You ave no idea. Let's see how much of what I now post you actually know what means.
Alright, let's start.
Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Rhetoric, Semiotics, Connotations, Denotations, some words I can't find the english translation to, AIDAS, DAGMAR, Target market, lots of different models of how media affect us like Diffusion of innovations, opinion leadership and Cultivation theory and many more, the rules of ads in Norway, and some more things that I can't remember at this moment.
You ave no idea. Let's see how much of what I now post you actually know what means.
Alright, let's start.
Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Rhetoric, Semiotics, Connotations, Denotations, some words I can't find the english translation to, AIDAS, DAGMAR, Target market, lots of different models of how media affect us like Diffusion of innovations, opinion leadership and Cultivation theory and many more, the rules of ads in Norway, and some more things that I can't remember at this moment.