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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    I think you should go with the antimatter as kick-starter for the actual beam, but in the case of extreme measures, combine it with nuclear element. Think of it as a Kameha and a kamehameha x100. For the radiation issue, you can make the arm cannon with an element (lead if I'm right) to isolate the radiation from her body
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Fuck Arcane energy (Says the man who made Space Jesus With Guns)
      Explosions are cool but GaHDD is the only place where you're going to find people that aren't advanced enough to really have all that whacked out shit. Too much time researching omnipotence.
      The radiation bit is more agreeable, but for empowered humans like Phenom and Keegan, it's going to be useless.

      The first one would probably be best., long as it isnt deleting the universe.
      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


        sometimes it is best to not follow physic´s rules and just let the story telling flow
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          There's always "option E" as I affectionately call things that aren't listed. Have her salvage and modify a Gaia Energy weapon which is as close to saying arcane without saying arcane. Don't go into specifics about power source other than it uses "limited charge power cells if a charged Corlaviri Crystal is not available for 'moderated infinite' use." (Or any variation that says similar)
          An old BEHEMOTH Canon would serve as a base but because we're saying it's "modified" you can say whatever you wan't about this new creation while making a decent story about it to boot. Don't go into specifics on how Gaia energy weaponry functions and everything will be fine.


            (Not done yet. Almost there.)

            Emil Anastasius Warin

            Name: Emil Anastasius Warin

            Gender: Male


            Race: Formerly human. Now a Superhuman.

            Profession and/or Talents: Former Assassin/Mercenary. Now the most elite soldier employed by GRACE and Gabe's right hand man. Adept at hand-to-hand combat, expert marksman, survivalist, knows advanced first-aid, knows how to pilot ships, good at detective work and investigations,




            The armor is a suit made up of both highly advanced materials and metamaterials that allow the suit to survive a large array of attacks. The outer plates are made up of various nano-engineered alloys that are lighter than steel, yet many times stronger and harder. All the surfaces and components of the armor have been augmented with a highly advanced programmable matter that can alter its properties by directing it with a computer with electric pulses. Unlike many other materials of its kind, this one can change virtually any aspect of itself, allowing it to have any property that the situation demands.

            There is a layer beneath the armor shell that acts not only as a shock absorber/G-force negation/armor, but also as a powerful processor for the suit's computer by using it's own ability to change its properties. In addition to protecting the user and performing complex computations, the deeper layer also increases the wearer's strength immensely by adopting a piezoelectric effect, allowing the user to run faster, lift more, punch harder, and many other things. The armor also has an "anti-gravity" module, allowing the user to fly by altering the flow of gravity around them.

            Emil uses anything he can get his hands on, primarily whatever GRACE has in their armory.


            At the edge of the galaxy on a small lush planet lived a great war hero and his family. Brigadier General Randy Warin had over 100 successful missions under his belt, had been in countless battles but came out of all of them alive and victorious. His family lived in a small country town in the west. His wife Elena (eh lay nah) and his son Emil lived on a wine plantation.

            The money made by his father, and the money they got from selling wine made Emil's family rather wealthy. He could have easily lived a life of luxury, but at a young age the boy desired to follow in his father's foot steps. When he was only 6. Emil had gotten himself a job at the local ranch. Every day he fed the animals, dug holes carried large hey bails. He brew stronger each day and each day he gained more and more stamina. When he turned 8 his father insisted him in a military school Where Emil would learn many useful things. Such as how to properly load clean and fire a weapon. How to survive in the wilderness and fight.

            Emil quickly rose to the top of his class, even surpassing the teenagers and young adults in his school. Fighting was in his blood and he had a knack for combat the likes of which the academy had never seen. By the age of 10 Emil had graduated from the academy and left to train privately with his father. The two of them traveled for two years in which time Emil and his father had grown very close. The two of them were the best of friends, inseparable as they learned and taught one another

            When they finally returned after two years. Young Emil was welcomed into the military. A Privet first class. The highest rank a new recruit could have possibly obtained upon joining the army. His father and mother were proud, but no one was happier than Emil. After years of training, growing stronger and learning from nature. Emil had realized his dream. But it was a dream short lived. it was only a few months after Emil had joined the ranks of the military. He and his squadron had been sent out to investigate a mysterious disturbance that had appeared on the radar.

