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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits

    "Relax soldier, some relationships have the female as a dominant, the fact that she slapped this guy so easily shows that they have been like that for quite some time" mara spoke calmly and then looked at Eve "I assume you will carry your friend or he will wake up in a matter of seconds, right?"
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Nevaaras CY-001

      Megumi was shocked when a sudden man in a white armor of some kind seemingly came out of nowhere, and just blocked her attack. She quickly drew her sword back, but did not sheathe it. Instead she just glared at the man.

      "Don't tell me what to do. I must kill her... I must." Megumi said as she continued to glare at the man.

      Astraea continued to try and wipe the sand out of her eyes.

      Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
      Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

      Eve looked at the unconscious Hajime, then back to John and Mara. The ancient Nasod Queen seemed to look... confused a bit, yet at the same time satisfied.

      "I am unsure as to why I did that. I could have swore that I do such a thing often, but I have no recollection of ever harming him... for the most part..." Eve said as she walked over to the unconscious man. She then knelt down and lifted him over her shoulder with relative ease.


        Nevaraas HQ

        As the guard turned away, Eorthe retreated to a corner to consider what to do. Then a voice issued from the box she still held. As she was still supplying energy to the circuits inthe box, despite there not being a projection, Nhiome could still tell what is going, the projection wasn't necessary anyway, it was merely a means to make communications easier if they managed to find someone who could supply them with aura crystals and Nhiome needed to make a deal with them. He had just noticed a tired-looking woman leave from an important looking office, he guessed that she was probably someone important and told Eorthe, "It can't hurt to try one last time, let's try with a higher ranking person, like that woman over there."

        Eorthe was growing more irate at having to spend so much time near all these people and leaving them alone, but she kept herself in control and acknowledged Nhiome's words. She quickly made her way to Miranda and tapped Miranda on her shoulder to draw her attention before asking shortly, "Where can I acquire some aura crystals?"
        How many times can you die a day~?
        How many times have you died a day~?


          Crash Site

          "Two switches." SiMo pointed towards two small compartments on opposite walkways to the door. "Hitting both at the same time opens the large door. Noise from the door has a 89.4 percent chance to attract unwanted company, though."

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Closed due to request
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              - Re Opened -

              Celestora System

              Azure light defines the next most prominent habitable solar system of the Venturian Galaxy. The source of this light is the asteroid clouds of Corlaviri Crystals, which radiate Gaia Energy. Between each crystal, a beam connects some together, creating the illusion of a multitude of constellations. The planets of Celestora are distant from the central star, creating climates that tend to be ice fields or tundra. Alcyon was once the more developed of the planets, but now only old forts and ruins remain. Alchemical contraptions are commonplace in the ruins. Old tomes of a language long dead line shelves in places that once were great libraries. Palaces fallen to the onslaught of time still hold treasure and other wonders of the ancient times.

              But now...


                Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                Things were quite busy in the colony CY-044 of Alcyon. Everyone was running back and forth as a new shipment of supplies had came in from the higher ups of the Intergalactic Colonization Corporation. People had the landing bay open and ready for the Freight Ship that is assigned to be arriving soon at any moment.

                Meanwhile in his office, Dave was pacing back and forth as he seemed to be growing a bit impatient.

                "Goddammit why aren't they here yet!? They should have arrived here earlier this morning!" Dave said as he continued to impatiently pace back and forth, waiting for any news about the hopefully soon to arrive cargo.


                  Celestora system - en route to Colony CY-044 - Planet Alcyon

                  The freight ship was heading to a colony for the usual resupply of equipment and fundamental needs for the people of the colony, there were also crates with confidential cargo, yet it wasn´t questioned about it. The ship was supposed to reach at a certain time, but due to some malfunction during the trip, the engines got damaged, thus making the freight ship go slower than expected.

                  The engineering group was working 24/7 to repair the damage, they where fixing everything they could find and around those people was a red haired woman who looked younger than she actually was, yet the workers didn´t mind her pressence since she was one of the engineers leading the repair jobs. The sky blue eyed woman was in fact inside the engine´s core aligning the energy flow, she was focusing and looked serious while checking the energy levels, when she heard that the guy helping her left to fix another problem, she smiled.

