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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Helios System - Nevaaras

    After the girl passed out a second time, Ethan let out a deep sigh.

    "Perfect...", Ethan muttered under his breath as he stared at the unconscious girl.

    So far, it seemed that the girl was hostile, but perhaps that was simply because she was scared and confused. This entire situation was getting to be a little more trouble than it was worth, but he couldn't just leave her here. Some of the locals had less than noble intentions, and would most likely mug her, or worse. That only left Ethan with one real choice. he had the creeping suspicion that she would blow hid head off after she woke up, but sometimes people have to take risks to do the right thing. With that in mind, Ethan gathered the water bottles, picked the girl up, and began to walk to the hospital.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Isle of Spirits

      The rock seemingly disappeared into the darkness, not making a sound. The Reaper caught it without barely moving. One heartbeat resounded, but then no more. The Reaper extremely proficient at slowing his heartbeats down to a level very, very close to death, but he functioned just fine. It peered down to the two below, especially the one who conjured the rock. A suspicious one, it thought. The other it thought was odd, and considering it's flash of light, it suspected it was powerful in some sense.

      Mima cast another spell for a longer light, though somewhat dimmer.

      "What is it?" Mima asked.


      SimO put a hand on the wall, rapping it. A reverberation came back, meaning no sand. SimO threw it's large arm back and punched it, a section of the wall being thrown off, and revealing the outside, and with in clear sight of the man nearing the ship. It was a ways down, however.
      Last edited by Koishi; 02-11-2014, 12:30 PM.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Isles of spirits-Manor of eternity-7th floor

        Eorthe simply pointed at the position of the being that had caught the rock. It didn't seem to be hostile so far. She used her other senses to check on the presences in the shadows. They were staying back now, due to the light, but still attempting to advance. They seemed to have approached slowly regardless, theoretically moving fast could allow one to escape them. Maybe they were what that human had been running from. Then it struck her, according to her other senses the human had moved a lot further away.

        She turned to face the humans position, regardless of the walls in between. Considering how fast the human had moved, conventional chasing wouldn't let her catch up. Ignoring the other presence and the spirit, she opened a small hole in the wall and stepped through, the wall sealing itself behind her. Continuing in this fashion, she drew closer to the human.
        How many times can you die a day~?
        How many times have you died a day~?


          Isle of Spirits

          "Oh, going through walls now, are we?" Mima rolled up her sleeves. "You ain't gonna get rid of me that easily, girlie." Mima shined her light on the wall, and then seemingly became translucent after a few moments, and seemingly disappeared through the wall, leaving the Reaper to resume it's heartbeats and drop down, continuing down the hallways as it did before.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Isle of Spirits - Manor of eternity

            Following some stairs, Mara noticed some shadows looming close to her "And I was wondering if someone would try to get me" she said as a shadow tried to get close to her, but the white haired evaded it

            "Come on.. let´s see what this place hides"
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Helios System - Nevaaras

              "There is movement...Someone...or alive."
              The man then proceeded down to the wreckage, cautiously walking over with his cases.



                SimO looked down from the drop. It was a good 50 foot drop down. SimO braced itself and leapt, falling straight down, impacting the sand, but still on it's feet due to it's schock abosorbers, and the aborbing abilities of the sand as well. SimO looked around, back to the towering wreckage before him, then simply began to walk away, mostly for assistance in searching.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Isle of Spirits - Manor of eternity 7th floor

                  Walking through the corridors, Mara was getting curious, looking at the shadows she spoke to the doll "So Mr. plush, any idea of what is this place? It is interesting that I can´t detect anything related to tecnology around" she asked it
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Isle of Spirits - Manor of eternity 7th floor

                    A white note rustled nearby floating out of a shadow and landing in the path in front of Mara. It simply had "Halls of Time" on the front and "Manor of Eternity" on the back.


                      Isle of Spirits - Manor of eternity 7th floor

                      "Halls of time? sounds like a fantasy story if you ask me Mr. Plush, but here I am talking to a doll" Mara smirked as she kept walking through the corridor

                      As she walked through the simple yet peaceful place "I just wonder if.. im truly alive or that my mind finally died and Im in purgatory" she spoke grimly while evading more shadows "Those could be lost souls and trying to get me into their lines"

                      The white haired had a faint smile "Maybe it is time indeed" she said looking at her arm ("What is truly me is long gone, just a piece of brain may be what is the real me") she thought while walking
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Isle of Spirits - Manor of eternity 7th floor

                        Another note: "No" was on the one side with "You didn't die" on the other.


