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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    "Android, actually." SiMo corrected. "Robot is quite an... insulting term."

    Regardless, SiMo moved to the back of the vehicle and put it's larger hand onto the back of the car, and began to push it forward with quite a small amount of effort, hoping the others would follow suit.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Prosperity | Atop the hill on the west edge of Sungrey
      BGM: Legend of Dragoon OST (Metal) - Boss Battle

      Phorma glared down the face of the rather large hill that sat on the very edge of the Sungrey colony. There would be no warning. All of the early-to-wake farmers in the area had already been killed ever so silently in their fields. As Phorma stared intensely at the colony below, a wide grin crept across his face. His men gathered at his back in a mass of concentrated rage. They had all been waiting so long for this day. They had trekked half way across the globe for their first pillage.

      "My legion... I don't believe it will be necessary for me to give you any grand speeches before I send you to work. This should be simple. GO! TAKE ALL THAT YOU PLEASE!"

      He hissed and snarled as he spoke to his men, and gestured forcefully towards the village below. Three thousand hungry, utterly insane barbaric Venturians charged down the hill into Sungrey, weapons brandished high in the air. Several of them carried firebombs of varying intensities, some carried flamethrowers fueled with a mix of substances designed for setting metal structures ablaze.

      Sungrey was a small, barely armed colony of about one thousand. They would stand no chance.

      Prosperity | Sungrey
      BGM: Legend of Dragoon OST (Metal) - Boss Battle

      The people of Sungrey had no time to even react. Before they knew it, Phorma's raiders were upon them. They forced their ways into homes, set buildings ablaze from the inside out, began dragging the civilians out into the streets and executing them before their families and neighbors. Adam and his family stepped outside their home upon hearing the screams of their neighbors. Luckily for them, they were a decent distance into the colony, and as such had plenty of time to make their escape. If only Adam could keep his heart from pounding out of his chest.

      'Okay, settle down, Adam, all you need to do is run the other direction and you'll be fine!' He thought.

      "Adam!" Richter, Adam's Father, started, drawing a pistol of sorts out of his pocket, "I'll stay here and hold them off! Take your mother to a Sunderer in the back of the colony!"

      "Dad, what the hell are you thinking!?"

      "I swore on my life that I would protect this village and I'll be damned if I go back on it! NOW GO!"

      Adam groaned, realizing there was no reasoning with his father. He took his mother by the hand and led her to the vehicle depot in the eastern edge of the colony, near the Inn. He hoped the Caravaners would still be there.

      A few minutes later, he arrived at the vehicle depot, where dozens of Sungrey's citizens had gathered. The caravaners were indeed still in Sungrey, and they were helping with the evacuation. Sungrey's citizens were loading onto the Sunderers to make their escape. Adam could hear the raiders growing closer as he began to climb into a Sunderer after his mother. Then he remembered.

      'Shit! Terra!'

      "Mom! I have to go get someone! I'll be right back!" He said to his mother before leaping out of the Sunderer and making a beeline straight to the inn nearby. He barged in only to be greeted with a dozen or so guns trained on him.

      "Hold your fire!" the proprietress of the inn shouted.

      "Inn-Lady! Is Terra still here?!"

      "Oh shit, I completely forgot about her! Go see if she's still in her room! Bust the door down if you have to!"

      Adam ran right past the crowd of gunmen, which he noticed was largely composed of men and women from around the inner section of the colony. He rushed up the stairs and down to Terra's room. He desperately banged on the door.

      "Terra!" he called out. No answer.

      "Terra, are you in there?!" He called out, banging on the door. No answer.

      "Terra, I'm breaking in! Sorry!" He shouted as he threw his shoulder into the door with as much force as he could muster. He plowed clean through the door.
      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


        Prosperity | Sungrey
        BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

        (Kilel said I can control Adam, so I'm going to to lessen the amount of posts.)

        The bang was the last she needed. Terra's eyes sprung open. She had, as she had thought, passed out from exhaustion after a while. This, in combination with the residual headache that plagued her, kept her wrapped in her slumber. She vaguely heard things, but she didn't think of them, she only slept. The bang changed that.

        Terra looked to the source of the sudden noise. Adam had broken through the door. She gasped upon seeing this, her hand instinctively moving over her mouth. After a moment, the rational side of her assumed this meant nothing good. "Adam, what's happening?"

