Either way I'd rather have you improve your post quality.
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[OOC]Shi no Zencho ~ Bad Omen!
I'll admit that my quality sucks at times but I never did RPing until I came here and I've never been good at detailing things (Kristia can vouch on that). So if they seem crappy to RP vets, you now know why."No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."
Name: Nicholas Suthers
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hair Color: Dark Brown. Has a single strand of silver hair on front half of head.
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Nicholas' outfit generally depends on the occasion. When at school, he follows the school's dress code and wears his uniform (ones in image), but outside of school he will generally wear steel-toed boots, cargo pants, and any shirt fit for the occasion.
Biography: (I recommend reading it. Sleepless nights were had by third parties.)
Nicholas Suthers wasn't the most fortunate of souls. As a child he was orphaned by an unwed teen mother who wasn't able to care for him. He was put up for adoption as an infant and raised in a small sort of foster home. It wasn't' quite large enough to be considered an orphanage, there were only four children living there, counting Nicholas himself and the building was just an ordinary house like any other. Despite this however Nicholas was a happy child, albeit a bit odd. There were times when he would fall into a depression but more often than not his smile would shine through.
As a young student Nicholas loved to learn. His teacher was happy to have a student so excited about learning, but also frustrated at the sea of never ending questions. Whenever Nicholas learned one thing he had a hundred questions about it always wanting more. And each question that was answered spawned two more questions. It got to the point where his teacher took him to the local library and got him his very own library card so he could answer any questions he had for himself. Nicholas was very smart during his school days and knew many things about various subjects that even surprised his teachers. however his grades were still lacking due to his inability to focus and his tendency to forget about homework.After Middle school, Nicholas moved out of state for his freshmen year of high school. He wanted a fresh start and the high school he was going to offered exciting classes such as quantum mechanics and philosophy. Of cores it wasn't until after he had applied there that he learned these two classes weren't available for freshmen.. On his first day however he found himself in a bit of trouble. Nicholas was rather well built for a freshmen. He was tall and had a strong body.
This imminently attracted a few of the older girls at the school. Being the new kid and all made him mysterious. It didn't' take long before the seniors grew jealous of the new freshmen getting the attention from the girls in their class. Even though there were only two of them and even though Nicholas hadn't done anything wrong. The seniors made it their mission to humiliate Nicholas in front of everyone. Two large jocks approached him and without warning shoved him backwards about a step before he ought himself on one of his feet. Nicholas didn't stumble or fall and now that he was aware of the situation it wasn't likely the bully who had pushed him would be able to move him another inch.
The leader of the duo of jocks went off on a rant about how he should stay away from his girl how he's nothing and how he could kick his ass in a heartbeat if he wanted too, all in an attempt to intimidate Nicholas. however he stood his ground and rather than fight are argue simply used logic to confuse the two dimwitted jocks. This only made the jocks more angry. They tried to make Nicholas leave the area wanting to run him off so it would seem like they had won, but Nicholas didn't move an inch. This eventually lead to one of the two jocks throwing a punch at Nicholas. While he wasn't a violent person he wasn't about to let some snob push him around. in an instant he caught the boys punch and delivered a blow of his own. He hit the boy square between the eyes and with a single punch knocked him out cold. Everyone looked shocked, even Nicholas. It seemed he didn't know his own strength. If he had known how much damage a single punch would have done he might have held back but it was too late now. It was still for a moment. The other jock had ran off in fear of meeting the same fate as his fallen team mate while the older two girls swooned for the freshmen.
The rest of that day was repetitively normal. At lunch and between classes Nicholas received praise for his accomplishment. The students had taken his story and warped it dramatically to a story in which Nicholas had brutally beaten the jock in a display of fighting dominance the likes of which the school had never seen. At first he tried to correct them, but the peer pressure got to his head. he liked all the attention he was getting so he allowed them to believe what they wanted.<br /><br />The next morning on his way to school, Nicholas heard what sounded like crying. He strayed from his path and looked around until he came to a quiet ally. Quiet accept for the sound of one woman weeping. He approached the girl to check on her as she sat there on the ground seeming lost and helpless. But when he got close all he saw was her smiling face as she muttered the word "Idiot" It took him a moment to realize she was talking to him. He turned around to see the entire football team, armed with wooden bats and chains as they approached. The woman who had been crying quickly got up and ran behind them as she smiled. They had put her up to this and now they had him cornered and outnumbered. He gulped, taking in a deep berth as he prepared for the worst.