                          Helios System - Nevaaras - Guard Post

                          It was another long and boring day for Axton at his guard post. Life became incredibly long and even boring as he sat down in a lawn chair next to his deployed Sabre Turret which is scanning the area within his view.
                          "Damn... wish something would happen..." He said as he saw SimO's ship crash near the colony. As he did he sat up and took out a pair of binoculars to see the ship. However there was too much smoke and fire to see. As such tossed away his binoculars which landed on the ground next to Ethan and Megumi down below.

                          "Well... I asked for something interesting... I guess this is it..." He said as he kicked a button on the side of his turret. As he did the whole turret began to turn into data and code as it is stored in a small black rectangular box on the ground. As it did he knelt down and picked up the box and put it on his belt. He then grabbed his assault rifle as he began to climb down the ladder.

                          What Axton is planning on doing is going end up with him getting in a whole heap of trouble.

                          Helios System - Nevaaras

                          As Ethan was carrying Megumi to the hospital she twitched again as she woke up. She slowly looked at Ethan with a weak look on her face again, but not before attempting to elbow him in the jaw...


                            Ethereal Galaxy - Helios System - Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                            Halls of Time - 7th floor - Center

                            John ran down the hall and towards the west side, but as he got closer to his goal, he could see that the area ahead was very worn and weathered. The marble walls and floor was cracked and the light sources in the area were out, making John's journey even more dangerous. John couldn't turn back, or else he would be overwhelmed. The only choice he had was to continue onward.

                            As John ran deeper into the darkened halls, the creatures in the dark became more and more prevalent. As John ran, he could feel some of the creatures try to grab at him and slow him down but his speed and mass gave him an advantage. John neared the center of the seventh floor, but as he ran towards the west side's hallway, John felt something grab him from behind, something large. Reacting as fast as he could, John spun around in a single instant, breaking free of the shadow's grip, and let off a few bursts of gunfire, spraying the enemy with hot lead. As the bullets touched the shadow's skin, they entered it's body and passed through. At first, John thought he succeeded in injuring the creature, but he was wrong. The bullets may have passed through the creature, but that was simply because bullets didn't affect it. All of a sudden, the creature raised a clawed hand and swung it at John. Thanks to John's super-fast reflexes, he lunged to the side and dodged the attack and put away his gun as he backed away from the creature. As John looked at the creature, his helmet's flashlights shined light on the creature. From what John could see, the shadow stood at close to 12 feet. It's body was thick, having a torso that was as wide as a tree trunk. It's arms looked close to those of a Lekgolo Hunter's arms, similar to a gorilla's arms, only these arms were attached to long, sharp claws. It's head looked almost human, save for the two black spikes sticking out of it's head, looking something like a jackal's ears, along with the face of a silhouette and red eyes that looked like burning fires. This massive creature was supported by disproportionately short, yet deceptively strong legs that looked like a giant dog's or wolf's legs. As soon as the beams of light from John's helmet came into contact with the shadow creature's skin, it let out a loud roar of pain and recoiled from the light, quickly jumping out of the way of the light. Just as it did that, it roared again, this time roaring so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire seventh floor, maybe even further. All of a sudden, all the shadows in the area began to form innumerable red dots, and from those red dots, the shadows stretched and contorted themselves into living, breathing beings, each one intent on dragging John into their dark abyss.

                            As the creatures began to form, John sprinted towards the west side's access hall, but was stopped by a giant shadowy claw raising up from the ground and trying to grab him. John quickly jumped back and shined his light on the claw, but as the claw retreated, a dense patch of shadowy tentacles took it's place, swinging around the hall menacingly, threatening to pull John down if he got too close.

                            "Cortana, any ideas?", John said as he saw what had to be 160 hostiles on his radar.

                            "Yes. These creatures appear to be harmed by even the light from your flashlights. I might be able to rig your energy shields to constantly purge and recharge. That should at least give you the ability to damage them with your fists. I'm also going to boost power to your flashlights and reroute power to the energy transfer circuits in your hands. If it works, your hands should be electrified.", Cortana said as she began to make adjustments to the parameters of John's suit.

