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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector B

    "Okay then, let's get the hell out of here." Yuuka said as she dropped the dead hunchback's corpse.


      Sector B

      Hearing they needed an escape route, Renamon said outloud "I got an escape path ready, just follow me" she said while starting the computer and opening the portal to the digital world.

      The fox was at the edge of it "Just follow the marks of light, I already made some checkpoints through the relays, this will get you back at the pandemonium" she said waiting to see that everyone could enter the gap.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        "Ah, screw it. TWILIGHT SPARK!" Mima called out a huge laser of energy, engulfing the akrids and vaporizing them within seconds, the beam reached into the sky, ripping a hole straight through the thermal storm, causing the Windega to screech and a loud boom to be heard across the city. Mima then collapsed to the ground, panting.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Neo-Yakuza HQ

          Right before John entered the portal, John turned to Aqua.

          "Don't forget to detonate the bombs. I'll see you on the other side."

          John entered the portal.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Neo-Yakuza HQ

            Without thinking twice X jumps into the portal, Shou close behind. As they enter the portal a look of anger comes over X's face. "What's wrong Mr. X?" Asked Shou as they entered the portal. X looks at Shou then himself. "I'm just... a bit angry with myself..." Said X as Shou places a hand on his shoulder. "You should not be angered with yourself. That could lead to more negative thoughts, and could even effect your performance during combat." Replied Shou trying to make X feel a little better. Though it doesn't really work much X does manage to crack a smile. "Thanks... it's just... this was the first time I fought someone like me... someone who refused to fight, but had to due to a promise... if you didn't know by now I hate senseless violence. I only fight when innocent lives or my friends are in danger. Even then I don't fight to kill my enemy. I try to hold back as much as possible. Something just drives me to want to fight. To stop all this meaningless violence, but as long as their is good in this world... there is going to be something evil to stand up against it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just fighting in a war that can't be won." Replied X as he continues his way through the portal.


              Sector B

              "It feels like we leave with more questions than answers..." Yuuka sighed as she tugged the collar of her ripped shirt and entered the portal.

              Osaka Bay

              "Uh, that was quick." Yuugi said as she came outside because of all the commotion.
              "Mima-sama's destructive force is amazing as always." Iku complimented.
              "Ay- Ah knu she wuld go zwoooooooom an- and zwooooooom-" Suika slurred, too drunk to make a coherent conversation.


                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                "Don't worry about me. I have to be the last one to leave so i can control the bombs. Don't worry about leaving me behind. I got my own way off getting to the Pandæmonium". Aqua pointed her Keyblade in the air. Suddenly a round corridor opened. Aqua donned her armor to protect her from the darkness waiting for her.

                Three orbs could be seen forming around Aqua's hand. Inside of the a hexagon pattern formed.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Digital Portal

                  John heard X's story and went to go ease his worries.

                  "Sometimes, it's not our job to win the war. Sometimes, it's just to make sure that the evil ones don't win it. You see, good and evil is not a battle that can be won by either side. It's not a battle, it's more of a balance. In that reguard, it's our job to maintain that balance. You're right, there will always be evil. But then again, there will also always be those that will stand up to it."
                  Last edited by S121; 05-23-2013, 06:50 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Digital Portal

                    X looks at John and smiles. "Yea. Thanks." He said as thoughts of the Eurasia Colony came to mind. "Balance... I know what it's like when the balance between good and evil shifts and the darkness overcomes the light. In my world there was an incident called the Eurasia Incident. The incident was caused by Sigma. He had someone spread the Maverick Virus all over the Space Colony Eurasia, and it was on a crash course for Earth. The Maverick Hunters had a plan to stop it by launching a Space Shuttle right into the colony. My friend Zero volunteered to fly the shuttle into the colony. The plan was mostly a success however..." Said X as the memories come rushing back.


                      (Interesting stuff: Hopeless Masquerade in 3 days, and Komachi could've made it into League of Legends)
                      Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                      "You're back." Shinki was already at the courtyard to greet the party. Yuuka came out of the portal first. "And jeez, you're a mess."
                      "Please don't tell Rinnosuke about my status." Yuuka asked as she stretched her arms. "I'll be in a lot of trouble if somehow he dies from blood loss."
                      "Haha, of course. I'll have Yumeko prepare something for you to change into." Shinki said.
                      "A hot shower would be nice too." Yuuka groaned as she entered the palace.


                        Shinki's Palace

                        John was curious and asked Shinki, "Who's Rinnosuke?"
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Shinki's Palace - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

                          "Ah, hello." Shinki greeted. "In terms of Mr. Morichika Rinnosuke... he is probably the only de facto male in Gensokyo that is of significance. He has a power to tell any unknown item's name and purpose, so a lot of Youkai and humans use his shop, Kourindou, to find artifacts."
                          "His shop has so many things you can spend ages looking through all the artifacts he has!" Yukari popped from her gap. "The last time I visited him, he was too busy frolicking around all the outside world items that came in from the tourists of the outside world."


                            Pandemonium - Shinki's Palace - Gensokyo

                            As X and Shou make it to Shinki's Palace X smiles and turns around. "I'll save the rest of my story for later." Said X as he walks away. Wanting to let everyone else have a little rest. Shou stretches as they make it to Shinki's Palace and sees X walking away. After she finishes stretching she quickly runs up to X. "Hey I would like to hear the rest of this Eurasia Incident if that is okay with you Mr. X." Said Shou with a eager, curious look on her face. X's smile slowly fades as he nods his head. "Well... the colony was destroyed, and Zero did survive the mission, but despite the Eurasia's destruction, the debris still hit the Earth, causing enough damage to force humans to live underground due the rampant pollution. As well as spreading the Sigma Virus all across the globe. Mavericks started appearing everywhere in the matter of a few weeks. No one was pretty much safe. Reploids, Humans, even animals. The incident with the Eurasia still had effects even a century after it happened." Said X as he turns to Shou. Shou looks a little stunned at the end of X's story. "Wait... how old are you X?" Asked Shou as X turns his head away in embarrassment. "I'm roughly about a little over a hundred years of age. I can't give you the exact date of my creation but I'm almost 200 years of age. About 176 years I believe." Said X as he rubs the back of his hand. Giving out a slight chuckle. "Machines like me can go on for centuries as long as we have the proper care and treatment to keep our systems fully operational."


                              Shinki's Palace

                              John turned to Yukari.

                              "What kinds of items does he sell? Does he sell weapons?"
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                (Yuuka and Yukari master race.)
                                {No, Eirin is.}
                                ([This is the doctor. I believe Tewi-san is older than me.])
                                Shinki's Palace

                                "I can't believe we all made out alive." Yumeko said to Yuuka as she handed Yuuka a fresh clothes to change into: wide-bottom skinny jean and a simple white sleeveless.
                                "Can't believe it either." Yuuka smiled, taking the change of clothes from Yumeko. "Say, how was your date with-"
                                "IT WASN'T A DATE, IT WAS A BATTLE!" Yumeko instantly blushed and screamed at the top of her lungs, as Yuuka laughed in triumph and entered the bathroom.

                                "Kourindou has to be like the most randomest shop ever. The guy has everything from batteries to toy horse, from tuba to books, from apples to xylophones. Most of them aren't catalogued, so you really can't tell what's where and vise versa." Yukari responded.

