Hi there! Our forums are not currently accepting new account registrations. We primarily use our discord server these days so be sure to check it out to interact with the community!
Keep in mind Heaven is gating out of system in about an hour, Kristia. It sounded to me like your characters had left the Hangar? So if they're gonna go with, they better make sure to get back soon.
Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
"My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"
they are making some tests on the engine, think of it like a car in the garage and testing its capabilities, with the utter failure of something causing some smoke, nothing to worry about
Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..
Hey guys. Sorry I've been inactive for the past week. I had orchestra camp. Had some good times, some bad times, but overall it was a good trip. I mean yes, I got so upset just before the final concert that I actually ended up in tears (Real manly, dork!) -- shut up, I was going through stuff -- but afterwards I was so uplifted. I even won an award.
All the World's a Zerg Rush IC is now up. You may begin posting there. A few things to note...
- If you are starting in Gensokyo, your character should NOT know of the upcoming Zerg invasion.
- If you are starting in any other location, your character SHOULD know of the Zerg taking over the planet.
Eh Kristia, there might be a slight problem with your post. If we start out in Gensokyo, we aren't actually supposed to know about the Zerg invading Earth. ^^;
Also, finished editing my post in ATWAZR. I'll try to post for the other characters next time.
ALSO, I posted in ATWAG a couple days ago. Just waiting on Wonder now.