                            John nodded at Cortana as he turned around to face the shadows running towards him, causing them to quickly retreat from his flashlights' rays of light.

                            "And let there be light.", Cortana said as John's flashlight increased in brightness, allowing the light to reach further and with more intensity.

                            Just as the flashlight became brighter and repelled even more of the shadows, John's energy shield destabilized and crackled with golden bolts of energy, similar to that of lightning. The brightness of the crackling energy was enough to illuminate a 1 foot radius, and would allow John to ward off his enemies. Once the shields were primed for this new task, Cortana rerouted a small amount of power from John's shields and sent it into the energy transfer circuits in John's armored hands.

                            As soon as the adjustments were finished, John sprang into action, covering a distance of ten meters (32.8 feet) within half a second and slamming his electrified fists into a nearby shadow. The shadow had no time to react, and was hit by enough force to send it through a nearby wall as the electric current running through John's hands made the punch have an effect on the creature. Just then, all of the creatures began charging at John. As soon as the first creature came within striking distance, it was met with a crushing, electrified punch that could pierce the Ceramic-Titanium Armor of a Scorpion tank. The creature was sent flying into a group of others, and they were all sent to the ground from the impact. All of a sudden, another creature came up from behind and tried to jump onto John's back, but as it leaped in the air, John caught it by the throat and let his suit's electric charge enter the shadow's body, eliciting screeches from it as it flailed in the air. Just as another creature approached, John threw the shadow at it and made them both topple to the ground. Even more creatures got within John's vicinity, but they were quickly repelled by the light emitted from the crackling of John's shields.

                            "Chief, hold your hand out towards them!", Cortana shouted.

                            John quickly did as she said and raised his hand out towards the creatures trying to get to him. All of a sudden, a surge of electricity erupted from John's armored hand and sprang into the shadow nearest to him, then into a second, third, and fourth creature. John watched in surprise for a split second before going back to pummeling more shadows.

                            "How did you do that?", John asked Cortanna as he dodged a swipe from one of the shadows and returned the swipe with a powerful uppercut, launching the shadow into the ceiling above.

                            "Clarke's Third Law, Chief.", Cortana quipped.

                            John simply let out a small chuckle and lightly grinned underneath his visor as he jumped and performed a butterfly kick in the air, slamming his armored foot into the heads of a few shadows, while slamming an armored fist into a shadow's face from behind. Despite John's size and weight, he was incredibly agile and mobile, able to perform acrobatic maneuvers while in his half-ton armor. As John landed from the kick, he followed through with a powerful swing to the side of another shadow's head, propelling it into a wall.

                            The shadows all began to retreat and stare at John from a distance, wary of their perceived prey. Just then, the large jackal-like shadow from before jumped over the shadows and towards John, readying it's clawed hands for a powerful downward strike. Reacting as fast as lightning, John darted to the right at the last split second and slammed his left foot onto the large shadow's face as it landed. The shadow roared and spun to swipe at John with it's right claw, but John jumped right over the shadow and landed near it's rear flank.

                            "Cortana, now.", John said to Cortana as he raised his hand towards the hulking shadow.

                            "Got it.", Cortana said as she rerouted more energy into John's palm.

                            All of a sudden, another surge of electricity surged from John's hand and crashed right into the shadow's back. The shadow arched up and loudly howled in pain as the electricity coursed into it's body and arced towards the ground. Just then, the other shadows joined in the fray and screeched at they charged at him. John quickly sprinted towards the shadows as well, using his flashlight to make the shadows flinch before ramming straight through them with his body. Some of the creatures tried to strike John, but the crackling of his shields were blocking their strikes and injuring them.

                            Just then, the large shadow jumped up in the air again and tried to attack John with it's claws again. John jumped back, barely evading the claws and raised his hand again. Cortana quickly reacted to John's actions and fired another surge of electricity from his hand, shocking the creature again. The large shadow roared as it charged at John, but John was faster. Reacting quickly, John jumped upwards, pushing off with the shadow's head and landing behind it. The large shadow roared in frustration and anger as John evaded it yet again, but slowly backed away as it looked over to the other shadows. John looked over to what the large shadow was looking at, and saw that the other smaller shadows were all crowded in a circle, each one becoming an amorphous mass before joining up in the middle of the circle.