                  (Time for some thinkering) Runa thought starting to calibrate the engine by transferring the flow manually by pulling the levers, when this didn´t work, she took out a wrench and smackedd it to the side of the core. Soon it started glowing normally as the engineer got outside with a wicked grin "Classics always work" she said as another engineer sighed knowingly.

                  Runa then radioed the navigation room "The big guy is feeling better, you can push his limits again"
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                    Dave was now sitting in his office chair as he continued to wait for further news on the inbound Freight Ship when he suddenly heard a knock on his door. Upon hearing the knock Dave perked his head up to look at the door.

                    "Yes? Come in..." Dave asked in a rather bored as the door opened, revealing one of the many guards of the colony "Oh it's you. What is it... uh... what is your name again?" Dave said upon seeing the guard as the guard entered the room.

                    "It's Anthony sir, and I've come with several bits of information regarding the freight ship and our uninvited guest."

                    "Oh that's good! Really good! About the freight ship I mean... this 'guest' that you are talking about I have no bloody idea who you're talking about. I don't remember any guests. Mind uh... filling me in?" Dave replied as he tried to think of who the guard was talking about.

                    "You know, the guy who we found outside in the snow several days ago? The guy with injuries all over his body?" The guard said as Dave still looked confused.

                    "Goddammit Dave you were there when we found him! He had black hair, had severe burns and scars all over his body, and was wearing that damn weird damaged armor!"

                    "Oh that guy! Yeah I don't really pay attention to what went on that day... Anyways what is the news about the Freight Ship and our guest?"

                    The guard sighed "Well we had gotten word that the Freight Ship carrying all the supplies for the colony should be here shortly. The people on the ship encountered some engine problems, but things have gotten better. We are expecting it to arrive anytime now. As for the injured stranger, the scientists have ran some DNA tests on a strand of hair that they had retrieved. The man seems to be human, but his genetic makeup is quite alien. He has roughly the same biology. The same organs... similar traits to humans, but his DNA is significantly different yet oddly similar to apes." The guard replied as Dave's expression was one of boredom once again, and this time it looked like he wasn't paying much attention.

                    "Well if he looks human, then he is human to me. Unless he is a Bioroid of course... anyways thanks for the info, now can I be left alone please? I'm now suddenly craving coconut for some reason... and I hate coconut. I want to find out why I suddenly crave coconut. So leave me alone please!"

                    "But sir..."

                    "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE! Oh and get me something with coconut goddammit! I am really craving coconuts!!!"

                    "O-Okay sir... I'll let you know when the Freight Ship arrives..." Said the guard as he left Dave's office. As he closed the door to the office he could hear Dave muttering stuff about coconuts seemingly to thin air. "Christ is he weird... I don't even want to know how he became the head of this place..." The guard whispered to himself as he walked off back to the landing bay of the colony.


                      Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                      The ship finally reached the landing pad with some whining coming from the engines, but it landed with ease. The storage main ramp lowered and people started delivering the supplies.

                      From the many persons getting out, Runa appeared, but she had her gear on and her Sub machine gun in hand although she looked calm and relaxed, her eyes had a glint of seriousness, on the inside she was scouting the area, no matter the security a place had, there were always possible problems that could occur.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                        As the Freight Ship finally arrived to the colony and it landed in the Landing Bay, many guards began to help unload the cargo from the ship. Already within minutes the entire place was busy at work, but not just with unloading the cargo. Many other guards, and workers of the colony were busy with other things ranging from maintaining and repairing some of the computers and machinery which was pretty badly damaged. All the while a still recuperating Bardock was hiding up in the corner of the landing bay, resting on the top of one of the many cargo cranes. Surprisingly no one was even paying attention or even noticing him.

                        Meanwhile Dave, and a few higher ranking guards entered the Landing Bay, ready to meet with the owner of the cargo ship. Dave had an awkwardly grumpy look on his face as he was approaching Runa and the others of the Freight Ship.