            A team of about twenty soldiers traveled out into the wilderness to search the jungle Emil and two other boys had gone off to scout the area for anything suspicious. High and low the Trio searched until they found a strange metal device which they had never seen before. A massive formation of metal out in the midst of the untamed jungle. The kind of which was only heard of in stories of science fiction. The trio had no idea what the heap of metal could be, but they assumed it to be some manner of ship, capable of traveling through space. They tried to report what they found back to HQ but to no avail. The single to their communications was jammed. They were lost to the rest of their team and their military. The trio desided to make their way back to the other men to report in. Afterwords their commanding officer would tell them what to do from there.

            Unfortunately however when they got back, The 17 men that had stayed behind were all slaughtered. Bodies ripped apart and horribly burned. It was impossible to tell exactly how many bodies were there, but it seemed impossible that any of the brave soldier could have survived. Shocked beyond belief, young Emil and his two companions made there way back home as quickly as possible. they needed to report what had happened. It took them about a day and a half of walking but eventually the three of them made it back. When they finally got there, their spirits were crushed. The military was in shambles, falling apart like it had been left to rot for hundreds of years. There wasn't' a sign of life anywhere.

            Horrified, Emil and the others walked the bloody path in search for... something, anything that would give them a clue as to what had happened. After hours of searching all they managed to find were a few purple scales, and the corpse of Randy Warin. Emil broke down into tears at the sight of his father's cold lifeless body. His legs and half of his right arm were missing and his face looked as though he was in great pain. Emil had little time to morn however as the beings responsible for this atrocity had found them. Four large purple aliens with purple scales all over their body creeped in the door to the warehouse, the sound of bones being crushed could be heard clearly with each step. The aliens were tall and had large claws and fangs. each of them has a tail bigger than Emil's body and at the tip of each tail were horrid spikes that could easily cut into rocks.

            Nothing needed to be said. Emil knew these fowl creatures were responsible for the blood bath and the death of so many loved ones. Emil and his two remaining comrades fought bravely to avenge their fallen brothers in arms. But the three of them were quickly defeated. The aliens were too strong, their scales absorbed the bullets like a sponge to water, leaving the three young heroes helpless to stop them. The three heroes laid broken and beaten on the ground, awaiting deaths cold hand to take them to the next world. The last thing Emil saw before blacking out from pain was the sight of a purple scaled foot growing ever closer.

            Emil awoke almost a week later in a strange location he had never seen before. He was wearing green clothes and was lying inside a small room surrounded by four stone walls. His body felt heavy as though he were deep under water, and it was hard to breath. He could barely stand up, but once he managed to sit up in his bed, he could see his two comrades still alive in the beds on the other side of the room. He was kept apart from his two comrades by two sets of iron bars and a small walkway. They appeared to be in some manner of prison. He only had a few short moments to take this all in before a purple scaled creature approached his cell and opened it.

            The beats was clearly the warden of the prison, or at least the head prison guard. He gave Emil a rather harsh welcome into what he called "our little family" in which the warden was the father. Emil tried to fight the purple devil, bu the gravity in this strange place was too great. Emil's punch had all the force of a child's and he was quickly put down by the scaled creature. Emil had been captured by the enemy and lived each day a slave to their will. The three heroes from earth were were forced to mine, clean, cut wood and perform all manners of exhausting physical labor for the aliens. The worst of which involved them being tied up by their wrists and used as human punching bags.

            These were darker than dark times in Emil's life. One of his two remaining comrades died after a brutal beating from one of the aliens which cause their heart to stop beating, the other's spirit had been broken. Any other man would have cracked under the pressure, gone insane maybe even tried to kill themselves, but not Emil. Emil worked every day, lifting heavy things, chopping wood mining hard stones and working out in whatever free time he was allowed. each day that passed made him stronger and stronger and each day he grew more accustomed to the increased gravity. He was able to push himself beyond human limits, and overcome gravity ten times stronger than it was on his home planet.

