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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Morice jumped at Megumi's sudden movement. He then realized the fire he acted quickly and moved back a little as he pressed a button. He tried to analyze the nature of the fire on Megumi's eye, but got nothing.

    "What's wrong with your eye?!" He yelled with an astonished and somewhat worried look.


      Nevaaras-In orbit

      KuroiKaze maintained its orbit around the planet. Nhiome examined the scene sent from the external cameras, hesitating. Eorthe's voice broke into his thoughts, "why are we stopping here? Weren't we going to find another way to power this ship other than myself?" Nhiome turned his attention to the inside of the ship, after a brief silence, he projected his image onto one of the screens and his voice filtered through the speakers. "First of all, when we get down there, you need to keep your hatred of humans in check for a while, otherwise finding a power source is going to be more difficult...maybe even impossible considering the new circumstances..." Eorthe looked up curious and impatient, waiting for Nhiome to get to the point, he projected more images onto the screens. "These are lie feeds from the external camera showing the current planet...the problem is different. The planet is very different from the one I remember. For the difference to be noticeable even from orbit, it is not some small matter. But it shouldn't have changed so much already, the last time I visited here was only a year ago. So we need to be careful, all my prior knowledge is probably useless, I'm going to land us outside the nearest settlement I find, please don't start killing everybody in sight immediately. We need to understand the situation first."

      Eorthe stepped out of the now dormant ship. This time she let the door swing close, confident in her ability to open the door with her own powers this time. In her hand, she clutched a small metal box. Nhiome had asked her to dig this out from the ship's storage, and link it to the ship's systems. After a while, the box had split into half, one hovering above the other, a hologram was projected between the two halves, showing Nhiome. Nhiome's voice came from the speakers in both halves, he had explained to her that this way he could leave the ship, he was able to control when he wanted to appear from the box, but he needed her to constantly provide some power as the aurora crystal in the small piece of tech had also been exhausted. Before closing down into the small box again, he ended with, "Let me do the talking, knowing how you act, you could accidentally cause problems."

      Eorthe walked towards the colony. She had agreed to Nhiome's request, more like a demand, allowing a small stream of energy to flow to the box. She found him slightly rude, but then again both of them had been separated from society for so long that it was no wonder. She did not mind, she was equally rude to him anyway, and the drain on her strength was negligible compared to powering the ship, her strength was slowly returning, albeit slower than if she had not been powering the small box.

      Now lets see what kind of situation has even this AI worried...
      How many times can you die a day~?
      How many times have you died a day~?


        Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
        Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

        "Reaper? Odd name.", Cortana said to John, to which John simply gave Cortana a light shrug of his shoulders.

        To be honest, John didn't really care too much about Reaper's name. It didn't seem to care about the name either, using it simply to give others a name to call it by. After a moment, Cortana spoke to John again.

        "I can't quite get a read on it. I can't tell if it's machine, or organic, almost as if it's both. I think it's both.", Cortana said to John in a slightly confused tone.

        Crash Site - Nevaaras

        Ethan didn't quite understand what Grey was getting at, but after a split second, he realized what he had said. At that very moment, Ethan turned around and looked at Grey.

        "Are you telling me that this galaxy is going to be wiped out with us in it?", Ethan asked Grey in a serious tone.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Isle of Spirits

          The Reaper stepped closer, it's gaze looking straight at Aurora.

          "You." The Reaper said. "I remember you. The AI."

          The Reaper stepped even closer. "Pointlessly happy, however."

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Crash Site - Nevaaras

            Grey had a look of deep thought for a moment before slowly speaking again. " will be more like a...cleansing if you will. Purge it so that it can be rebuilt to the way it was. There's no real method that I can see, but I know that something will happen." He looked to the crystal orb before coming to a decision on what he should do next. "I should go back. Find the leader of the colony... There are things I must discuss. Of course it won't be easy. Other parts of the Galaxy might have already been colonized... Nevertheless...There is work to be done." He then turned and began to head out.

            Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

            Aurora tilted her head. "AI. I'm not- AAAAAn AAaaAAaAAaaaaAAIIIIIIIIIII......................" She flickered briefly.
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 03-15-2014, 10:42 PM.


              Sanctuary of Light

              THe Reaper seemed disinterested in the flickering, not even caring. "So you say, though, it does not matter."

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                ((Sorry but I cannot think of a post for Eve and Hajime, so right now they are just tagging along, listening to the conversation until someone DIRECTLY replies to them.))
                Crash Site - Nevaaras

                The soldiers who were with Grey and the others had listened in on the conversation. As Grey was about to leave one of the soldiers walked up to the mysterious stranger.

