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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Halls of Time - 7th floor

    As she ran towards the conmotion, the shadows were getting stronger as they were trying to corner the bioroid, luckily she managed to make a trail of light with her portal gun "Come on Mara, you can do it" she said to herself sliding below what looked like a mass of darkness

    Seeing a corner tha was getting shadowed almost completely, the white haired shoot one of her gates through the closing gap and another on a wall near to her. Jumping through the portals, Mara noticed that once the blackness covered the wall, the gates would close

    "I have to do something to be stronger before this things corner me" she spoke looking at anything that could be a powerful light and then had an idea

    While running and evading the shadows, the bioroid looked at her hand and focused her energy on it. The feeling of her arm started to get hotter and hotter until her plasma dagger appeared with a powerful light.

    Resisting the burning pain on her arm, Mara looked at one of the oncoming shadows and she made a slicing arc evaporating the being

    "Ok.. this hurts like the eleventh hell, but it works.. she managed to say and kept moving forward while slashing her way to the now closer center
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Helios System - Nevaaras - Colony-001

      Megumi did not turn to look at Ethan as she kept walking, in fact she didn't even turn her head... but she did speak. "... I'm 19 years old..." She muttered as she looked at the squad of soldiers up ahead. The soldiers, Miranda, some guy with what looks to be a folded up weapon of some kind, and a large robot was gathering around in front of the ship.

      Off to the side there was what appeared to be an unconscious. Megumi turned to the unconscious man and looked at him slightly confused, but she pointed at the man for Ethan trying to get his attention. The second he turns to go help the man, she will bolt off to the ship.


        Isles of Spirits-Manor of Eternity-7th floor

        Eorthe had been hoping that the shadowy creatures the human had been fighting with would deal with him. At her full strength she would have no problem dealing with him, even him with all his augmentations couldn't fight the force of nature. Something her power, like it had changed...not for the better. she wasn't sure if she was capable of fighting him, considering how he fought those shadowy creatures. But her strength had recovered, or more like her mind had cleared and she could more easily access her power now, she was much more powerful compared to earlier, she was not at her full strength, but it would have to do.

        She had been observing the fight using her other senses as she drew closer to him. She was just on the other side of the wall as she detected him moving at an impossibly fast speed, much faster than his already inhumanly fast "normal" reflexes and discharged a massive amount of energy, then used his quite formidable combat skills to dispatch both shadows. She enlarged the hole made in the wall earlier, and stepped through. She stood there silently for a while considering the armored human in front of her. She could detect another AI, inside the suit, like Nhiome in the ship's circuits, but it was aiding the human, so it was an enemy too.

        She stared at him with hatred, thinking about his race. Then she spoke,despite the fact that she spoke softly, her voice trembled with anger, "It would've been simpler if those shadows had dealt with you, but no matter, I will rid the world of your at a time if needs be." She did not move an inch, but as she fell silent, the walls started shaking, pieces shaving off, then consolidating into boulders of solid rock. Once they formed, they flew straight towards John as more formed. A powerful wind also began blowing around the room, stirring up dust and making it hard to see. But Eorthe stood in a small area which seemed unaffected, the eye of the storm.
        How many times can you die a day~?
        How many times have you died a day~?


          Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
          Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

          Just as John began to settle down, Cortana sensed that there was another entity in the room, this time humanoid. Just as Cortana was gauging the woman, trying to see if she was a threat or not, the walls crumbled and boulders flew towards John.

          "Chief!", Cortana shouted, trying to warn him.

          In a split second, John looked at his radar, saw a read dot, and turned around. At that moment, John could see the boulder coming for him. Reacting quickly, John lunged to the side, covering a distance of 5 meters within just a quarter of a second, and pulled out his BR85HB SR Battle Rifle as the boulder flew past him. As that happened, Cortana reengaged John's shields and they began to charge back up. As that happened, she then began to observe the enemy, looking for fighting styles, weaknesses, strengths, and the like. Meanwhile, John sprinted towards the strange woman's flank at 60 mph (96.5 kph) and opened fire in three-round bursts as he avoided the boulders being thrown at him. As the Battle Rifle let off a loud series of crackles, a hail of M634 Experimental High-Powered Semi-Armor-Piercing rounds ripped through the air and towards the woman. As he sprinted towards her flank, the wind slammed against his body, but his mass gave him a mild defense against the wind, only being moderately slowed by it.