        "We're being attacked, now come on, we have to get to the Sunderers!" Adam seemed frantic. Whatever they were being attacked by, Terra was sure it was deadly. It could also be close... Terra jumped out of bed. It took her a second to get her balance because of her lingering exhaustion. She stumbled over to Adam, who gripped her hand and pulled her along behind him as he ran out of the inn.

        As they ran out of the inn door, Adam took her a little further, then he seemed to gasp. "They're gone! The Sunderers are gone!"

        Terra stopped next to him. She didn't understand what he meant. "What? What are Sunderers? Why are they gone?"

        Adam didn't look at her, he continued looking in the direction he seemed to think these "Sunderers" should have been in as he spoke gravely. "They're... the things we should be escaping in."

        Terra's eyes widened. The lost girl knew what Adam meant now, and his sense of panic moved from him to her like a disease. Her eyes widened even more, her breathing sped up and became more labored. Terra felt her heartbeat grow faster. It thumped in her chest so hard she felt it everywhere. It made her sick. It seemed to deafen her somehow. She couldn't bear it... She couldn't bear the idea that she might die here...

        "...Wh-what do we do...?" She didn't sound like she expected him to know.

        Adam responded loudly. "I don't know what we do, Terra, because our way to escape from this place just left without us! I don't know what the hell we're gonna do anymore! We're screwed!" In other words, Terra was right. He didn't know. He seemed to be panicking. Terra just stood there, unsure of how to help him out himself together.

        Terra tried to calm herself. If she couldn't for herself, she could for Adam. Still, she couldn't hide the shaking in her voice. "A-Adam, please, keep yourself together-"

        He lashed out briefly. "How, Terra!? How am I supposed to stay calm when we could die tonight!? What are we going to do!? We're gonna die, that's what!"

        Terra clenched her teeth. "N-no... don't give up..." She admitted to herself, she didn't sound too convincing. Still, she was at least trying to help him. "Please, come on, we can't just fall on the ground and let them trample over us! We have to at least try, please! I don't know how to get out of this city! Please, help me!" To tell the truth, Terra wasn't all that concerned with finding her way out. She figured if she needed to, she'd just run in a random direction and at some point she'd be outside the town. While it would be easier with Adam, she didn't need his help. However, she said this to him in an attempt to inspire him to help her. It seemed to work, as Adam looked a little calmer after a few moments.

        "O-ok," he said. "I'll try. Maybe it'd be safer inside the inn. H-here, take my hand again." Terra blushed. This wasn't the right time for this, but she wasn't very used to boys holding her hand. Still, she did as he told her and he pulled her back into the inn. The colony's militia had begun to fill it. Such a sight comforted the two of them slightly. They could be protected now.
        Last edited by Aria of Forbidden Magic; 07-10-2015, 12:02 AM.


          Hyperspace | Space Station "Heaven" - Phenom's Quarters
          1:30 p.m. Station Time

          Phenom woke slowly, his room still pitch dark. It felt warm, though. He still felt a body next to him. Lachesis, sleeping soundly. He opted to enjoy the moment for awhile. It had been such a long time since he was able to enjoy such intimacy with Lachesis, and it made him feel warm inside. She fidgeted a little in her sleep and Phenom shamelessly opted to pull her closer to himself, embracing her as she slept. The both of them hadn't truly slept for over Ninety millenia, so Phenom expected Lachesis would be out cold for a few hours more. He looked at the clock. 1:30.... half an hour to their arrival.

          "I can stay like this for a little while I suppose."

          Prosperity | Sungrey
          BGM: Woodkid - Iron (Instrumental Version)

          As the militia waited inside for the raiders to try forcing their way inside, they began moving to windows. Having not heard any gunshots during the initial attack, they expected they had no firearms. However, they remained low, for fear of their flamethrowers. The interior of the inn may have been old and rustic, but the exterior was built like a fortress as it was planned to be the initial fall-back point in case of a situation like this.

          Outside, however, Phorma's men were gathering outside the Inn. They did not make it known, but they had, in their zeal, run out of incendiary weapons and fuel. This would turn into a simple stand-off to see who would make the first mistake.

