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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Fiendish City

    The Tortodrone's fiery eyes faded to black, and the crystal's energy dimmed. It's body fell to the ground, causing it to shake.

    "Hmph." HP commented. "Well, you killed it. See if you can get some shell pieces. Might be able to do something with 'em."

    Santa Cruz

    "Alrighty then." Koishi then took flight, and sped off towards the source with great haste. Another group of the bat-like creatures came in her way. From Koishi's sleeves came a tentacle-like appendage, with a somewhat heart-shaped end. It flew out, hitting and impaling through one. Koishi then flicked her wrist, sending the tentacle crashing through the others, making them plummet to the ground.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Streets of London - London

      As Aisha called Ada nothing more than a mechanical doll, Ada quickly responded with a quick sucker-punch to Aisha's stomach. This caught Carl off guard as he was just about to reply to Jack.

      "Sister that was uncalled for!" Carl said as he heard Eve explain her scans. This anger Carl as he seemed to snap back at her.

      "Shut up! She's not a doll! She is my sister and she is a normal human being like you and me! So just shut up!" Carl yelled angrily in reply. As he did Nirvana AKA Ada had wrapped her arm around Carl, emotionless but still defensive. She then turned back to Eve, Jack, and even Aisha. If Ada was capable of showing emotions she would be staring angrily at them all.


        Streets of London - London

        Aisha after being struck in the stomach by Ada quickly reeled back in pain as she fell to her knees. The attack really winded her big time.

        "Ow... okay... that hurt..." Aisha said as she stood back up, holding her stomach from the pain Aisha staggered her way to Jack and Eve.

        Santa Cruz - California | Night

        Shadow continued to run until he stopped in the road near Isaac. The black hedgehog seemed to look out of breath, and even a bit tired. If one were to notice the gold rings that were previously around his wrist were no longer there. Shadow was also emitting a large amount of Chaos Energy as he rested stopped there on the ground below Isaac.


          Betwixt and Between

          John gritted his teeth as he readjusted the shield strength on the bottoms of his feet and slid to a stop. As soon as John was about to attack, Dark John, Mara called out to him and instructed him to attack when the time was right. Normally John would have chastised Mara for calling out attack plans, but John was sure that Dark John already knew the group's possible strategies anyway. If Dark John was as smart as John was, then he would have been able to figure out their plans from the very start. John could tell that it would be tricky to fight him, and he wanted to know why Dark John was here, so to serve as both a secondary distraction and to gather information, John spoke to his dark counterpart.

          "It's been a while. Why do you show up now?... Are you here to wish me a merry Christmas?", John calmly quipped to Dark John as he pulled out both of his Energy Swords and activated them, causing them to hiss as their blades ignited.

          Unlike the last time Dark John had encountered John, John seemed to act differently from how he did before. Instead of the cold, serious, almost troubled presence he used to have, he was instead calm, focused, and even showed an almost playful side when he addressed Dark John.

          Fiendish City

          Takoizu simply sighed as her shields finally broke from their Armorlocked state, and pulled the blade out from the Tortodrome's head, sticking it back onto the magnetic holster on her back as her HUD beeped and flashed red. The battle wasn't truly difficult, but it had taken longer than she had expected.

          "Distractions, distractions...", Takoizu muttered to herself as she did as she was told.

          "Ok HP, I'll grab them. I suppose they could come in handy later.", Takoizu said to The Higher Power, right before slamming her fingers straight into the plates on the Tortodrome's armor.

          All of a sudden, in one quick motion, Takoizu jerked her arm to the side as fast and as hard as she could, ripping one of the armor plates straight off of the Tortodrome's body. Soon after ripping the first plate off, Takoizu quickly followed up with the others, ripping each undamaged portion off with her hands.

          Streets - Santa Cruz - California | Night

          Right as soon as Isaac saw Shadow stop, Isaac jumped off of the building and hovered a couple feet off of the ground as he fell. Once Isaac was close enough to Shadow, he fully landed and spoke.

          "Hey, you alright? What happened?", Isaac asked Shadow as he opened fire on some of the bats near Koishi, aiming for their wings with machine-like precision.

          Streets of London - London

          Right as soon as Ada harmed Aisha, Jack had pulled out his M6D-MX Magnum Pistol and had it aimed straight for Ada's head. It was clear that Jack was the kind of person that tolerated very little.

