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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Crash Site

    "Be wary." SimO said. "The creatures like high energy levels. In layman's terms, the closer we get, the more there will be."

    Isle of Spirits

    "I have an idea." Mima said. Somewhere around the island there's this tower. Last time I went there, it whisked me to the other planet and another tower. All we need is a boat, or something to act as a boat."

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Sanctuary of Light

      "The Tower of Aquarion." The guardian spoke, overhearing what the group was saying. "Due north, past the 'Mirror's Edge', the border of the Mirror Sea that separates it from the Northern Sea. A mere few hours away by boat. At the other end, the remnants of a Space Port still stand on Pangaea, the main continent of the sister planet Duon."


        Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
        Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

        "It's not me that has the plan. Cortana does.", John quietly said to Mara as they neared the exit to the Sanctuary of Light, preventing the Guardian from hearing.

        As they reached the door, John turned over and spoke to Mima.

        "That might work. If we don't find our ships there, then they could be on the other planet.", John calmly said to Mima.

        Crash Site - Nevaaras

        Ethan didn't really like the thought of having to fight more of those creatures, but if that was the only way to get to the core, then so be it. He would make sure that the creatures couldn't escape the ship.

        "Got it. Let's get this done before any of the creatures have a chance to escape.", Ethan said as he followed SimO.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Isle of Spirits

          "Well, we need a boat before we do anything, so yeah." Mima replied, looking over to the Guardian.

          "Would you know where to find a boat?" Mima asked.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Sanctuary of Light

            "If I recall, there once was a hidden alcove near the west wing of the Manor. Shipwrecks used to accumulate there when the foolish and the brave attempted to navigate these waters. Hidden currents plague the Mirror Sea. Wind tends to be sparsely seen beyond the isle. Though, I would assume that such obstacles would be trivial to you all." Said the guardian.

            Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


              Isle of Spirits

              "I might have a spell or two for that." Mima smirked.

              Crash Site

              "Agreed." SimO opened a large vent. "The vents can lead us close to the core. Watch your head. And your feet." SimO said as he walked in, rifle at the ready.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                Isle of Spirits

                "So we need a way to navigate through mysterious currents.. what do you have in mind?" Mara asked to the spirit girl
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Nevaaras Headquarters - Nevaaras CY-001 - Miranda's Office

                  Miranda looked at the crystals and her eyes widened.

                  "Wait a second... those are the crystals me and my men were sent here to keep in charge of mining. We currently should have several tons of these crystals in storage, remaining untouched for quite a while now. How long would it take to recharge these crystals from just one?" Miranda replied as suddenly her conversation was interrupted by a guard.

                  "Uh... Miranda ma'am, we have a problem in Housing Sector B. It appears that two "tourists" have gotten in a fight, and I fear that some civilians might get... involved." The guard replied as Miranda sighed as she turned to the lone guard.

                  "Just send Tommy out there to deal with it, he isn't doing anything special right now isn't he?"

                  "No Ma'am, he is not. Currently he should be in his sleeping quarters right now."

                  "Then send him in! I don't have time to deal with so much trivial things right now." She demanded in a very authoritative, and annoyed tone. Right now everything else just seems trivial to her.

                  "Understood Ma'am, I'll go inform him right away..." The guard said as he left Miranda's office.

                  The guard then quickly left the room and began to contact agent Tommy Oliver.
                  "Tommy Oliver we have a problem in Housing Sector B, there is a serious fight between two tourists, and Miranda ordered me to tell you to go handle the problem pronto." The guard informed the guard known as Tommy Oliver via communicator.

                  Nevaaras CY-001

                  Megumi who had retrieved her sword, and recovered had continued to fight with Astraea. They were trading blow for blow, strike for strike. Both of them seemed to be even in every aspect. One problem with Megumi though was she was beginning to feel a little fatigued. She hasn't fully recovered from her bout of Heat Exhaustion, and it was beginning to show. Megumi was slowing down a bit, and beginning to have a harder time breathing.