          Phorma's pitch dark form stepped to the front of the several thousand raiders that were now surrounding the inn, and he hissed loudly.


          Of course, Phorma was lying. All he really wanted to do was create turmoil between the colonists. Surely their initial response would be...

          A gunshot landed at Phorma's feet.


          Exactly as expected... However, the men would of course start conversing among themselves about throwing the women to the wolves for the sake of self-preservation.

          The whispers started slowly, but grew in intensity as the standoff drew on longer. Of course, the raiders could barge in and slaughter the militia anytime they wanted, but those inside the inn didn't realize that. As far as the raiders were concerned, every single person in that building was dead meat.
          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


            Prosperity | Sungrey
            BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

            While strife began to rise between the people around her at the raiders' proposition, Terra simply made a somewhat angry look. "Hmph... pigs..." Already these men had managed to disgust her. She looked out the door. If they attack, they'll get a woman, alright. They'll get me, trying as hard as I can to beat them all to a pulp.

            Somehow, their apparent leader's request seemed to have restored some of Terra's level-headedness. She was allowing her will to defeat them and survive overcome her anxiety, little by little. Still looking out the door, she squeezed Adam's hand lightly.

            Suddenly, Terra felt a hand hit her back. She was pushed to the ground, her hand separating from Adam's as she thrust it out to catch herself. She rested on all fours as a voice rose behind her. It was a man, and he sounded frantic. "Well, if handing over the women can make them stop killing people, shouldn't we do it?" he yelled. Terra got off her hands and looked at the man, wided-eyed. Her eyes darted back and forth. Other men either nodded in hasty agreement or angrily yelled curses at the man who had suggested they leave the women and run. The women in the room either joined the men in yelling or stared forward, unsure of how to react to all of this. Terra didn't speak up herself, but she hoped to God they'd never send her out there unless it was to fight.

            Two hands came down on Terra's shoulders. Slightly startled, she looked at them, but it was only Adam trying to help her up. Once again, Terra blushed, then silently cursed herself for being so easily distracted. At this point, Adam, too, seemed more lucid and focused. He voiced what Terra had been thinking a moment ago. "Don't worry. You won't get sent out to those guys." Then he helped her get up. Terra didn't need the help, really, but again she accepted it. This time, though, it wasn't to make him feel better, but because it reminded her that someone was there to help. She smiled at him quickly and said, "Yeah, I know."


              Prosperity | Sungrey
              BGM: Woodkid - Iron (Instrumental Version)

              "MY PATIENCE GROWS THIN! SEND OUT YOUR WOMEN OR YOU WILL ALL DIE UNDER THE HEEL OF MY BOOT!" Phorma snarled angrily, ordering his men to close in on the inn. He knew the pressure would force some sort of action out of the militia within.

              "I WILL GRANT YOU ONE FINAL OFFER BEFORE I SMASH YOU! SEND ONE OF YOUR OWN OUT TO DUEL ME. IF THEY WIN, WE WILL LEAVE. IF YOU LOSE, YOUR LIVES ARE FORFEIT!" Phorma hissed. He had no intentions of losing. He simply wanted to enjoy toying with the towns folks.

              Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-10-2015, 03:03 PM.
              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                Prosperity | Sungrey
                BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

                Everyone inside the inn seemed confused, and questions flew about like locusts. What could he have meant? A girl with great power? Who could be the one that he meant? Could this be why he wanted the women to come out? What did this guy want? Terra didn't join in with their questioning. She was just as confused, but stayed quiet, as did Adam beside her. He couldn't have meant her, could he have? The way he phrased it, he made it seem as if that girl should know who she was when she was called. If that were true, why had no one moved? Maybe it was another mind game? More importantly, how did he even know this person with great power was a woman? It didn't seem to add up. Terra felt as though he must be planning something.

                It all made sense if he had some ulterior motive. He clearly wanted this girl for some reason other than to battle her one on one, that would make no sense. He had an entire army, why would he do that? He must intend to take this person and do... something with her that would further his own goals. Maybe he had some kind of way to turn them against the militia and get their power for himself. Maybe he didn't want to battle them, and he was luring them out to be killed first. Then he wouldn't need to deal with them. That too would make sense. Whatever this was, it was not a mere challenge.

                Terra turned to Adam. "Do you know what he could mean by any of this? What kind of power could he be talking about?"