          "You'd better keep your "sister" on a tight leash, or I'll do it for you. If she has another outburst, I'll put one in her eye.", Jack said to Carl in a cold, harsh tone.

          "If she's normal like you say, then I would expect her to show even the most rudimentary, basic understanding of self control.", Jack finally added, taking his finger off of the pistol's trigger and letting it rest along the side of the gun as he spoke.
          Last edited by S121; 11-29-2014, 02:49 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Streets - Santa Cruz - California | Night

            Shadow looked up at Isaac with a pretty angered, and even frustrated look on his face.

            "I'm... fine! These goddamn undead creatures... There are too many of them!" Shadow yelled as he stood up. The angered look turned to one of a pure scowl. "If I had all seven then I would destroy every single one of these things! But all I have is a single one..." Shadow said as the chaos energy he was emitting was beginning to become much more intense, along with his breathing. He then took out the Chaos Emerald in his possession and clasped it tightly in his hand. I'll just blow everything into oblivion if I have to!" He yelled as he took off running at a high speed. With his Gold Ring Power Inhibitors off, and the power of the Chaos Emerald he had he plans on using every single bit of energy to destroy every single undead... and potentially more than just that...

            Streets of London - London

            After Aisha got back to Jack's side she rubbed her stomach, feeling the pain slowly fading she stood up a bit straighter, glaring at the doll. She looked like she was examining it. "Odd I could have swore I felt something there..." Aisha muttered to herself in a barely audible tone, because when she was attacked she literally felt like she could sense... something odd coming from a doll... like a... a bit of humanity. Aisha however just shrugged it off.

            "Jack I'll just have Angkor absorb that Dark El puddle. You can then take Angkor and dissect him if you want." She said as Angkor appeared behind.

            "Wait what did you say Miss Aisha!?"

            "Oh you'll be fine... I've dissected you plenty of times before to further my studies of Dark El, and you easily recovered afterwards..."

            "But... I... oh fine..." Angkor said as he flew over to the puddle. Stopping for a moment to look at Carl and Ada before it began to consume the Dark El puddle.


              Shining Needle Castle - Gensokyo

              "Dammit I should've done this sooner." Shinmyomaru grumbled as the weight has been lifted from her. She seemed fine, as the jelly wall was malleable enough to give her space to back off into. She began swinging her mallet around and around until she grew in size, until she reached the size similar to Sonic's.

              "Good. Now I won't get crushed while trying to give you a tour." Shinmyomaru sighed and began flying again. "Come on, let's go to the Neon Room!"

              Manhattan - New York

              "Nice to meet you, Gaige. I'm Sana." I introduced myself, but I felt dizzy, so I took a seat. Down below the crowd was still trying to make sense of what happened.

              "Aye, you can call me Demoman." I turned to find a dark-skinned man with blue outfit and a Scottish accent. From what I saw, he was the man that saved the red-clad soldier man from falling to his death. "That old bozo calls himself the Soldier."

              The Soldier... so my description already matched his name. I chuckled a little bit until Gaige came with an interesting observation. I gave it a few minute of thought: it was odd that the man kidnapped me instead of killing me. It seemed he obviously detest America, so he won't take anyone hostage... why? "I think that is odd too. What could it be that makes them pull this elaborate ruse to obtain?"

              Kawashiro Backyard - Kappa Village - Gensokyo

              As Mitori started the engine, she saw Tails out of breath. The engine began with a huge roar and fumes of black smoke that made Mitori cough, but the vehicle was running smoothly.

              "Tell me where your plane is and I'll go scoop it up for you." Mitori said as the roar of the machine forced her to begin shouting. "You lie down here and rest! I'll be fine on my own!"

              Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

              As the metallic assailant left, the flash of light was also accompanied with a sudden gust of wind. When the light cleared out, the damage could be calculated. Byakuren stood at an impact zone, blood covering where her ragged clothes didn't. Bang also stood nearby, left topless because of his ultimate attack. Murasa was bleeding off to the side because of a stray bolt.