            Ten years passed, each day filling Emil's heart with hatred. thoughts of revenge weighed heavily on his mind. He would make them pay for what they did to him, to his father and his friends. He found out in a round about way that his planet, while technically not destroyed had been reduced to a waistband, void of any life. Emil trained hard each day as he waited, waited for the right moment. Finally on a dawn most faithful, Emil was brought before the executioner. He had served his purpose to the scaled beasts and now he was no longer useful. In heavy shackles the man was brought into the courtyard of the prison for all to see. A sick pleasure their race took in watching someone die. Emil looked completely different, changed by his time in the prison. His body was weathered and strong. He had scars all over his body and he had the eyes of a killer.

            A beat in a black hood stood before Emil, wielding the axe that was to be his undoing. On each side of Emil stood two trained soldiers, each holding one end of his shackles to keep him punned down and helpless. They made him kneel in front of his executioner, the blade of his ax raised high over his head as he prepared to end the human's life... CLANG!... The ax had been stopped by the very shackles around Emil's arm. In the time it had taken the executioner to swing his heavy blade down, Emil had used his strength to pull the two soldiers together, causing them to bump heads hard enough to knock one another out. Once the axe was deflected Emil quickly swung his arms forward, allowing the ax to cut through the chain that bound his hands together.

            Once his hands were free, Emil stood and quickly forced powerful strike into the gut of his executioner, breaking through his scales and digging into his very guts. With is free hand he took the ax from the executioner and claimed it as his own. At this point all of the prison guards in the area where arming themselves to fire at Emil, but in their panic they would fall. Emil grabbed hold of the executioner's spine from inside his belly and with one arm tossed him 15 feet in the air. The confusion caused all of the prison guards to shoot at the now airborne corps of the executioner instead of at Emil himself. He used this distraction to quickly arm himself with grenades the two knocked out soldiers had carried on their person, and quickly tossed four of them to all four corners of he courtyard.

            The following explosions killed everyone in the area and allowed Emil time to free himself from his shackles and flee. Many guards were alerted to the sound of the explosions and weer quickly called to action to stop him. but one by one all of them fell to Emil, who was slaughtering them with their own weapons. Eventually he managed to commandeer a small fighter ship from the prison. It was the very same one the two soldiers had come in. Without hesitation, Emil boarded the ship and killed everyone inside. He tossed the bodies out the back and took control of the ship. The fighter ship was the last any of the surviving creatures saw, as Emil unleaded 6 high explosive anti mater missiles upon the prison, sending the entire place to oblivion.

            He escaped the planet, but with nowhere to go and no home to speak of, all Emil could do was wonder through space and explore the many planets he came by. In time he grew a real reputation as a Mercenary. He became the deadliest of assassins, capable of doing what many thought to be impossible. It was this reputation that would eventually bring him and a man by the name of Gabe Hallman.

            After being employed by Gabe Hallman to kill his father, Gabe began to see Emil's effectiveness and continued to contract the assassin/mercenary for various missions and tasks, and eventually came to trust Emil. After GRACE took off as a prominent company, Hallman hired Emil to be his highest ranking soldier and his right hand man.

            Last edited by S121; 06-06-2015, 04:22 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              two people came to my mind while seeing the face image

              Rico from Just cause 2

              An old version of Sam from the Serious Sam games
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Well i think he's one in Emil-ion


                  Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                  "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                  Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                    Minor update and a challenge.
                    Ok so with the GAIA timeline as it is, I've reached Nexion System as it would be related to the revised order. Problem is that the events occurring during that section seem... Brief. It feels forced and not perfectly fitting. The reason they go there seems good but the way things play out don't seem to... Well... Capture the "mood" if you will. I feel like there should be more conspiracy and more "who's hiding what and why" flying around. I tried to introduce Starla, Nemesis and Mimi early there but that doesn't have to be right immediately there.