                            "What's happening?", John asked Cortana.

                            "I'm not sure, but it's not something good.", Cortana said as she watched through the camera in John's visor.

                            After only a couple of seconds, each shadow had become an amorphous blob and joined themselves in the center. After a couple of seconds, the blob began to take shape, slowly forming a single body. This new shadow looked somewhat bulky, especially considering that it was on one hand and knee, and as it's form became more defined, John could see that it was forming armor. First was the feet, the shins, the thighs, the chestplate, the arms, then the helmet. As it looked up, John quietly inhaled sharply, shocked by what he saw. Staring at him from a blood-red visor was a copy of him.

                            Just as John raised his hand to fire a bolt of electricity, the clone lunged to the side and avoided the electric shock. In just a split second, the copy charged at John with a punch ready for him. From behind, the large shadow attacked as well, swiping at John with it's large claws. John backflipped over the large shadow and landed on it's shoulders, and as the copy came withing range, John pushed off of the large shadow as hard as he could, pushing the large shadow and causing it to topple over towards the copy. As the large shadow fell towards the copy, the copy jumped over it and landed near John. John got into a fighting stance as the copy charged, and as it came within range, John dodged the wild punch it delivered and grabbed its wrist. As soon as John's hands came into contact with the copy's wrist, it recoiled from the electric charge and slammed its fist into John's shoulder, causing John to slam into a nearby all. The wall cracked and chunks of marble broke free from the wall as John impacted. It was clear that the copy was just as strong as John, and perhaps even just as fast.

                            "Careful, it seems to have all of your abilities. Based on it's fighting style, it doesn't have your skills, so all you need to do is rely on your skills and experience.", Cortana said to John as the copy charged towards the wall.

                            John simply nodded at Cortana's advice as the copy approached, and as it tried to deliver a devastating blow to John, John quickly ducked out of the way of the strike. The copy's hand smashed straight through the wall and made a small hole to one of the rooms of the seventh floor, but as it tried to pull it's hand out of the wall, John delivered a lightning-quick, powerful palm strike into it's abdomen, ripping the copy's hand out of the wall and launching it into the air. The large shadow finally managed to right itself and angrily roared at John, baring it's obsidian-like teeth to him as the copy stood back up and got back into an aggressive stance.

                            "Ready?", John asked Cortana as he got into a fighting stance.

                            "Ready.", Cortana said.

                            As soon as the large shadow and the copy charged, John charged at them as well, ready to put an end to this fight once and for all.

                            Helios System - Nevaaras - Colony-001

                            Ethan looked down at the girl that was in his arms as she twitched, only to see an elbow directed at his chest. There was little Ethan could do a this point, other than to take the hit. There was not enough time to react, and as the elbow struck his chestplate, Ethan recoiled from the strike and almost dropped the girl in his arms. Ethan gritted his teeth in slight frustration at this girl's resistance. Did she really want to die? If not for him, she really would be dead.

                            "Hey, I'm just trying to help you. You're not exactly in the best condition, so I'm trying to take you to the hospital.", Ethan said to the girl in a slightly angry tone of voice.
                            Last edited by S121; 02-13-2014, 03:02 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Walking in the direction opposite of Ethan was a little boy in a cloak and hood. He was short and had glasses. They were metal with a bunch of weird buttons and dials on the side.

                              "Bloody hell... I never actually took to heart how freaking hot it would be... Oh well. Master said he needed the minerals here for our project, and I'm willing to die out here if I can't do that for our people."

                              He was a servant of the fleet of ships led by Hiel. They were searching salvation, even if it costs that of others.

                              Then, he saw a dark figure in the distance. He turned some dials and he got a good glimpse of what he really looked like.

                              "Bingo. My ticket."

                              He walked in his direction.


                                Helios System - Nevaaras - Colony-001

                                Megumi did not say a word as she struggled to break free from Ethan's hold. At the sound of him saying he is trying to take her to the hospital she began to squirm even more so. It was like she didn't want help of any sort. However after a few minutes she stopped as she grabbed her right shoulder in pain. As this happened she settled down a little as she turned her head away from Ethan, and had a slight pout on her face. She was refusing to talk to him for some reason, and in fact she began to quietly mutter something.

                                "Put me down... now..." She said in a quiet, yet deadpan tone.

