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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Neo-Yakuza HQ

    "Who told you I'm going to fight with brute strength alone?" Asuka growled as she formulated a condensed sphere of air on her palm. "With my Wind Will Technique, I will use your own power against you!"

    Test Chamber - Pentagon

    "Sure." Nitori changed her expression. What appeared to be a shy kappa was now a powerful Youkai. Machine appendices started to formulate behind Nitori as she drew a spell card from her jacket pocket.
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-20-2013, 01:34 PM.


      Neo-Yakuza HQ

      "And with my gun, I don't need to use any power at all.", John said as he pulled out his pistol, "Leave or die!"
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        (Last post of da day)
        Neo-Yakuza HQ

        "Here I come-" Asuka shouted as she sprinted towards John, but was interrupted as the wall next to her blew up, knocking Asuka over.
        "Oops, I may have made a mistake." The cause of the explosion was Shinki.


          Neo-Yakuza HQ

          Right before John pulled the trigger, Asuka was hit by a piece of wall. Shinki emerged from the newly made hole in the wall.

          "Shinki? What are you doing here?"
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Neo-Yakuza HQ

            Aqua looked at Apple sure. "Let's just get over with it so i can continue with the plan."
            Aqua then warped behind Apple and delivered a few attacks before warping longer away.
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Neo-Yakuza HQ

              "A teleportation magic!" Apple groaned as she turned to parry the blows. "You are a sorceress, aren't you?"


                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                "I guess you can call me that although I am more than proficient with my Keyblade too."
                She then proceeded to quickly warp around Apple in a circle in hope of giving Apple a headache from seeing Aqua in so many places.
                While warping around Aqua sends small bits of ice, fire and lightning towards Apple.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Test Chamber - Pentagon

                  Zero looks at Nitori a eager look on his face. "This will be fun!" Said Zero as he goes into an offensive stance. Keeping an eye on Nitori's every move.


                    Neo-Yakuza HQ

                    John looked to Asuka, then to Bridgit.

                    "Do you really want to fight? Shinki's a god."
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      (Noticed that the pics are messed up. Ima see what u can do about it when i get ahold of a computer.
                      [edit]Fixed. Post #1141 now displays correct image. Badass Nitori, Ho!)

                      Neo-Yakuza HQ

                      "Like I said, I just want to play Chess." Dr. Brigid responded. "If you are too busy, I can play with the demon over there."
                      "That's goddess to you, ma'am." Shinki sulked.

                      Test Chamber - Pentagon

                      "All fundamental machines have one weakness: water!" Nitori announced as her spell card shined in bright blue light. Then, an enormous gush of water appeared behind Nitori, as she declared: "Water Sign - Kappa's Great Illusionary Waterfall!"

                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-20-2013, 01:39 PM.


                        Test Chamber - Pentagon

                        "Water? Really? Is that all you got? Reploid's like me are designed to be water proof!" Said Zero as he attempts to dodge the attack. However he was not quick enough, and his leg got struck by it. He quickly grabs his knee in pain as he lands on the ground. The gush of water was strong enough to make a hole in his armor. Though the internal damage isn't anything major, Zero shrugs it off. Standing back up his arm transforms into the Z-Buster. Aiming at Nitori he dashes to her side, firing a few uncharged shots,
                        followed by a semi-charged shot.

                        (The semi-charged shot is slightly larger than an uncharged shot, and is green instead of yellow. It deals slightly more damage than an uncharged shot, but nowhere near as much as a full charged shot of course.)


                          Test Chamber - Pentagon

                          "Kappas receive special training to dodge attacks like those." Nitori smirked, streaming up and down to dodge the Z-Buster shots. "And those waters are only preliminary threats."
                          As the waterfall submerged the gladiator in a pond of water, another spell card appeared on Nitori's hand as she declared: "Drown - Trauma in the Glimmering Depths."
                          With the spell card activation, every water molecule started swirling around in attempt to drown Zero.


                            Neo-Yakuza HQ

                            "Okay, listen. I don't percieve you guys as much of a threat, so I'll be going. Before I leave, I'll give some advice; leave the building immediately."

                            John then turned to Shinki.

                            "I know where the others are. Follow me."
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Infirmay-looking room

                              Moving to find whoever was the jackal, Renamon suddenly woke up in an infirmary-looking room. "Where am I? Anybo- argh.." she grunted as her body reacted to the many injuries on it. The fox looked at herself and noticed she had bandages covering her right arm, her chest and left leg, some pain still lingering but lower than when she was at the base.

                              ("Wait.. the base! everyone!") she thought and got out of the bed only to be stopped by her own weight, the vixen was too weak to run, so she just sighed and sitted on the edge of the bed breathing slowly to calm her mind
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                                "I'll be rihght behind you." Shinki said, then she looked around. "Where's Yumeko?"