                    So the challenge is to suggest alternative scenarios that might be plausible involving the Floating City, Avonna, Selene Aetas, Starla, Nemesis, Mimi, Strix Squadron, Navarre, and maybe even brief mention of Aetheron. You have to work with primarily any and all information that is currently in the timeline.

                    Everything listed is in the timeline except for Selene...though I made a few detailed mentions in EGP.
                    And I have to double check if Aetheron is mentioned beyond just a name.

                    If a scenario can't be created from what is in the timeline then that means I have to work out an alternative order.


                      If you're talking about EG: P/P-I, there was my thought of having an evil Demonarc Umbra trying to take over a planet or some shit.
                      Last edited by Kilelicus; 06-07-2015, 01:07 AM.
                      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                        I still wish to meet an Umbra being
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Actually it's to figure out what happened in the past in order to decide if Avonna:
                          - is alive still somehow and is in Phoenix
                          - has a descendant who is in Phoenix

                          And i just remembered I have Materia yet to introduce to help add conspiracy...

                          Either way I'm trying to solidify the stuff for SoS to determine what exists still for Phoenix.


                            What if the Demonarc Umbra in my suggestion is somehow Avonna's descendant? If I understand how they work, when they sacrifice their identity, they become a Demonarc?
                            Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                            "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                            Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                              DONE! FINALLY! :'D

                              Emil Anastasius Warin

                              Name: Emil Anastasius Warin

                              Gender: Male


                              Race: Formerly human. Now a Superhuman.

                              Profession and/or Talents: Former Assassin/Mercenary. Now the most elite soldier employed by GRACE and Gabe's right hand man. Adept at hand-to-hand combat, expert marksman, survivalist, knows advanced first-aid, knows how to pilot ships, good at detective work and investigations,




                              The armor is a suit made up of both highly advanced materials and metamaterials that allow the suit to survive a large array of attacks. The outer plates are made up of various nano-engineered alloys that are lighter than steel, yet many times stronger and harder. All the surfaces and components of the armor have been augmented with a highly advanced programmable matter that can alter its properties by directing it with a computer with electric pulses. Unlike many other materials of its kind, this one can change virtually any aspect of itself, allowing it to have any property that the situation demands.

                              There is a layer beneath the armor shell that acts not only as a shock absorber/G-force negation/armor, but also as a powerful processor for the suit's computer by using it's own ability to change its properties. In addition to protecting the user and performing complex computations, the deeper layer also increases the wearer's strength immensely by adopting a piezoelectric effect, allowing the user to run faster, lift more, punch harder, and many other things. The armor also has an "anti-gravity" module, allowing the user to fly by altering the flow of gravity around them.

                              Emil uses anything he can get his hands on, primarily whatever GRACE has in their armory.

                              Personality: Emil is extremely battle-hardened and has seen the worst the universe can throw at him, leaving him fearless and unshakable. That, and he is rather unsympathetic towards others' problems, due to seeing so much of it. When on a mission, it takes priority over everything else, and sometimes it brings out the even worse side in him, sometimes causing collateral damage without a second thought and even taking enjoyment in it. When dealing with others, he can be rather cold and draconian. The only exception to his usual behavior is when he interacts with Lycores, to which he acts as a mentor of sorts.

                              At the edge of the galaxy on a small lush planet lived a great war hero and his family. Brigadier General Randy Warin had over 100 successful missions under his belt, had been in countless battles but came out of all of them alive and victorious. His family lived in a small country town in the west. His wife Elena (eh lay nah) and his son Emil lived on a wine plantation.

                              The money made by his father, and the money they got from selling wine made Emil's family rather wealthy. He could have easily lived a life of luxury, but at a young age the boy desired to follow in his father's foot steps. When he was only 6. Emil had gotten himself a job at the local ranch. Every day he fed the animals, dug holes carried large hey bails. He brew stronger each day and each day he gained more and more stamina. When he turned 8 his father insisted him in a military school Where Emil would learn many useful things. Such as how to properly load clean and fire a weapon. How to survive in the wilderness and fight.

