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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    And Heaven's Forge is finally more than just an abstract concept that somehow defined the origins of the artifacts Mercurius, Arke, Iris, and Aeternitas.
    Heaven's Forge is a place which is safeguarded by the Caeles who were the original inhabitants of the galaxy. This place is the epitome of technology and no living mortal has seen it with their own eyes. Or at least not the entirety of the location.

    It is the place where the Caeles-whom-has-no-identity-as-it-became-the-embodiment-of-the-void achieved the state of being the...well... embodiment of the void.
    It is also the place where powerful artifacts were created in an attempt to undo this experiment. The 4 artifacts mentioned are designed to help the "mortals" (those that are not Caeles) fend off the Void and it's minions: the Nihiliods. These artifacts are also known as Keys as with them it is possible to find a way back to Heaven's Forge.


      Hm.. time.. that is indeed a good question, but!

      I´m taking as proof the time when...



      Chell fires a portal shot to the moon, It took what, a second or two (because things went in slow motion when it happened)



      So I have the idea of using the coordinates of X place to create a portal on the place, not fire it as if it was a bullet, obviously this would need heavy duty energy to make a big portal for a ship (maybe not much for a small team..)

      Also, I can use the warp gate from the Treasure planet movie (You got to see it, it is an awesome movie) so the big objects can move instantly by using a map of the galaxy, but this time we would need a colossal energy source.

      My idea for creating portals in desired coordinates can actually be progressed, the user selects a specific coordinate, then he/she charges the portal device depending on the load that will travel and how big the actual portal be, when the device is charged, it will send a signal via relay points by using anything that is electronic (satelites, ships, colonies, roaming space cores, you name it) and since the signal is so small (here ignore my excuse of physics knowledge) it will travel instantly like in the Mass effect series.

      Since the Normandy (fastest ship on the whole series) is faster than the Reapers who can travel 30 light-years (283,821,914,177,424,000 meters) per 24 hours or 10,958 times the speed of light. (here is the wiki in case ) it can take only few hours even though it is a rather sized ship with 31-ish crew for long periods of traveling. So a wave signal sent to a coordinate will take seconds to reach its desired goal

      "Hm.. intergalactic portal traveling.. I will enjoy this new test"

      Now we are fired up people, prepare for a new (and hopefully harmless) invention
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        @ Kristia

        I think we just developed similar concepts.
        Using a device to open a rift/portal to another device.

        The difference is the technology and "side effects"

        This will work nicely with what we're trying to do here.

        Also I just remembered
        Because Mara was in the Halls of Time...
        and because the concepts are so similar
        It would explain how Mara got there through an alternate timeline via the fissures by accidental experimentation that somehow led to a similar result as the normal Venturian Rift Gates.

        It all works out.



          Ahh, that's right, the moon part. Looks like the gun fires at the speed of light as well. Light can almost instantly make trips across distances like that. My only concern is across longer distances. The Milky Way Galaxy is well over 1000 lightyears across, meaning that firing the gun could take years for the portal to form at its destination.

          As for the Normandy moving faster than the Reapers, that is because of the Normandy's smaller mass. They say that it is impossible for anything with mass to move as fast as the speed of light. The reasoning behind the Normandy's speed comes from that; the lower the mass of an object, the closer it can be to the speed of light. Granted, they ARE moving faster than light, but it seems to apply anyway.

          Your idea might work, but we would need to ask Cucoo first. He said something about preventing certain situations in one of his previous posts.


          With that thought, would the Slipspace Drive be too OP? It still takes time to travel from point A to B, but there is also no need to rely on a receiver.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Now you just gave me a better explanation to give on the colony Cucoo (that will be first hidden from not so trusted people). And even better because I got the perfect (at the moment) idea for how the ship got damaged but still descend with a stable route.

            I just need to post it, Bardock! you are either needed or not for the story to continue, I will land this ship whether you are here or not :P

            And I still got theories that may apply with the slipspace traveling by using the portal method. Just let me read how the the slipsace works and then I can do something with it

            But now I shall go to hit the couch, cya ^^
            Last edited by Kristia; 10-15-2014, 01:24 AM.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              @ S1

              No that's fine.
              I'm talking more in previous parts for just purely Venturian Tech. The drawback for instantaneous travel to anywhere in the galaxy from anywhere is the remote-receiver concept.
              It helps me explain a few points in my story a bit better than just limiting this ability to gates.
              In essence it is flexible while being limited.

              If I had to use an example, think of it as being the single portal type portal gun.
              you can open up one end but the other end needs to be opened by another means.
              And the way the Venturian tech has it is that it works on any scale, much like what Kristia is saying, except without the possibility of delay but with the risk that if something does go wrong on the receiving end, things could get interesting.

              @ Kristia

              aye, now things can really get going.

              Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-15-2014, 01:45 AM.



                Ahh, ok. That's a relief.

