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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Streets of London - London

    "Ran? The Demon General AKA The Demon King as he calls himself? He is the leader of the demons in our world at the current time. There is nothing much we can say about him as we haven't met him personally. However one thing we can say is that he is known to reside in an ancient temple somewhere in Hamel, protected by the demons that attacked the beautiful city. Everything went to shit when his demon army attacked. You know you Spartan's? Well in Hamel they have people called "Guardians." They are like Hamel's Spartan's. All trained to their physical, and mental extremes. They have some of the strongest and most advanced armor and weaponry aside from the Nasod's, along with the skill to wield such weaponry. From what I last heard the leader of the Guardians, and the king of Hamel had fallen to the demons due to the sheer numbers the demons possess. Hell the war is still going on today. The only reason why they are at a stalemate is because the Velder Knights are helping the Hamel Guardians. Unfortunately they have been in the biggest stalemate. As such neither side is attacking until the other makes the first move. Fortunately that hasn't happened yet, and Hamel is still in tact." Aisha replied as she and Eve stopped as they heard the voice of a little kid talking to something nearby.

    As such they both turned to the direction of the voice, and saw a kid dressed in purple with what looked to be a giant mechanical doll of some sort.

    "Uh... who's the kid?"


      Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

      The Ninjas did not heed her threats, and almost immediately began to cut open the net to escape. Once they did the three ninjas quickly landed on the ground, and grabbed Bang. Once they did the 3 of them ran over to the hole and looked down at it.

      The Ninja in Green, Midori stepped forth.
      "I apologize madam, but we as the loyal followers of Bang Shishigami do not attest to him being forced to live and work for the people of the Myouren Temple!"

      "Yeah! The Myouren Temple is a holy place! Those of any temple should not forcibly make others their slave!"

      "We will protect our master at all cost!"

      [B]For we are defend justice! We help those in need, and we all try our hardest to-" They were saying as suddenly the paralysis poison inside Bang's body began to subside, and Bang began to come back to his senses... in a rather angry way...

      "GraaaaaAAAGH!!!" WHAT KIND OF MANNER IS THIS!?" Bang yelled, catching the three ninjas off guard, and in turn dropping Bang onto the ground. Bang quickly hopped onto his feet after he was dropped, and he looked at the three ninjas, then the hole in the ground.

      "What!? You three? What is the woman with the multi-colored eyes doing in a hole? And why does her leg look injured!? Tell me were you the ones that broke into the temple, and drugged me? You three better have a good explanation for this!"

      "Uh... Yes Boss, but it was for good reason! You see we saw that you were being forced to work at that temple! As their slave. So we saved you! Was that not what you wanted?" Midori spoke as Bang sighed.

      "No it was not. Now before I explain to you what happened, and think of a proper punishment for the three of you. Until then help the young girl you injured, and meet me back at the Temple. I am sure Lady Byakuren would like to hear your story, and what you did as well." Bang said as he walked off in disappointment.

      The three ninjas lowered their heads and bowed politely as they all looked at Kogasa.

      "We're terribly sorry ma'am..." They muttered as they then reached their hands down into the hole to help Kogasa out.


        Main lobby - Bank of America - Manhattan

        The robbers didnīt hesitate at their firing, and Gaige was rather happy for it. They didnīt care for what the bullets would hit and that gave the engineer the chance to feel the adrenaline she had in Pandora "Is that seriously all you got? the midgets on three horn valley were more lethal than you" she taunted the robbers wiith a huge smirk

        One of the shooters decided to go from her right side and prepared to fire, yet he was met by a wrench on his face. The mechromancer sighed as she fired, not to the robbers directly, just to areas that would hurt or incapacitate them. She changed to her rifle and crashed its bayonet on a shooterīs firing arm.

        Gaige, aside from not killing any robber, was on a streak, she could feel the stacks of anarchy building up, her smile was becoming kind of wicked when she mumbled "It's a start..."