                              Emil quickly rose to the top of his class, even surpassing the teenagers and young adults in his school. Fighting was in his blood and he had a knack for combat the likes of which the academy had never seen. By the age of 10 Emil had graduated from the academy and left to train privately with his father. The two of them traveled for two years in which time Emil and his father had grown very close. The two of them were the best of friends, inseparable as they learned and taught one another

                              When they finally returned after two years. Young Emil was welcomed into the military. A Privet first class. The highest rank a new recruit could have possibly obtained upon joining the army. His father and mother were proud, but no one was happier than Emil. After years of training, growing stronger and learning from nature. Emil had realized his dream. But it was a dream short lived. it was only a few months after Emil had joined the ranks of the military. He and his squadron had been sent out to investigate a mysterious disturbance that had appeared on the radar.

                              A team of about twenty soldiers traveled out into the wilderness to search the jungle Emil and two other boys had gone off to scout the area for anything suspicious. High and low the Trio searched until they found a strange metal device which they had never seen before. A massive formation of metal out in the midst of the untamed jungle. The kind of which was only heard of in stories of science fiction. The trio had no idea what the heap of metal could be, but they assumed it to be some manner of ship, capable of traveling through space. They tried to report what they found back to HQ but to no avail. The single to their communications was jammed. They were lost to the rest of their team and their military. The trio desided to make their way back to the other men to report in. Afterwords their commanding officer would tell them what to do from there.

                              Unfortunately however when they got back, The 17 men that had stayed behind were all slaughtered. Bodies ripped apart and horribly burned. It was impossible to tell exactly how many bodies were there, but it seemed impossible that any of the brave soldier could have survived. Shocked beyond belief, young Emil and his two companions made there way back home as quickly as possible. they needed to report what had happened. It took them about a day and a half of walking but eventually the three of them made it back. When they finally got there, their spirits were crushed. The military was in shambles, falling apart like it had been left to rot for hundreds of years. There wasn't' a sign of life anywhere.

                              Horrified, Emil and the others walked the bloody path in search for... something, anything that would give them a clue as to what had happened. After hours of searching all they managed to find were a few purple scales, and the corpse of Randy Warin. Emil broke down into tears at the sight of his father's cold lifeless body. His legs and half of his right arm were missing and his face looked as though he was in great pain. Emil had little time to morn however as the beings responsible for this atrocity had found them. Four large purple aliens with purple scales all over their body creeped in the door to the warehouse, the sound of bones being crushed could be heard clearly with each step. The aliens were tall and had large claws and fangs. each of them has a tail bigger than Emil's body and at the tip of each tail were horrid spikes that could easily cut into rocks.

                              Nothing needed to be said. Emil knew these fowl creatures were responsible for the blood bath and the death of so many loved ones. Emil and his two remaining comrades fought bravely to avenge their fallen brothers in arms. But the three of them were quickly defeated. The aliens were too strong, their scales absorbed the bullets like a sponge to water, leaving the three young heroes helpless to stop them. The three heroes laid broken and beaten on the ground, awaiting deaths cold hand to take them to the next world. The last thing Emil saw before blacking out from pain was the sight of a purple scaled foot growing ever closer.

                              Emil awoke almost a week later in a strange location he had never seen before. He was wearing green clothes and was lying inside a small room surrounded by four stone walls. His body felt heavy as though he were deep under water, and it was hard to breath. He could barely stand up, but once he managed to sit up in his bed, he could see his two comrades still alive in the beds on the other side of the room. He was kept apart from his two comrades by two sets of iron bars and a small walkway. They appeared to be in some manner of prison. He only had a few short moments to take this all in before a purple scaled creature approached his cell and opened it.

                              The beats was clearly the warden of the prison, or at least the head prison guard. He gave Emil a rather harsh welcome into what he called "our little family" in which the warden was the father. Emil tried to fight the purple devil, bu the gravity in this strange place was too great. Emil's punch had all the force of a child's and he was quickly put down by the scaled creature. Emil had been captured by the enemy and lived each day a slave to their will. The three heroes from earth were were forced to mine, clean, cut wood and perform all manners of exhausting physical labor for the aliens. The worst of which involved them being tied up by their wrists and used as human punching bags.