                "I don't know," he said. "Why does he want to fight some girl? It doesn't make sense."

                "It does, actually, if you look at it beyond what he's saying. If he has some kind of ulterior motive involving this person, it would make sense that he'd want to lure her outside so he can... do whatever with her."

                He nodded, as things started to make sense in his mind. "Still, who could it be?" He looked around at the people around them. He never imagine they could be referring to the helpless girl who had been separated from her home somehow. She herself had suspicions though. Her hands clenched into fists. Perhaps he did mean her.

                Before she knew it, she had taken a single step in the direction of the door. She stopped herself, then quickly moved back into place next to Adam. She thought things through. He said that she had entered the "stronghold" just a little while ago. He also said she was a girl with great power, but that was all. Terra was certainly a girl, and she entered the inn with Adam fairly recently too. All she didn't know was whether her power matched up to what he sought. However, none of the other women seemed to think it was them. A quick scan of the room was all she needed to make sure of that. Every woman in there seemed to be violently denying that he could mean her. Every woman but Terra was sure.

                Terra tugged on Adam's sleeve. He turned to her, concern in his eyes. "What is it, Terra?"

                Sighing, Terra looked as closely into his eyes as she could, getting somewhat anxious as she did so. She always found it funny how her shyness even impacted her in situations like this. "What I'm about to say may be wrong, but... I think he might be talking about me."

                Adam looked floored. "Wh-what? You think he wants to fight you? But you just showed up here yesterday, didn't you? And-"

                "Adam, I know it's insane, but it's also possible. Look, no one else here is going to step out there." She gestured to all the frantic people in the room, who had now begun fighting over which girl to send out. No one could decide well enough. It was like choosing a sacrifice.

                Adam remained silent for a moment, then spoke again, more quietly. "But... if you go out there, you might die. And didn't you just say he might have some kind of ulterior motive? Do you really want to be subjected to that by going out there?"

                Terra clenched her teeth for a moment. She didn't want to, not at all... but... "If no one does, he'll kill everybody. I can't just..." She looked down at the floor, squeezed her eyes shut, then looked up again. "I'll be ok," she said. "Let me go out there."

                Seconds passed. He looked hesitant. He clearly didn't want to tell a girl he just met to enter a death match. But what she said made sense. This time, he was the one sighing and looking at the floor. "Ok, fine. If you think you can win, go, just... don't die."

                "Ok, I will. Just... keep an eye out for me, ok? He might have someone try to kill me with a gun or something when I go out there. If you see someone who looks dangerous, just yell, ok?"

                "Alright," he replied, nodding. He still seemed stiff. He clearly wished she didn't have to go out there.

                Terra glanced at the door. "Ok. I'm going. I... I'll try not to die." She couldn't believe she had just said that...

                Terra looked around one more time. Only a few people weren't wrapped up in the argument. If she was calm, she wouldn't cause a ruckus. Terra took one more deep breath, and then walked to the door. Surprisingly, no one came to pull her back. They just stood in shock, looking at the young, weak-looking girl who was about to bet her life in battle. Thus, Terra's foot crossed over the inn's threshold... effortlessly... into the view of thousands of evil eyes.


                  Prosperity | Sungrey
                  BGM: Blazblue Chornophantasma OST - Nemesis Horizon

                  As soon as Terra had cleared the threshold of the inn, Phorma's men began to charge her, madness in their eyes.

                  "STAND DOWN!"

                  Phorma's commanding hiss echoed throughout the valley as he threw his arm out to his left side. The raiders halted immediately. Two small red dots that resembled eyes peered intensely at Terra from his black form.


                  The raiders seemed to fall into line, grumbling in understanding. The anger could be seen in their eyes, regardless, as they stared with a mix of rage and lust. Phorma shook his shadowy head at their display. However, he ignored them and began to approach Terra.

                  "I'm glad you recognized yourself as the girl I was speaking of. I can feel a great power emanating from you. I haven't felt such power for a very... long... time." He said as he continued to close the gap between them. He approached her until he was mere inches from her face.

