Alcyon Space | Heaven Hangar 5
Finally back on her ship, Bryn took some tools and handed them to Runa "Have fun with the engine and feel free to do anything you like on it" She said expecting a smile from the redhead, but received a confused look
"Howbdo you trust me so easily? I could sabotage it or steal something from it" asked the engineer as they entered the battered ship. The bioroid shrugged saying "You have the air of curiousness and sincerity, and also gave me the benefit of doubt when I needed help with my arm, so if I trusted you with my body, a ship seems like nothing"
Runa smiled and then blushed with some lqughter "Guess you are right, but I still have to check you out.. For scientific purposes" she countered. Bryn smiled at that "You are a fast learner with the silver tongue little one, but back on track, how does it looks over there?" she asked. Opening the electric box and working on the wiring.
The redhead already had black taints of oil and grease on her body as she was flat on her back while working with the engine "It is ok for short trecks, but needs some work on the pressure, the readings I got from the core show faint leaks so a sealing is a priority there" she said and threw damaged pieces as if they were nothing.
"The hull needs some polishing too and hole is still a danger.." muttered the bioroid looking at it "Well, let's work with you" she picked up the welding tool and the necessary materials to repair it.