                              These were darker than dark times in Emil's life. One of his two remaining comrades died after a brutal beating from one of the aliens which cause their heart to stop beating, the other's spirit had been broken. Any other man would have cracked under the pressure, gone insane maybe even tried to kill themselves, but not Emil. Emil worked every day, lifting heavy things, chopping wood mining hard stones and working out in whatever free time he was allowed. each day that passed made him stronger and stronger and each day he grew more accustomed to the increased gravity. He was able to push himself beyond human limits, and overcome gravity ten times stronger than it was on his home planet.

                              Ten years passed, each day filling Emil's heart with hatred. thoughts of revenge weighed heavily on his mind. He would make them pay for what they did to him, to his father and his friends. He found out in a round about way that his planet, while technically not destroyed had been reduced to a waistband, void of any life. Emil trained hard each day as he waited, waited for the right moment. Finally on a dawn most faithful, Emil was brought before the executioner. He had served his purpose to the scaled beasts and now he was no longer useful. In heavy shackles the man was brought into the courtyard of the prison for all to see. A sick pleasure their race took in watching someone die. Emil looked completely different, changed by his time in the prison. His body was weathered and strong. He had scars all over his body and he had the eyes of a killer.

                              A beat in a black hood stood before Emil, wielding the axe that was to be his undoing. On each side of Emil stood two trained soldiers, each holding one end of his shackles to keep him punned down and helpless. They made him kneel in front of his executioner, the blade of his ax raised high over his head as he prepared to end the human's life... CLANG!... The ax had been stopped by the very shackles around Emil's arm. In the time it had taken the executioner to swing his heavy blade down, Emil had used his strength to pull the two soldiers together, causing them to bump heads hard enough to knock one another out. Once the axe was deflected Emil quickly swung his arms forward, allowing the ax to cut through the chain that bound his hands together.

                              Once his hands were free, Emil stood and quickly forced powerful strike into the gut of his executioner, breaking through his scales and digging into his very guts. With is free hand he took the ax from the executioner and claimed it as his own. At this point all of the prison guards in the area where arming themselves to fire at Emil, but in their panic they would fall. Emil grabbed hold of the executioner's spine from inside his belly and with one arm tossed him 15 feet in the air. The confusion caused all of the prison guards to shoot at the now airborne corps of the executioner instead of at Emil himself. He used this distraction to quickly arm himself with grenades the two knocked out soldiers had carried on their person, and quickly tossed four of them to all four corners of he courtyard.

                              The following explosions killed everyone in the area and allowed Emil time to free himself from his shackles and flee. Many guards were alerted to the sound of the explosions and weer quickly called to action to stop him. but one by one all of them fell to Emil, who was slaughtering them with their own weapons. Eventually he managed to commandeer a small fighter ship from the prison. It was the very same one the two soldiers had come in. Without hesitation, Emil boarded the ship and killed everyone inside. He tossed the bodies out the back and took control of the ship. The fighter ship was the last any of the surviving creatures saw, as Emil unleaded 6 high explosive anti mater missiles upon the prison, sending the entire place to oblivion.

                              He escaped the planet, but with nowhere to go and no home to speak of, all Emil could do was wonder through space and explore the many planets he came by. In time he grew a real reputation as a Mercenary. He became the deadliest of assassins, capable of doing what many thought to be impossible. It was this reputation that would eventually bring him and a man by the name of Gabe Hallman.

                              After being employed by Gabe Hallman to kill his father, Gabe began to see Emil's effectiveness and continued to contract the assassin/mercenary for various missions and tasks, and eventually came to trust Emil. After GRACE took off as a prominent company, Hallman hired Emil to be his highest ranking soldier and his right hand man.

                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                I think it looks good. Accepted.

                                Now I really need to make the app for Clara Oswald, the Doctor's current companion that was left trapped in the TARDIS while the TARDIS (purposefully) teleported the Doctor somewhere random in the galaxy.