                  "But I have no intention of losing to a little girl like yourself. I am going to take your power for my own, and then I'm going to kill you." he snarled. He leaned in a little closer. "If you really think you can beat me, then take your best shot."
                  Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                  "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                  Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                    Prosperity | Sungrey
                    BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

                    Terra was surprised by the form the enemy forces' leader seemed to take. He was... a human-looking blob of darkness. He was faceless, his two red eyes gazing into her pale blues. When he stated that she was indeed who he was talking about one part of her relaxed. She had been correct, and so she knew she hadn't made a dumb mistake. However... another part of her became tense. She now had to fight him.

                    As he closed in on her, her eyes burned with a determined look. As he leaned closer, she found herself stepping back to create a bit more space between them. She couldn't bear having such a person stare into her eyes like that. Terra knew little of this man, but what she had found out so far wasn't good. She didn't like him much, to say the least. But what did he mean about "taking" her power?

                    Regardless, that didn't matter right now. What mattered was defeating him. How foolish he was being, getting so close to her. At this range, all she had to do was...

                    Before even responding to him, seizing the opportunity of a surprise attack, Terra pulled back her right arm, summoning her rapier, and quickly thrust it forward at him.


                      Alcyon Space | Space Station "Heaven" - Barracks 2-A

                      It's been about... twelve hours since Bardock had gone to sleep in his new, possibly temporary home aboard the Space Station known as Heaven. It was also the first time in quite some time since Bardock has gotten any solid rest. For the past couple days... he has been quite restless. He has spent most of his time awake, training, recovering, and just trying to take in everything that has happened. So it was no surprising that the Saiyan was able to sleep for a full twelve hours. However he was not sleeping easily. For within Bardock's dreams... was a rather depressing nightmare.

                      Bardock's Nightmare

                      In Bardock's dream he was reliving the very moment he confronted that cold, ruthless tyrant known simply as... Frieza. Everything was almost down to the exact detail. Him confronting Frieza... blasting through Frieza's men, and finally trying to stop Frieza... Only for him to be engulfed in a giant fiery blast of energy from the tyrant... Only to wake up sitting around a campfire with his old team... Seeing this confused Bardock as he tried to make sense of things, but suddenly out of nowhere, that purplish-pink menace that was Dodoria quickly appeared and began brutally slaughtering Bardock's old allies. Yet for some reason Bardock couldn't do anything. He couldn't move a muscle, or mutter a sound as he watched the fast bast*rd that is Dodoria brutally torture and kill his teammates. However as Dodoria finished off Tora... one of Bardock's closest friends, everything quickly faded to black as Bardock was left in a dark, endless void.

                      As Bardock remained motionless he managed to begin moving his body again... Only for what seemed to be two large glowing red eyes, and a series of large sharp fangs appearing out of nowhere followed by a loud roar and these large set of sharp fangs closing in on Bardock... only for the nightmare to end.

                      Alcyon Space | Space Station "Heaven" - Barracks 2-A

                      As the nightmare ended, Bardock quickly shot up into an upright position in bed screaming and covered in a rather cold sweat. It took a few minutes for the shaken up Saiyan to regain his senses as he took a deep breath.

                      "Oh god... it was only a dream... It was only a dream..." Bardock spoke to himself as he fell back into the bed as he finally woke up from what was a horribile nightmare. "Thank god it was just a dream. I couldn't stand it if I had to relive all of that again." Said Bardock before he then sat back up and got out of the bed. Now awake and out of bed, the Saiyan then entered the bathroom and to quickly get ready for the new day ahead.

                      ((Gonna say that Megumi [and gonna assume that the White Ranger] have finally made it to Miranda's, Mokou's, Ethan's, and SiMo's current location.))

                      As Ethan's towel materialized into his hand, the super-human handed the black towel to Miranda, of whom quickly took the towel and wrapped up her body with it.

                      "Don't worry you'll get it back later when I'm done with it." Said Miranda as she then gestured for Mokou and Ethan to begin walking.

                      "Come on let's get going. It'll be getting dark soon, and at night this desert can get quite cold." Spoke Miranda as she then took notice of two figures... one she doesn't recognize, and the other being one that Miranda knows all too well.

                      The two figure's were Megumi and the White Ranger. Upon seeing them Miranda let out a quick, annoyed "shit" as she saw the two.