                          Celestoria System - Near Alcyon

                          A lone ship drifted through space, mainly in the direction of the planet Alcyon. It's design was very streamlined, almost organic in look. A shiny coaat of metal reflected space off of it perfectly. The ship inside was running on a very low level of power. In the back of the ship, some kind of pod creaked a little. A set of glowing finger emerged from the pod, forcing it open. A tall being stepped out, giving off an internal light. A wispy flame emitted from his head, partially stunted by a somewhat cowboy-like hat. An alarm sounded. The being ran over to the pilot's seat, looking out the window. Space debris. He tapped some buttons on the console, the ship lighting up, restoring itself to full power.

                          The being, known as Deimos, steered around the space debris in the nick of time, barely scraping the bottom of the ship. He shook himself awake. First, he needed to figure out where he was.

                          "Computer, where are we?" Deimos said.

                          "You are near the planet of Alycon in the Celestoria system, sir." the computer's voice was somewhat static-filled, but still understandable.

                          "How long has passed since I went in cryo?" Deimos questioned.

                          "Sir, as not to alarm you, I'll merely say a very long time." the computer responded.

                          Deimos sighed. "What about people? Are there people down there?"

                          "Affirmative. Not native, however. Possibly colonists." the computer replied.

                          "Colonists? Probably would be a bit off put by my appearance. Nevertheless, if there's people, I might as well catch up on the news in the galaxy." Deimos said to himself. Deimos's ship then began descent into the atmosphere, chugging away just as effieciently as it did before. Anodyne made things to last.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                            Runa was guarding the area when one of the crates almost fell as she grabbed it with her mechanical arm "Careful there people, this "confidential" stuff may or not be fragile or hazardous" she warned them while putting the crate on the floor carefully. the redhead pressed a button on her wrist and the SMG disappeared so she could have both hands while helping with the crates.

                            The engineer dealt with the heavy crates until she noticed a man resting on top of one of the cargo cranes, he was still pretty far to be recognized by the woman, but she got distracted from that when she heard footsteps coming to her. Runa looked back and looked at a man who looked with great discomfort followed by armed guards ("Probably one of the higher ups of this place, I have a good idea of what he may want, but also have a counter for it") she thought and got in business mode "I suppose you are the one in charge here, right? we got all the cargo in perfect state" she greeted the man and handed him the file with the list of the cargo.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                              As Dave and the 2 bodyguards approached Runa, Dave did not say a word. Rather he crossed his arms as he looked at Runa.

                              "Is there coconuts in that cargo? I swear if there are coconuts in one of those crates then someone isn't getting paid..." Dave said as one of the bodyguards quickly smacked him on the back of the head before returning to his original position. Dave upon getting slapped in the back of the head turned to the bodyguard with a rather angry glare, of which the guard pretended like nothing happened.

                              After that little ordeal Dave straightened his glasses as he turned back to Runa. "Sorry about that, and yes I am the one in charge. I'd like to see the one in charge of the ship. I just need to sign a few papers, then everything will be in order... but I swear if there are coconuts in those crates I SWEAR-" Dave was saying to Runa as the same bodyguard smacked him in the back of the head, this time with the butt of his gun. This caused Dave to fall onto the ground face first.

                              "I swear I hate him. I hate him so much... Listen I'm gonna go and leave him here with you. Just take him to see your Captain, and he'll take care of everything when he wakes up. Also if he asks about coconuts just tell him that there are none in the crates... Now if you'll excuse me I have to go... I need a drink." Said the bodyguard as he just walked away annoyed, leaving a seemingly unconscious Dave and the other bodyguard with Runa.


                                Celestora System - Alcyon - CY-044

                                "I don't know of that specific fruit, and it wouldn't be here if it sould cause problems" Runa answered the strange chief, and was surprised when the man got on a tantrum that got him a snack on the back of his head. After the bodyguard left, she took the chief on her shoulder with ease and looked at the second bodyguard

                                "So.. what's with this guy? he seems to have some loose screws or is a spoiled child" The engineer asked gesturing to the unconscious body on her shoulder.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