However before the gang of jocks made it too far down the ally, Nicholas heard the sound of a deep male voice. A figure appeared behind the gang, which then turned their attention to him. Nicholas couldn't' quite make out what they were saying, having been too far away at the time but he could still see them rather clearly. Suddenly the gang of jocks started dropping one after the other. Some of them tried to flee but they weren't able to make it very far. In a matter of seconds the entire football team had been knocked out cold by a single man. The only two figures left standing were the stranger and the woman who had been crying before, the later of which soon left in frustration. The stranger approached Nicholas closing the distance between them. As he did so Nicholas could made out some more of the details about this stranger. He was about as tall as Nicholas if not a bit shorter. He had dark skin and a balled head. He were sunglasses over his eyes and a black jacket over his white tee shirt. He wore bluejean pants and white sneakers that looked brand new. If you looked up "Thug" in the dictionary you would see a picture of this guy. But he did just save Nicholas's ass so he couldn't be all bad right?
The stranger introduced himself as Oliver Brian. Being polite Nicholas returned the courtesy and told Oliver his name and thanked him for the rescue. After a quick exchange of words Oliver explained how he had heard Nicholas's story about how he defeated the big bad jock and knew that only trouble and potential death could come from it. Seeing how everything Oliver had predicted came true left Nicholas shocked in aw. What was even more surprising was that he willingly went out of his way to help a total stranger. courtesy went off on one of his little rants about since, discussing the human brain, intuition and ESP. Rather than getting annoyed at him however Oliver found his conversation to be interesting. The two engaged in a deep intelligent conversation until they finally reached the school. It seemed courtesy had made a new friend.
Oliver introduced courtesy to his little circle of friends. There were five of them in total. some black some white some Asian some Spanish, race didn't seem to matter to them. Nor did culture as all of them were dressed differently They accepted courtesy and soon he was one of them. For the first time in his life he felt like he was part of a family. The jocks didn't' bother him after that, nor did anyone for that matter. As courtesy soon learned like Oliver, all five of his new friends were skilled fighters. Out of all of them Oliver was only the second strongest of the bunch. The strongest fighter and the leader of their little group was a man known as Simon. Simon had pale skin and fiery red hair. He spoke with an Irish accent but he fought like a god.
Oliver later explained that Simon had been trained by some of the top martial artists in the country from a young age, but rather than use his talents for sport or for personal gain, Simon fancied himself a peace keeper among the school. He wanted to become a police officer once he graduated. Simon's friends were all people that he had either helped or fought in the past. Oliver also went on to explain that while there goal was to help people they only interfered in such matters when one's life was at stake or when the odds were heavily stacked against them such as Nicholas's situation.
Nicholas lived a rather peaceful life from that point on with little to worry about other than having too much homework. Occasionally he would train with his new friends and learn about how they fought. He didn't' learn everything and he never mastered the art, but he knew enough to cause some damage when he needed too. During his sophomore year of high school he got a part time job with Oliver moving furniture and other heavy objects for a moving company. He used the money he got to buy his own car and spent the rest on food and video games. Weeks past then months and Nicholas became a junior and before he knew it it was time for graduation. Nicholas and Oliver were the only ones left in the school at that point, having been the two youngest members.
There other four friends had been planning a bit of a small celebration for the two graduating students. It was going to take place after the Ceremony. Simon had created fake ID's for the younger members of their group and was waiting for Nicholas and Oliver at a bar. After all it wasn't' too uncommon for 18 year olds to drink in this town so it wasn't like they were going to get in any trouble. Nicholas and Oliver road straight from graduation to the bar in Nicholas's car. But when they got there the police had the area blocked off. The two of them panicked at first fearing they had been found out but when they got there all the officers told them was to stay back. a few minutes passed by and the officers came out of the bar with an entire biker gang in custody.
Oliver asked one of the officers what was going on. He answered that there had been a reported shooting inside the bar and that they came to investigate. What they didn't know at the time was that all four of their friends had been shot and killed in the process. The biker gang had been harassing a woman, almost raping her in plane sight in their drunken stupor. Simon tried to reason with the drunkards to leave the woman alone but his protests were met with loud swearing. Eventually it got to the point where Simon had to take care of the problem by force and ended defeating 3 of the large bikers by himself. That's when hings went horribly wrong. Two of the more sober gang members took out their guns and shot Simon down. When his friends tried to check on him they shot them to, killing all four in cold blood.
The news hit Nicholas and Oliver hard. Nicholas fell into a deep depression at the loss of his family. Oliver became incredibly angry and sorrowful, but the two of them pushed on. They tried to distract themselves by going on a mini vacation during the summer. It seemed to take Nicholas's mind off of it but Oliver didn't' seem to get any better. Nicholas did what he could to cheer his friend up but nothing seemed to work. If only there were some way to get through to him. About a month had passed after school had let out. and Oliver announced that he was leaving. Confused Nicholas questioned his friend only to learn that Oliver was joining the army. He wanted to move forward and more importantly he wanted to honor his fallen family. He didn't know if this was what he needed to do, but it was a good a place as any to start.