        DT on the other hand was ready as the gingerīs metal arm made a small beep, she didnīt hesitate on summoning him. The robotic golem floated and gazed menacingly at its target, but was stopped by his creator "DT, I need you to go and help the blue haired woman from recently, she went to the vault room" Gaige ordered and the robot just flew towards the vault
        Last edited by Kristia; 06-03-2014, 12:46 AM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          London Streets

          After complaining about bordom, Alkaid finishes her coffee and the piece of cake that came with it. She paid for the drink and cake and went for a walk. "What to do what to do?" She asks herself as she walks with her hands behind her head. After walking for a bit, she heard a couple of female voices so she peeked around a corner and spotted a purple hair and a white hair girl talking and a guy talking with them. "They look like Characters, judging from their looks." She said to herself. She just remembered something. "Hold on, isn't there a lab here in London that's full of Characters? Prome..... something Labs I think." She asks herslef with her right hand on her chin.
          Last edited by Zekai; 06-02-2014, 09:20 PM.
          "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


            Forest near Myouren Temple

            "Don't bother. I could fly." Kogasa frowned as she flew out of the hole, albeit a little wobblily. Her flight mechanism generally needed her limbs to work as well. She landed on the ground, moaned in pain, then glanced back at the ninjas with pure contempt as she sheathed her sword. "Come on! I wanna get this over with so I can go to sleep!"


              Henir's Time and Space

              Jack kept jumping faster and faster, but not fast enough to completely outrun Meta-Ridley as he was slowly inched closer.

              Come on, Nera, attack him. This is your chance, he thought to himself.

              Prometheus Labs

              Volgin simply stared at the floating device as he got up.

              "... What an age we've come to..."

              He looked at his hand. He clenched it, but noticed there were no jolts coming out.

              "Well, it s done its works. I've lost quite an amount of electricity. I bet if I hadn't had as much, I would've easily died. ThT device was meant to kill. Just as the microbomb eliminated the Cobras after defeat... Nevermind that. Is that it?"


                Henir's Time and Space

                Nera was seeing everything from the upper branches pf the tree, meta ridley was getting closer to Jack, which was what the lucario needed

                The pterodactyl was extremely close to the time traveler when the jackal took a step forward and fell towards the place the chase would cross

                Bone javelin prepared, Nera went at terminal speed as her weapon impaled meta ridley's back
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  ((Goddammit I really should have informed you Kristia that I was just about to post for a reaction to Jack, but now I kind of have to change my post because your post kind of conflicts with what I was going to post =-= I really am an idiot for not warning you.))
                  Henir's Time and Space

                  Meta-Ridley continued to fly towards Jack, claws outstretched it quickly grabbed Jack and began to fly up into the air in an attempt to smash Jack onto the ground. As he began to fly up, Nera landed on his back at a high speed, impaling Meta Ridley right in the spine. The attack would have normally paralyzed any other creature, but due to Meta-Ridley's cyborg body was able to sustain it. Meta-Ridley roared in pain as it dropped Jack, it began to try and grab Nera off his back as his flight pattern became erratic. The Mechanical dragon's energy membrane between each metal spine on his wings began to fizzle out, causing the dragon to slowly descend to the ground all the while it continued to try and grab Nera off his back.


                    Henir's Time and Space

                    The mechanized pterodactyl was in a rage, but the jackal was smirking "Now I see why the bounty hunter had that smile when she told us about you. You donīt give up" she spoke ducking from a claw. Her bone javeling twisting in Meta-Ridleyīs back.

                    The lucario noticed that the wings were flickering from time to time and that they were slowly descending "Time to hop off this ride") she thought giving one last twist on the javelin to take it off the back and jumped away from her enemy. She was falling towards the tree and used the bone javeling to hold on the bark of the giant tree
                    Last edited by Kristia; 06-03-2014, 02:16 PM.
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                      Kogasa and Bang arrived back to the tranquil temple, with the three ninjas, Gosai, Kiiro and Midori, parctically apprehended in fear of their master, following quite behind the two. The trip back took a little longer, due to Kogasa's limping.