                  That is when Astraea performed an overhead swipe with her blade, of which Megumi tried to block. Megumi was successful at blocking Astraea's attack, but Astraea quickly pulled back her sword and performed a quick upward strike from her blade. The strike Astraea pulled off had sent Megumi's Black Blade flying through the air, landing in the ground a good distance away from Megumi. Now with Megumi defenseless, and Astraea having the upper hand the Winged Super Human Hunter Astraea pointed her blade at Megumi's neck, ready to deal the finishing blow.

                  "Say goodbye you pest! Though before I kill you do you have any last words?" Astraea said in a rather arrogant, and even downright cocky tone before breaking into a boisterous laughter.

                  Megumi who was not ready to die saw how Astraea left her guard down completely. Using this as her chance Megumi grabbed a handful of sand, and tossed it right into Astraea's face. Astraea screamed as she dropped her blade, she then quickly tried to wipe the sand out of her eyes while Megumi made a break for her sword.

                  Sanctuary of Light

                  Hajime began to seem indifferent to the whole situation, he literally had no idea of what to make of it and yet Eve was quite the opposite. She was processing everything in as much as possible, and then she walked up to John and the others. "Excuse me but me and my... partner here I assume do not have a ship of our own. Do you mind if we tag along with one of you when we all try to leave?" She asked in a rather calm, and well mannered tone.



                    Morice and Jimmy were standing at the edge of the colony border.

                    "... Well, while we're here, we may as well do a quick combat check," Morice suggested.

                    "I have no problem with that. Just don't cry when I beat you," the heavy, armored lizard scoffed.

                    "We'll see."

                    They walked away from the colony and walked away from eachother. Then, after they were a good ways away from the border, they faced eachother. They both got into a battle stance.

                    "You may be bigger, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall," Morice taunted.

                    "You may be fast, but you're still tiny," Jimmy returned.

                    They stared eachother down, until... Morice called the match.



                      Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                      Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                      John heard what Eve had said, but he did not really think about answering. After all, it was very likely that one of the other group members would offer to give the duo a ride, but after a couple of seconds, Cortana spoke to John.

                      "Chief, why don't we help them?", Cortana asked John.

                      Right after Cortana spoke, John shut off his voice modulator and spoke to Cortana without the worry of their conversation being heard by the others.

                      "They'll be fine. One of the others will offer them help.", John calmly said to Cortana.

                      "But I get the feeling that we know them, much more than the others do. Besides, it's only if they don't have their own ship."

                      "There's not enough space or resources on the Longsword for two other people. For all we know, there could be no food left."

                      "You and I both know there's enough space on the Longsword. It's designed for a crew of four. As for the food, that won't be too much of a concern. Based on my calculations, we have not been in this timeline very long, besides the 10,000 year nap... Come on, Chief. It's about time you learn to play with others.", Cortana said to John, giving a slight teasing remark at the end.

                      John knew that he couldn't really argue with Cortana. After all, she was a hyper-intelligent AI. Even if he wanted to remain alone, he couldn't bring himself to ignore Cortana's advice. John was reluctant to speak up, but he saw no other choice. After a couple of seconds, John reactivated his voice modulator and spoke to Eve.

                      "You can come with us. We have enough space to fit four people.", John said to Eve in a calm, almost emotionless tone.

                      Crash Site

                      Ethan quietly nodded at SimO as the robot entered the ventilation shaft. After SimO entered the ventilation shaft, Ethan looked behind them before quietly following suit, making sure nothing was following them.
                      Last edited by S121; 05-24-2014, 10:27 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Halls of Time

                        At the entrance of the Manor stood the one entity that had spoken to the group before, the one that took the form of the young man.
                        His arms were crossed and his head tilted down, the shadow of his hair concealed his eyes. A dark aura surrounded him but a sense of calm permeated the air in the ruined hall.