Oliver left soon after, leaving Nicholas alone and friendless. It was a dark time in Nicholas's life. He managed to make a few new friends but it was difficult to get over the loss of his friends. Everywhere he went reminded him of it. It was maddening to the point he couldn't take it. Having had enough, Nicholas decided to apply to a school in Valhalla. The change of scenery would be just what he needed and a fresh start would give him another chance at making friends. But there was an even deeper motive behind picking this location. He had heard strange rumors surrounding that place about murders and kidnappings that not even the police had be able to figure out. In an otherwise peaceful land one mystery haunted the place. Nicholas planed to move there to solve the great mystery and become a detective or perhaps an officer of the law. It seemed he too wanted to honor Simon's memory. He felt certain that his quest would eventually lead him to cross paths with his friend Oliver again but only time would tell for sure.
Personality and Traits: Nicholas' personality can range from hyper and optimistic, to dark and depressing, but generally he is an energetic and happy individual. He has a strong sense of loyalty and honor, and is almost always has something on his mind. He maintains passion and drive in many things he does, and is always looking to make someone's day a little brighter. At his worst though, he can be rather cold and distant, and sometimes one can wonder what's sharper, his blade or his tongue.
As for quirks, Nicholas Suthers has always been considered a strange kid, or at least to the rest of the world. To him, he has just the right amount of "odd" to keep him from being about as interesting as a cardboard box. He loves to challenge himself and strives to be better at almost everything he does, sometimes to a fault. Although he tends to go overkill, he does try to keep within his physical and mental limits, although he will still try to push the envelope. That and his enthusiasm is only bolstered by his sometimes erratic and hyperactive behavior, sometimes even acting a little childish or even just plain ridiculous at times. On top of all that, he has a tendency to overthink things, sometimes even the simple things... and likes caffeine.
The Spiritual Conduit
Nicholas has the ability to be a spiritual conduit, or rather has the ability to channel spiritual energy into objects, himself, and other people. When focusing on himself, Nicholas can increase his speed, strength, stamina, and durability by a certain amount, as well as generate a spiritual shield over himself. protecting himself from harm. That is not to say that the shield blocks all incoming damage though. If the attack is strong enough, it will shatter the shield and damage Nicholas.
Depending on the item, he can increase how much damage they can deal, the rate of fire for them, and even give them a "sentience" of sorts. This "sentience" is almost a seeker effect that effects throwing weapons, but instead of the weapon following the target, it seems more like the object lands where the target is or will be. For example, a knife is thrown from the ledge of a building and falls toward the earth. Meanwhile, the target is running across a multitude of buildings down below and jumps over the side of one to land on another, but as he does, he is struck by a flying knife. This ability is limited at first by simply making it that Nicholas can hit a target at medium range, but as he gets stronger, he can aim farther and with more precision.
When focusing on others, he can either invigorate an ally (boosting their abilities or providing a spiritual ward), or hinder enemies by weakening them or slowing them down. When affecting an enemy in this matter, he needs to be of equal or higher threat level to have a garunteed influence on them.
For example, let's say Nick's score is 10 while he fights a level 6 enemy. He could pretty easily affect the creature and would dominate. Now with a level 8, he would have less of an effect on it, though still a pretty good amount. A level 10 creature would be affected much less than before. If Nick fights an enemy with a stronger power score than his, the enemy actually has a chance to fight back and resist the effect completely. Even if they can't resist, their brute power would be enough to make the "debuff" quite small. If there is a significant power gap between Nick and the enemy, such as a 60 fighting level 10 Nick, there would be no effect and the attack would be laughed off.
He can slow down a target by about 20%, but the more powerful the target is compared to him, the harder it will be for him to affect them.
As for his Soulbound item, his is a pair of foldable knives. They can be used for a multitude of things, from cutting to stabbing to bludgeoning to throwing.
Threat Level : 12.75
Strength: 18
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 9
Special: 8
Miscellaneous notes:
Appropriate BGMs:
Tool - Lateralus (Just had to.)
Powerman 5000 - Live It Up Before You're Dead
Final Notes: (@ Wriggle) Ok, I used your template, now where's my new car?
Also, HUGE thanks to Tewi for helping me with the Bio (more like making the entire bio). If not for her, my bio wouldn't be half as interesting or as exciting as the one she made. I greatly appreciate the help.Last edited by S121; 01-30-2016, 03:48 AM.Originally posted by S121Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.sigpic
got to use what we got, comedy always works, even in absurd situations
Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..