                Manhattan - New York

                Gaige sat on a piece of rubbish and took out a screwdriver from her belt, she started opening the main cover of her mechanical arm and saw where the blade damaged the circuits "Just some cables got cut, nothing that can´t be repaired" she said to herself already working on it with her human arm

                She then heard the question from Sana "I can only thing on one thing, our abilities as game characters, surely they knew you had great powers, but couldn´t use them for some reason, probably having a gun at your head or something." the ginger guessed and continued

                "Some people think we are too dangerous because we could destroy massive things with the flick of a hand. Take for example that war with these alien dudes some months ago, there were some characters fighting the ivaders and boy they were powerful. The media hide it from the public eye but no computer can´t hide from me" she grinned looking for a second to the arm and flinched when it jerked by the sudden charge and went limp again
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Betwixt and Between

                  After the ball was hit, it was pushed back towards Dark John, but after a short second, it came back again with slightly increased speed. At the same time, Dark John decided to answer John's question. "Wish you a merry Christmas, noo, not at all. I was chosen to go here because apparently, there was someone in one of the places where the Nobodies used to stay, and they wouldn't go away no matter what. It was then my job to go on a little pest control, and guess what I find, our favorite team of charcters. We didn't expect to meet you so soon, but in my opinion, the sooner the better" he said, while forming a X in the air. After a bit, the X appeared as something actually floating in the air. Dark John then pressed it in, before continuing to shoot small dark orbs aimed at the group.
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Betwixt and Between

                    "Agreed...", John said to Dark John before seeing the ball of Darkness fly after Mara again.

                    From what John could tell, Dark John might have been the reason that the ball of Darkness kept homing in on Mara. Based on the evidence so far, he would have to try and break Dark John's concentration before the ball would dissipate. Just then, as John was about to act, he noticed that Dark John was tracing a small "X" in the air, and before too long, a "X" appeared in the air. John had little clue of what Dark John was doing, but he knew that it was dangerous. Right before John could figure out what that strange "X" was, Dark John fired off a barrage of Darkness orbs, each one aimed to hit the group.

                    Reacting quickly, John fired off a barrage of Light, each orb aimed at the Darkness. As soon as the Light impacted the Darkness, each orb exploded in a grey shockwave of energy. The explosions were not too violent, but they were powerful enough to make anyone wary. Right after firing of his Light magic, John followed up with a stomp to the ground, causing Darkness to seep from around John like tar. as the tar-like Darkness bubbled, it seemed to pulsate, as if it were alive, and right as the Darkness reached this phase, John sprang his hands forward. Without ant warning, seven tendrils of Darkness erupted from around John and sprang at his Dark counterpart, each one flying toward him with the force of a speeding car.

                    Streets - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                    AS Shadow's anger built in front of Isaac, Isaac's apprehension grew more and more, finally reaching its climax when shadow threatened to blow up everything. Isaac knew that if he let Shadow go, then he would possibly kill more than just the undead. He needed to act, and he needed to do so before Shadow had the chance to go on his rampage. Right as Shodow began to run, Isaac shot his hand towards Shadow and activated his Kinesis Module, holding shadow in the air.

                    "Oh no! You need to calm down first. I'm not going to let you go off when you're this pissed. You'll end up doing more damage than the undead themselves.", Isaac sternly said to Shadow, still holding him in the air as he spoke.
                    Last edited by S121; 06-14-2014, 05:11 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Betwixt and Between

                      Mara prepared for the oncoming energy sphere back to him, her tiredness was mote obvious as she was panting, yet she was excited. The moment she slapped the sphere, her claws got some cracks but held on.

                      "Come on dark spartan, give me everything you got" the froslass spoke between breaths as she looked at dark John with fierce

                      (sorry if its short, but i just got home)
                      Last edited by Kristia; 06-14-2014, 06:54 PM.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Betwixt and Between

                        Just as the tendrils were about to ht Dark, John, he simply disappeared, and reappeared behind John, dealing a heavy blow as John was not yet aware of his location. He then disappeared, and reappeared behind the sled, taking cover there.

                        Dark John could easily see that Mara was panting, and it seemed like he was enjoying it. Soon, this entire thing would be over, he just had to wait a little bit more. As Mara stroke the sphere, it was pushed away again with more speed and was headed towards dark John. This time it seemed like as if it would hit him before it could turn around. Instead, Dark John pointed his gun at the sphere and fired many rapid shoots at it, pushing it towards Mara again, and giving it roughly double to triple the speed it had before.
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          Betwixt and Between

                          John stumbled from the blow, but held his ground. He was surprised that Dark John was able to simply disappear, but it wouldn't matter anyway. John was wasting time here and needed to get back home. This entire day had been exhausting, and Dark John was simply complicating things. It was time to end this before Dark John could hurt or kill anyone. It was time to delve a little bit deeper into Darkness. John knew that it was somewhat risky, but as long as he was mindful of the changes within him, he would be fine, or at least he hoped so.