                        Nevaraas HQ

                        "...How convenient." Grey muttered under his breath, the words partially even muffled by his scarf covering the lower half of his face. "There were instances of these 'Aura Lakes' which tended to contain multiple crystals in contact with each other in a stable state. In essence, if they were simply tossed into this storage unit, then it would be a synthetic Aura Lake. They should be at their peak capacity... which is not much ever since..." Grey cut himself off before he said more and immediately pursued a different topic. "Have your men take pairs of these crystals, preferably larger ones, and set them into a container with wiring set into it. The crystals will send energy into the wires, not the most efficient way of doing it but it should work for basic defenses." He then turned and held a hand for a moment to his chin in thought. "...Now on other planets there are ruins that contain remnants of old technology that uses these crystals as a primary source. If I had a team, I could go and retrieve this technology and help bolster your colony's defenses..." Grey then looked at Miranda from the corner of his eyes, pausing for a response.


                          Isle of Spirits

                          "Simple. I change them." Mima said. She ignored the shadowy man. She didn't care, nor wanted anything to do with it.

                          Crash Site

                          SimO crept through the very tight corridors of the vents. They went on for a while, though no signs of infected. Eventually, they reached the end of the vents.

                          "Our stop." SimO said. "Mind the drop."

                          SimO ripped out the vent's end, though quietly. SimO then dropped around 30 or so feet, landing easily on the ground below. It was a large room, piping all along the walls leading through tunnels. It was seemingly like a bridge, metal walkways all leading to what looked like a huge sealed vault door.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Nevaraas HQ - Miranda's Office

                            "Remnants of ancient tech huh? Need a team? I might have one for you. You see I have a guy here that owes me a favor. When he is done with what he is doing right now I will send him, and a few of my other men with you to another planet. Meanwhile I will get things down here started in the mean time." Miranda said as she stood up from her desk. Looking at Grey Miranda yawned.

                            "Goddamn been busy as hell lately... first haven't gotten any sleep, next a ship crashed just outside the colony, now a small fight in one of the sectors, and now all this. A woman's work is never is never easy huh?" Miranda said as she left her office, not caring as to whether or not Grey stays in her office.

                            Nevaaras CY-001

                            Megumi had quickly retrieved her blade as the still distracted Astraea was trying to rub the sand out of her eyes. After Megumi retrieved her sword she turned to Astraea. With a confident smirk she dashed off towards the angelic super-human, ready to finish her off once and for all with a clean stab through the neck.

                            Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits

                            Eve bowed politely to John. "I am thankful for letting me and my partner join you on your ship. I promise that I will keep my acquaintance in check. For the second he does something that could prove to be potentially dangerous to any of us then I will quickly, and surely scold him." Eve said as Hajime quickly turned to her.

                            "Hey I'm not your freaking pet-" Hajime was saying as he was suddenly cut off by Eve's slap, which was surprisingly hard enough to knock him out cold.
                            Last edited by SUSTIC; 06-14-2014, 07:48 AM.


                              ((Bout time I finally made a post.))
                              Nevaaras CY-001

                              As Megumi was closing in on the incapacitated Astraea a suddenly large white beam of energy fell from the sky and right inbetween the two. After the white "beam" had fallen a man in a white suit and helmet had appeared. The man as soon as he appeared quickly took out a small blade with a tiger on the hilt, and blocked Megumi's supposed fatal attack. He then looked at Megumi through his visor.

                              "I'd recommend you stand down now Mad'am." The man said in an authoritative tone.


                                Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                                Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                                John was about to simply nod at Eve, but right before he could do so, Eve slapped Hajime hard enough to knock him unconscious, actually managing to shock John in the process. Not only did John think that Eve was completely unjustified in her actions, he thought that if Eve was strong enough to knock Hajime unconscious in one blow, then she shouldn't be hitting him anyway. She could have seriously injured, or even killed him.

                                "Why did you do that?", John asked Eve in a somewhat angry, yet shocked tone.

                                Crash Site - Nevaaras

                                After SimO quietly dropped down, Ethan hovered down to the ground and quietly landed as well.

                                "So where to now?", Ethan quietly asked SimO as he scanned the area with his vision, making sure that there weren't any infected in the area.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