          Helios System - Nevaaras - Colony-001

          Ethan found it strange how the girl was only 19 and she had already experienced war as a soldier. To be honest, Ethan was confused. Just why would this girl be a soldier at such a young age? Ethan didn't recall any wars for the past couple of years, but if that was the case, then the girl was just a kid when she fought. Who would recruit a child to fight in a war? Just as Ethan was about to speak, the girl pointed to a strange boy lying on the ground.

          (Now everyone's dropping like flies...), Ethan thought as he walked over to the boy and crouched down.

          "Hey. You awake?", Ethan asked the boy.
          Last edited by S121; 02-14-2014, 11:20 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Helios System - Nevaaras - Colony-001

            As Ethan walked towards the boy she took a few steps back before taking off running at a fast pace towards the Crash Site.


            Miranda and her group of soldiers gathered around the crash site as a few soldiers began to set off small charges in the side of the ship in order to make an entrance. After the charges went off about 12 of the Soldiers ran inside to start looking for any survivors without giving any warning whatsoever.

            "Look for any survivors men! If you so much as see someone that looks like a survivor then do your best to save them!" Miranda ordered as her and 8 soldiers turned to SimO. Miranda ordered her 8 remaining men to stay put as she walked over to SimO.

            "The name is Miranda Summers, leader of the Task Force of Colony-001. Please identify yourself, and the reason your here." She said to SimO as she placed her hand on her revolver which is holstered on her belt.


              Helios System - Nevaaras

              Grey looked to the soldiers that suddenly surrounded the site and grabbed his cases.


                Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                Finally reaching what lloked like the center of the building, Mara looked at all the shadows covering the whole room "Well Iīll be damned, this place is a freaking nest" she said while evading the shadows

                suddenly the bioroid heard gunshots coming towards something or someone ("Gunshots? this things donīt have gun unless..") there were people fighting in the place, but the damn shadows were giving almost no visibility

                Taking a deep breath, the golden eyed charged her energy dagger and made a vertical slash on the air sending a wave of light enough to see what was gpoing on

                The first thing she saw was the green armored soldier and the second was a woman, yet the bioroid didnīt hesitate and growled "The first rational beings I find they are fighting against eachother"

                using both the light of her portal gun and the energy dagger, Mara started clearing all the space she could
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Isles of Spirits-Manor of Eternity-7th floor

                  Eorthe sensed the rounds and simply stopped them, then turned them around and sent them back at the human. She doubted they would hit, but sooner or later he would be overwhelmed, one lucky shot or stumble, and he would be buried. The only thing she had to do was to keep him away from her, she could stop his long-range weaponry, but she couldn't deflect a fist. She did not move from her position, that would require breaking her concentration, instead she just concentrated harder on the human. The stone floor began to become sticky, almost like quicksand, making each step harder. The winds grew stronger as he got closer, soon she was obscured in a dust storm. Boulders stopped flying around. Instead, stones shaped into spikes began to form from the boulders. They gathered just out of his field of vision, obscured by the dust. Then launched.

                  The spikes flew at a much higher velocity than the boulders had, forming a virtually solid wall from all directions, some started growing from right under his feet and even from the ceiling. In the roar of the wind, a vaguely maniacal laughter could be heard.
                  How many times can you die a day~?
                  How many times have you died a day~?


                    Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                    Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                    John easily dodged his bullets, but now he couldn't see the woman.

                    "Chief, bullets are not going to help. We're going to have to get close to her, but it could be a little difficult. I'm going to set up your suit, then charge up a bolt.", Cortana said to John.

                    John could not see the spikes, but Cortana could quickly find them in the sandstorm, thanks to the suit's various sensors.

                    "John, I see her. Give me a sec.", Cortana said to John.

                    As the spikes flew towards John, Cortana began to overcharge John's shields, raising his maximum shield power to 400%. It would take six seconds for them to fully charge, but luckily, these spikes were not as dangerous to John's shields as bullets were. After the shields were set, Cortana activated John's VISR Helmet-integrated data management system, allowing him to see silhouettes of the spikes and the woman. Reacting quickly, John jumped back and focused hard on the spikes coming towards him. Luckily for him, the spikes looked like they were simply crawling towards him. Using this to his advantage, John readied both of his arms and legs, and in one quick motion, John jumped straight into the spikes, using his thrusters to compensate for the quicksand below his feet. As he inched towards the spikes, John carefully positioned his hand in between a set of them and swept his hand down, disrupting their trajectory and allowing him an opening to pass through. For a normal human, such a maneuver would be imperceptible, but not for a SPARTAN-II. The disrupted spikes bounced off of John's shields, dealing minimal damage to them, as John passed through and landed on the other side of the wall. Unfortunately, as John stepped down, he felt his feet sink into the ground.