                Also, I have a couple questions regarding Ethan's ship. Would it be too OP if he had quantum tech aboard his ship? This quantum tech is used in his ship's inner hull, as well as many of the misc utilities aboard his ship, such as digitizing smaller ships so that they don't take up space, digitizing guns and ammunition for storage purposes, or even digitizing food for storage. I was thinking of weaponizing the digitization and turning it into a cannon that stores the matter of other ships for repairs, but I am unsure about it. It is the future, but is it too advanced for EG?

                Also, would it be OP to have antimatter cannons and gauss cannons that fire hyper-dense (up to you to decide how dense it's allowed to be. I was thinking close to neutron star density, but that might be a bit much...) ammunition and shells designed to release antimatter when it impacts or penetrates a ship's hull?

                As a side note, the only real way to describe Ethan's ship is, "a ship with a serious Short Man Complex".
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  Slipspace works by opening up thousands of tiny black holes, then travelling through the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimension to shorten the time it takes to travel vast distances. Once the ship reaches where the exit should be, they simply exit the dimension.

                  In a sense, it's kind of like Yukari's gaps, only the exit doesn't open until you reach your destination. Then again, it might be more similar to a Corridor of Darkness.

                  The Halo wiki has all the info on slipspace travel. You just gotta dig a little.


                  Check my previous post.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Well Venturian tech had the digitization concept down, so that's on par with that.
                    The cannons
                    sounds like it would fit on the Daedalus Project and then some.

                    I'm going with the notion that there's no such thing as OP considering that I'm not defining what other races/civilizations had outside of Venturia.

                    In Venturian terms, the Daedalus Project, which makes the Death Star look like a tiny little marble, has a main cannon that even I'm still trying to find what it's supposed to be capable of (considering the Daedalus Project utilizes 7 stars to power it and it's supposed to be a "weapon" of desperation against the Void.)

                    Wait, is Ethan's ship supposed to be on the scale of like a Star Destroyer from Star Wars? Or is it more like the Super Star Destroyer?

                    P.S. Star Destroyers are around 4km long give or take
                    Super Star Destroyer was about 20km long give or take
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-15-2014, 02:18 AM.



                      No, it's actually 209 meters/685.69 feet long, 53 meters/173.88 feet wide, and 41 meters/134.51 feet high. That makes it about 2.25 football fields long.

                      Like I said, it's a ship with a serious Short Man Complex.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        ...well then.

                        well I stand by the notion that everything is fine if you need it.

                        because considering the Void and Nihiliods as the balancing factor... I guess there's nothing to really worry about...



                          I told you it was really tiny for its capabilities.

                          The reason why it has so much firepower is the fact that it has a twin-layered design. With both the top and bottom shell, there is a combined total of two (possibly highly illegal ) engines, two antimatter reactors (subject to change), two shield generators, two floors lined with enough ordinance to make a fleet admiral jealous, a cargo bay/ship hangar, and a command center/cockpit.

                          Due to its storage methods, it can hold a lot of munitions, and due to many of the generators/machines sharing floors, there is a lot of room on the ship, meaning that the ship itself doesn't have to be large. It's compact, yet deadly.
                          Last edited by S121; 10-15-2014, 02:51 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Something tells me that if something went wrong on that ship, whoever is on it would be fucked

                            I'm not going to think on it too hard at this time of night.

                            If you need it, run with it.
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-15-2014, 03:02 AM.



                              How so?

                              Do you mean the engines, reactors, or antimatter cannon?

                              Also, instead of keeping an ammo count, it would be more accurate to say "mass count". This is because all of the ordinance on the ship is stored as digital information. Because of this, the mass can simply be programmed to act like or become something else. This means that the mass of the gauss cannon bullets can be adjusted depending on how much mass is in reserve, or elements can be converted to other elements with some programming. This also means that the ship is lighter, but if need be, it may or may not be able to alter the density of its hull at the cost of its mass reserves. This might seem overpowered, but surely this tech would exist with how fast our technology is improving, right? At least the ship doesn't take advantage of quantum superposition, being in two places at once.

                              Edit: Oh, I see what you edited. Ok. Besides, Ethan even has a couple remarks about his ship.

                              "Yea, too bad I blew all my money on a nice ship."
                              "Nice things cost money."
                              Last edited by S121; 10-15-2014, 03:12 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                For me, after playing War Thunder which is a rare game that advocates some sort of realistic damage model with its vehicles, I look at that and go "I wonder how it would perform with some sort of battle damage?"

                                And having been blown up a few times in a tank having my ammo reserves shot, losing tail control on a bomber, and what have you... I start to check myself on that front thinking on worst case scenarios.

                                Anyway, on the topic of would the tech exist...
                                the answer is maybe.
                                I mean, I'm using the technology lull excuse to cover up for any shortcomings in Venturia and I would even use it for anything else. I don't know what exists out there but all I know is that everything has faults and if the theory of order and chaos, destruction and creation hold true for this reality, I would think there would be times when things sort of start over to a degree. I'm one to think that technology doesn't advance linearly. I think it takes a very winding road in the ultra long term.