                      "Aw shit... More people!? Wait a minute... isn't that... Holy goddamn shit you have got to be fucking kidding me!!! It's that damn White Ranger bastard that's been going around taking the law into his own hands lately!! Why the hell is he even doing here!?"
                      Last edited by SUSTIC; 07-11-2015, 12:46 AM.



                        Mokou was confused at Miranda's sudden outburst of anger. The two just looked like regular people... what is there to be mad about? Besides, according to Miranda, the man with his white jumpsuit outfit executed the law by himself like a vigilante like how Mokou has worked as a sort of private investigator for the Human Village in Gensokyo.

                        "Why is she so pissed off about this 'White Ranger'?" Mokou leaned toward Ethan and whispered. "What'd he do?"
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-11-2015, 01:52 AM.


                          Prosperity | Sungrey
                          BGM: Blazblue OST - Plastic Night II

                          As Terra's blade slid through Phorma's body, he cackled maniacally. Exactly as he had planned. He stepped back and off of the blade, something resembling a grin creeping across his "face." As he cleared the tip of Terra's blade, his body began to twist and change. Slowly but surely, his visage became that of Terra's, and his appearance hardened into a sort of "Dark-Terra."

                          "Terra Kirisame, hmm? Such a foreign name. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth." Phorma snarled at Terra. "So you have... is this what they call magic? Interesting. Oh, this body might be fun."

                          Phorma jumped back a little bit. "Let's see what this body can do!" he hissed. He glared at Terra evilly and raised his arms, summoning four beams of light, pointed at their ends. He gestured towards Terra and the spears obeyed their master's command, promptly flying at Terra at high speed.
                          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



                            After handing Miranda the towel, Ethan began to follow SiMo, who was effortlessly pushing the broken-down desert bike, but before Ethan could finish taking a single step, he suddenly heard Miranda cursing up a storm as she brought his attention to two figures in the distance.

                            As the man in white began to approach, Ethan couldn't help but slightly lean back and raise and eyebrow as he tried to figure out who this guy was. Ethan couldn't remember any mercenaries, bounty hunters, or outlaws with armor like the man's. Just who was this guy? Just then, Mokou asked Ethan the same question he was asking himself, prompting him to shrug as he looked over to Mokou.

                            "I have no clue.", Ethan said to Mokou before noticing one other person with the mysterious white figure. It took only a split second to recognize the girl's silhouette as Megumi, and once he did, Ethan spoke once more.

                            "I do know that girl though. Looks like she's bringing friends.", Ethan said to Mokou as he pointed to Megumi.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Prosperity | Sungrey
                              BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

                              "Ugh..." Terra was taken aback by his morphing into her. It all made sense now. This was why he wanted to fight the strongest person one on one. He could steal their power. Still, Terra didn't let the fact that he had ripped off her look slow her down.

                              As the projectiles flew at her, she created a blue crystal barrier around herself. The spears of light bounced off its surface in tandem, deflected. Then she spun around once, and as she did so, the shimmering shield she has made shattered, and the fragments of it spun around her and launched themselves at her adversary.



                                Miranda groaned and smacked herself in the face as she turned around to face the two.

                                "This 'White Ranger' guy is quite famous or rather 'infamous' around the colony. He only showed up about three to four weeks ago, and all he's been doing is dealing with more petty criminals. You know... like thieves and sh*t? I don't know all the details. All I know is that he has been trying his hardest to keep things safe. Which is fine and all, but when one does not have a known license as a Mercenary or something that's a bit of a problem. We do not KNOW if this guy has a license or not. Hell he literally just showed up out of nowhere one day, and ever since he has been like some sort of super-hero. Giving the security here a bit of a bad name... Either way I don't like him." Miranda explained about the White Ranger as she then turned to Ethan who had mentioned that he knows the girl who is standing next to the White Ranger.

                                "You know... why am I not surprised that you know a lot of women here? Anyways since this White Ranger guy is here IN MY SIGHT! I can finally ask this guy some damn questions." Said Miranda as she then immediately began storming off to face the White Ranger personally.

                                Meanwhile as Megumi stood in the distance, she examined the four people int he distance and noticed one of them was that man in the armor that helped her earlier. Seeing him, Megumi quickly began walking in his direction, and right past Miranda who simply gave a small nod to her as they passed.
                                Last edited by SUSTIC; 07-12-2015, 09:02 PM.