                      At the temple, several of the members were out cleaning whatever mess was made. Byakuren was the first to notice Kogasa and Bang's return.

                      "Welcome back." Byakuren addressed, and the other Youkais looked up from whatever cleaning they were doing. Unzan returned to Ichirin and, noticing the three strangers, flexed his cloud muscles intimidatingly. Murasa kept her anchor at bay. Shou twirled around her spear like a baton.

                      "These three idiots kidnapped our guest, spouting some nonsense like slave or boss or whatever." Kogasa muttered as she limped away. "I have absolutely no idea. But I'm probably gonna need an ice pack."

                      "Oh, of course. Shou, will you go grab them for Kogasa?" Byakuren asked, and Shou obliged, lending Kogasa her shoulders as the two disappeared into the temple. "Now... is there anything you three have to say?"


                        Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                        As they all made it back to the temple Bang stood there defiantly beside Byakuren.

                        "I apologize Lady Byakuren, and the fellow residents of this temple. You see these three that stand before you are my men. Remnants of the Ikaruga village, our hometown. I am also curious as to what they have to say themselves." Bang said as he turned to the three ninjas who quickly bowed to the residents of the temple in fear.

                        "We three apologize greatly for our stunt. You see we thought our boss was being held captive!"

                        "Yes! So we decided to rescue him! We set up traps all over the forest before we broke in and rescued or Boss!"

                        "We didn't know that he was staying here of his own free will! If we didn't we would have asked kindly about his business here!"

                        "WE APOLOGIZE MA'AM!" The three yelled as Bang stood there, he looked like he was contemplating about their words...


                          Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                          "I cannot tell you how shocked I was when I saw the smoke go off in one of the rooms." Byakuren scolded the three lightly. "But all is well. I can forgive you three."

                          "You sure, Byakuren?" Ichirin asked beside Byakuren.

                          "I am sure. They were only concerned about their superior, much like how you have been concerned about me when I was sealed." Byakuren smiled at the three. She turned to Bang. "You're not hurt anywhere, are you?"


                            Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                            The three ninjas were shocked by Byakuren's forgiveness, yet they were also thankful.
                            "Oh thank you ma'am! We will be sure to never do it again!" They said as they bowed once more before standing up.

                            Bang however continued to look as though he was contemplating about something, however his focused was interrupted as he turned to Byakuren. "Oh no Lady Byakuren, I am not injured. All they did was inject me with a paralysis poison that numbed, and paralyzed my entire body. Though my muscles are a little stiff, it's nothing that some simple stretches won't fix. However I am worried about them, I feel as though they do deserve some sort of punishment for what they did... Oh I got it! For today and tomorrow why don't they assist you with any errands Lady Byakuren? They can help you and the others clean this temple to make it shine like a bright star in the night sky! It is not too severe, but since they did cause the mess they should be responsible and clean up any messes they left behind. How does that sound?" Bang said as he looked back at Midori, Kiiro, and Gosai.

                            The three ninja brothers looked at their master Bang Shishigami and Byakuren... a bit nervous of what Byakuren will say next.


                              Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                              Byakuren gave a few seconds of thought, looked back at Ichirin and Murasa, and said: "I suppose it's only fair."

                              "But I only need one person errand tomorrow; my workload is quite light... instead why don't I assign them to help my Youkai disciples?"

                              "You can't be serious..." Murasa rolled her eyes. Ichirin however looked a little delighted.


                                Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                                "Very well Miss Byakuren." Bang said as he turned to his three Ninja Subordinates. As he did they all stood up, and alert like they were ready for orders.

                                "Now as your punishment you three... You heard Miss Byakuren. Starting tomorrow you will be assisting the fellow residents of this Temple. Now since it is night, I advise you to follow me. I suppose you will be sharing the same room as I." Bang said as he turned to enter the Temple. The three ninjas then bowed as they all spoke simultanouesly. "Yes sir! We will be honored to assist you all!" They exclaimed as they began to follow Bang into the temple...