                "I guess I'll go check on the Captain. See if she is well... awake... and calmed down. If she is awake, and calmed down then I will inform her that you wish to see her... Is that clear?"

                Nevaaras - CY-001

                Megumi looked at Morice, slightly in fear which in contrast to how she acted before is quite surprising. It's like she became a completely different person.

                Then upon hearing Morice remark about her eye she quickly noticed that her eye was lit aflame. Almost immediately she took the covers on the bed, and covered her face as she could be heard faintly whimpering. "I don't want to go! Don't make me fight! Please I beg of you!" She could be heard muttering... it was as though she thought Morice was someone else... someone she previously knew...



                  Morice slowly backed away.

                  "I wasn't serious about taking you to the captain! Just calm down now..."

                  He put his hand to his miniature cutlass.

                  "I don't want to hurt you... Just calm down..."

                  Suddenly a voice from the glasses had activated.


                  He put his finger to a button.

                  "It's nothing, Navigator, mind your own business, will you?!"


                  "Do it and your head is mine!..."


                  "Yes, yes, a man's no good dead, I got it. Look, I can handle this."

                  Morice removed his hand from his cutlass. He slowly walked towards Megumi with a hand out.

                  "Just... Calmly take my hand... It will be alright... I won't hurt you or take you, you have my word..."

                  Why the hell am I acting this way? I swear, this woman... He thought to himself.


                    Crash Site - Nevaaras

                    Grey nodded. "Of course."
                    He then put away the crystal orb in his bag before proceeding out.


                    "...?" Aurora tilted her head again.


                      Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                      Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                      After he small exchange between Aurora and The Reaper, John decided to speak again. Aurora still had yet to answer his question, and if John knew anything it was that sometimes you needed to press people to get answers.

                      "Aurora, you still didn't answer my question. Where is your data matrix located? We're trying to help you, but we cannot do that until you tell us what we need to know.", John asked in a calm, yet firm tone.

                      Crash Site - Nevaaras

                      Ethan couldn't really believe it. First, this man said that the Galaxy would be cleaned, and in the next instant, he walked away from the crash site. None of this made sense, but even though Ethan wanted to follow Grey and ask more questions, there was still the matter of the crashed ship with the aliens on board. Before anything else, Ethan needed to look for survivors and try to kill all the creatures inside. After a moment of considering his options, Ethan looked over to SimO and spoke.

                      "Well, it looks like it's just us and a group of soldiers. Let's go.", Ethan said to SimO as he walked deeper into the crashed ship.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        Aurora turned to John, her face still displaying some form of emotion, unlike the last time she spoke. "" She repeated the words slowly as though trying to understand. "I...I don't have a data matrix?"


                          Crash Site

                          "Indeed." SimO raised it's weapon. "Let us go on an excursion."

                          With that, SimO went further into the bowels of the ship, quickly leaving visibility due to the fog of spores.


                          "You do not know." The Reaper said. "Or if you do know, the info is not available to you at the moment."

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                            Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                            Upon hearing that Aurora didn't have a data matrix, John felt confused. If Aurora was an AI, then surely she would have a data matrix, right? There was no other way she would be able to function, or at least that was how AIs from his time worked. Even if Aurora did not have a data matrix, there still had to be a way she could interface with the Sanctuary of Light's computers and holographic projectors.

                            "What do you mean you don't? How are you connected to this system?", John asked Aurora in a slightly confused tone.

                            Crash Site - Nevaaras

                            After SimO entered the fog, Ethan quickly pulled out his XMA-38 Assault Rifle and followed suit as he switched to his HUD's thermal visor, allowing him to see SimO and any possible threats in the area. Ethan had no idea what lied ahead, but at least he was prepared.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              "System? The...Solar System? ...Helios. One of the Six Systems that contain the inhabitable Planets in the Galaxy. I could go to any of them by the crystals. But...the barrier holds me here. Master Aion said I have to stay here because of the Phoenix. I was confused. Phoenixes are common here in Helios, but..." She began floating in circles again. "I don't think he was talking about the Phoenixes..."

                              Her speech began to sound very human in tone.



                                "The man means the system holding you in this holographic state." The Reaper said.

                                Crash Site

                                The fog enveloped everyone like a thick blanket, and it made it considerably warmer in here than outside.

                                Small forms skittered just in everyone's peripheral vision, disappearing before anyone could turn to find the source. It was a very tense atmosphere.

                                "A service elevator is up ahead." SimO explained. "The elevator may be out, but there is a emergency ladder. If any human is alive, it would be 5 floors up, at the command center."

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