                          Just then, John took a deep breath, and charged up his Darkness magic while his shields charged back up. After a couple of seconds, Darkness began to seep from John's armor, slowly sticking to the green plating and black undersuit as the seconds ticked by. After only five seconds, John's armor was obsidian black with a ruby colored visor. Not only that, his armor was surrounded by a faint aura of Darkness that smoked and darkened the area around him. John's armor was now imbued with Darkness, allowing him to channel hid Darkness with more efficiency, as well as allowing him greater control over his armor.

                          Right after the transformation was complete, John charged up even more Darkness, this time faster than before. All of a sudden, many razor-sharp spikes erupted from his Darkness armor, enveloping him in a protective layer of spines. Right after that, John placed his hands onto the ground and channeled his Darkness into the ground, causing 15 puddles of Darkness to form around the area. It didn't matter whether or not Dark John hid. There was no way he was getting away from John this time. Just then, a bunch of turrets began to erupt from the puddles, each one looking more like a lawn sprinkler than a defense system, that was until the three-pronged heads of the turrets began to spin. As the three-pronged turret heads spun, various orbs of Darkness flew out from the prongs, covering the area in a thick field of Darkness orbs. As the prongs launched the wandering Darkness orbs, the center of the heads fired out homing orbs made up of Darkness, each one targeting Dark John. These homing orbs were fast enough for a SPARTAN-II to dodge, but if Dark John got too distracted, then he would be pelted by Darkness strong enough to rival grenade explosions.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Betwixt and Between

                            Mara grinned when the attack was extremely powerful "John, please enjoy killing this guy, I'll rest for a bit" she spoke calmly as she opened her arms. She just closed her eyes

                            The froslass was in peace and ready for the blast and spoke her fourth attack "Destiny Bond" she said as the sphere hit her. Mara gasped at the pain and could barely hold her body as she did everything in her soul to not scream

                            Destiny Bond's effect would make the attacker fall with the one who used this attack. After the explosion disappeared, only the ghost pokemon floated, her body was covered in injuries, the sash wad torn and barely held its place and the mask was cracked "I.. hope you.. rot in.. nothingness.." she said still smiling falling to the ground unconscious

                            Dark John would suffer the same fate as Mara or atleast be extremely injured and weakened
                            Last edited by Kristia; 06-15-2014, 05:15 AM.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Fiendish City

                              After the plates were removed from the Tortodrone, it seemingly faded away into nothingness and the gate to the elevator opened.

                              "We close in on our goal and our challenge." HP said, stepping on the elevator. "Are you ready?"

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Betwixt and Between

                                This was something Dark John hadn't exactly accounted for, not at all. It seemed like his opponent had planned to take him with her, and he had no way out of it. After the explosion occurred, he laid on the ground, trying to get up. "That was a pretty good idea. There was something you didn't account for tough. I called for support" Dark John said, with a slight grim on his face, altough you couldn't see it because of the helmet. "Curaza!!" a voice said from the distance, and with that Dark John was pretty much on his feet again. He then saw that John had begun to embrace his darkness. "That's what I'm talking about. Maybe you aren't such a coward after all. Let's just see how you use it" Dark John said, before disappearing from his current location, and reappearing a bit further away. He then looked around the field, examining a few key points that seemed like no importance at all. "Sorry John, looks like you loose this round" he said, as he at the same time dodged everything there was to dodge.

                                Just then, John got swarmed with blue energy shards traveling extremely fast from all sides. At the same time, Saïx and Riku Replica appeared at each side of John, and began slashing away. Terranort could be seen a bit further away, firing the Ultima cannon several times. Each time it fired, a big sphere like the one Mara had been hit with was released. At the other side of the field was Aquanort. She was the one that had cast Curaza on Dark John, in addition to also firing a barage of magic attacks at John. Dark John waited a bit, before saying. "Don't worry, we're only about half of the organization at the moment. The rest will come shortly."
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