                    "Hang on.", Cortana said as she activated the thrusters on John's back, lifting him ever so slightly out of the sand.

                    With his thrusters, John launched himself at the woman at 100 mph (160.9 kph), turning himself into a 1,400 pound bullet as he pulled out his combat knife, ready to neutralize his target.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Isles of Spirits-Manor of Eternity-7th floor

                      Eorthe grimaced as he disrupted her wall of spikes, she had underestimated him. She took another deep breath, trying to maintain what she was trying to do. But the spikes had already clattered to the floor and the floor was returning to normal, the only thing she could maintain was the wind. Her strength had been drained at an unusually fast rate, something was really wrong with her power. She had both overestimated herself and underestimated the capabilities of her opponent. Then she noticed the other being, it seemed to be part human and machine. Eorthe had encountered something like that before, a bioroid or cyborg, another creations of the humans to keep themselves alive a while longer.
                      Eorthe knew she couldn't fight both of them at the same time. She needed to find out what was wrong with her strength and see if she could fix it, if she could not, she needed to at least get used to it. Then she dropped to her knees, unable to maintain the wind anymore, the room fell silent, except for the human headed straight at her. She quickly considered her options, she could try to control that knife he had, but considering the current difference in their strength, she would lose. She couldn't try anything large-scale, like the quicksand or the wind. At least not and still maintain it. But she had one more trick left. A blast of wind slammed into the human, slowing him slightly, just enough to prevent him from reaching her before she was done.

                      Then Eorthe brought the ceiling down onto herself, disappearing under a pile of rubble.
                      How many times can you die a day~?
                      How many times have you died a day~?


                        Isles of Spirits-Manor of Eternity-7th floor

                        An explosion of dark energy suddenly erupted between the two combatants, designed to knock them back away from one another.

                        Torches in the halls suddenly relit in a blue glow, retaining darkness but revealing for those that require light the status of the hallway. Standing down the way was another shadowy figure...but this one was different.

                        The form of this one was that of a young man with spikey hair with what appeared to be a star-burst pattern in the hair above one eye. It also have more of a skin than the others. It's red eyes were defined with a darker red iris and pupils.


                        I found out that the main character in Pandora's Tower looks like Aion so...
                        Take this and turn it into like a Shadow Link style

                        It lowered the hand it had used to create the explosion that, surprisingly, did nothing to the surroundings. It stood waiting...


                          Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                          Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                          John fell to the ground from the explosion and lightly skidded along the ground, due to his energy shields being frictionless. When John looked over to the woman that was attacking him, he saw that she was covered in a pile of rubble. In order to check and see if she was still alive, John looked on his radar and still saw a red dot. She may have been possibly injured, but she was not dead. If that was the case, then it was John's job to finish it. Just as John stood up, he saw two other people standing in the room. One was a person that he actually knew, although he didn't know why he knew her, while the other was clad in some kind of medieval armor.

                          "M.. Mara?", John asked in confusion as he put his knife away.

                          "Mara? How do we know about her?", Cortana asked John.

                          "I don't know.", John replied to Cortana before turning his attention back to Mara.
                          Last edited by S121; 02-14-2014, 01:50 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Isles of Spirits-Manor of Eternity-7th floor

                            The Shadowy figure was clearly looking at the others intently and not at though it was observing these beings and gauging their capabilities...
                            It did not respond and simply stood... waiting.


                              (I probably missed if characters donīt remember eachother so this pst can be edited)

                              Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                              Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                              Mara recognized the spartan easily since he had an armor of ages before even her greatgreatgreat grandparents would be born, and she had this thing on her mind that told her he was a friend of her, which was odd since spartans were of a time long gone already, but looking at herself, the white haired thought ("This odd place is already strange enough so I probably made friends with a time traveling soldier or he was on a piece of ice")

                              Carefully lowering her portal gun, the bioroid spoke "Im no threat for you spartan, Im as confused as you about why we are here" she said in a calm tone

                              The bioroid also noticed another entity with the soldier, that entity was probably an AI, but the AI was someone she remembered more "Before anything happens, let me ask you something soldier, does your AI partner is called Cortana?"
                              Last edited by Kristia; 02-14-2014, 01:55 PM.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                                Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                                John was not too surprised that Mara knew about Cortana, so he calmly answered her question.

                                "Yes. She's here.", John said to Mara.

                                As John spoke, he kept turning his gaze over to the man, noticing his deep red eyes and how he simply stood there. To be honest, John wa much more wary of the unknown entity than Mara, or even the woman buried underneath the rubble.

                                "Where exactly are we?", John asked both Mara and the strange man observing them.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

