THE big boss?"

                  "Sure is," Huey said. He went up to him.

                  "Hey, Snake. Been a while, hasn't it?"

                  "I'll say. I end up in the middle of the Australian desert for some unknown... Huey, you're-"

                  "Yea, it's an exoskeleton. It's really neat."


                    Youkai Mountain

                    Isaac nodded at Lujuria about the helicopter being a possible threat and prepared to follow the helicopter.

                    "Wanna fly?", Issac asked Lujuria as he held out his hand.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Voile Library

                      "Well I better take care of all this rubble before I can take care of rest of my business!" Patchouli growled, displaying a rarely-sighted emotion for Patchouli: irritation. "Where do I begin... I need to gather all my tomes first I guess..."

                      En Route

                      "How you do stand them?" Yuuka asked Komachi. "I suddenly have a newfound respect for you."


                        Forest of magic

                        Walking through the dense forest, the beast duo enjoyed the peace of the nature "Im glad things are good and calm, although another adventure can be of good for this steel bones" Nera said stretching her limbs

                        "Indeed, even though we are relaxing, adventure follow us like if we wre magnets for it" Renamon said smeeling the relaxing scent of the flowers and trees
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Voile Library

                          John needed the information on the Character's location, but at this rate, John was not going to get it from Patchoili. not unless he came up with a way to both clean up Voile and find the information. After a moment of thought, John came up with a plan.

                          "I have an idea. The reason I'm here is because I'm trying to find 'The Historian" and their associate. I was told that they knew the location of the Soul Vault. I was also told that The Associate was a Character, and that you had information on him. If I help you clear the rubble and gather your tomes, will you find the location of The Historian and The Associate for me while I work?", John asked Patchouli.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Voile Library

                            "The Soul Vault..." Patchouli reminisced her vast pool of knowledge. "I haven't heard that name in ages."

                            "Alright, I'll take you up on the offer. What you find, however, will not please you in the slightest." She warned John as she took off to the great sky of the library. "I want my central office clear of these damn mess by the time I come back!"


                              "Happy to."

                              Lujuria took Isaac's hand.

                              "Yea, it's like hanging around human geezers. But that Akihita... *Shudder*... I don't wanna remember the last time I messed with her... You have heard the rumors of the direction youkai, right?"


                                Voile Library

                                "Understood.", John said to Patchouli as she left.

                                And with that, John quickly got to work on Patchouli's central office.

                                First off, John looked at the scene before him, thinking about what to do with all the rubble. He could throw it out, but John had a better idea. What if he was to store it in the Realm of Darkness? He could then use the rubble as weapon projectiles later. With that thought in mind, John quickly grabbed all of the rubble and filtered the books and tomes out of it. Once he had filtered the rubble and gathered it all in a pile, John then opened up a Corridor of Darkness and transported the rubble into the Realm of Darkness. Now all John had to do was organize the tomes. It was not very hard and took little time. Thanks to John's Spartan reflexes, he was easily able to read the titles of the books and tomes as he rearranged them by their organizing system. Once John was done, he simply stood and waited for Patchouli to return.

                                Youkai Mountain

                                Isaac smiled as his helmet formed over his head. As soon as it finished folding over, he then tightened his grip on Lujuria's hand and activated his thrusters, sending them both into the sky.

                                Isaac then flew towards the helicopter's landing site at 100 mph, taking care not to drop Lujuria. After a couple of minutes, they then neared the landing site and gently landed.

                                "How are you feeling from the flight?", Isaac asked Lujuria.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

