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Trinity Soul University Re-imagined OOC
For ease of use the Dorm Listings are now updated:
Male Doorm
102: Tristan, Svinn and Drake
104: Lucas, Natsu (PORN LOVER), and Hajime
107: Jason and Andrew
Female Doorms
103: Primula, and Chiha
105: Alice, Trista and Isabelle
106: Caffei, Chiasa (currently known in public as Talia)
108: Ukana, Kathryn and Raiko
If I happened to have missed anyone please let me know.
Race: Satori
Name: Satori
Gender: Male/Female
Appearance: Satori are mostly humanoid with some differences. Most are shorter by default, though their main difference comes from what is wrapped around their body.
A single third eye, with 2-5 main cords attaching to various parts of the body. Colours of both eye itself and the cords can range greatly, but usually settles towards brighter colours.
Eyes and hair can also have a wide range of colour. Eyes themselves can glow in the dark, and have a white iris rather than a normal black one.
Teeth are extremely sharp, with very light serrations to them. Closest allegory can be to that of shark teeth.
Abilities: The defining ability of the Satori is that of their powerful mind reading and manipulation. Variance and maximum power of this is dependent on how many cords the Satori possesses, though even lower cord Satori can grow to be fairly powerful with focused training.
Some satori can also use cords as a means to fight physically with, being able to launch periphery cords with extreme velocity, and with their hard to break status, this can make them great whips, and a few satori have used them as something similar to a grappling hook due to the heart-shaped end. This is usually restricted to lower-cord satori.
Weaknesses: While the more cords a satori has, the greater their mental and magical strength, the lower their physical strength is. Two cord satori show little to no difference, but a five cord satori could be nearly disabled.
Due to spending much of their lives in the dark or underground, they can be somewhat sensitive to light, even after being outside for a long while.
Another weakness is many Satori cannot control what thoughts they hear, and can be overwhelmed by crowds without training.
Lastly, due to their magical nature, they are somewhat weak to Cleansing.
History: Nobody knows exactly where the Satori came from. Their quite reclusive nature adds to this fact, with them being rare enough that seeing a Satori more than once in your life is probably equivalent to being struck by lightning.
Due to this, not much is known about the satori other than the fact that they prefer to live underground or around mountains, small communities usually hidden via elaborate illusions and trickery.
You won’t find one unless they want you to find them.
This much is known, via the few interactions with Satori and neighboring Oni.
They appeared shortly after the Great Link, and are almost always found either underground, or around mountains. There were many more Satori at one point, though it’s hard to say when or what their number were.
Humanity, being violent as they are, were afraid of the Satori. They could know all their secrets within the blink of an eye, they knew what a person’s plans were, or their current thoughts.
And thus many Satori were culled and the rest went into deep hiding, and have still never come out aside from a scant few, usually asked by others to come out for a job or something similar.
Behavior: Satori are naturally anti-social, an instinct ingrained in many of them for generations.
They greatly enjoy reading or anything similar. Considering their isolation, many of them are somewhat old-fashioned. Only a few have caught up to the times.
Other than that, they’re fairly normal comparative to a human, though some have a habit of replying to people before they finish talking, or finishing their sentences for them.
Biology: Biologically, the Satori are quite strange. A fairly large portion of their body is made of magic, much like how a human’s body is mostly made of water.
They are primarily meat-eaters, but this is not due to the flesh itself. One of their main things they eat is emotions themselves, which reside in the flesh. Due to this, the flesh of sentient creatures is most delectable, especially the heart.
They can go for a few days, up to a week without these things, however at some point they DO need them. Most Satori source their meat from morticians, but some are known to go for live prey.
Another thing of note within the Satori is the eye itself. It’s hard to say exactly what it is. Some think of it as an equivalent to the heart,however, this has been seen to not be the case, due to the presence of closed-eye satori.
EXTRA (Closed-Eye Satori): Closed-Eye Satori are those who have closed their eye willingly, were forced to, have had them severely injured or even had the eye ripped out of the socket.
Their conscious mind is completely shut off. They can’t think, the closest they can get is a half-thought. They live entirely off of their subconscious, the fleeting instincts and desires and whirling ideas and other things.
They are quite rare, though this also seemingly completely perverts their mind reading and manipulation into something very different. Manipulation of the subconscious.
They can insert ideas or other things into a person’s mind without them knowing, suggestions, images, and they’ll think it was their idea or they thought to do that themselves, even with the satori themselves in front of them.
This also applies to perception, and can completely twist what a person sees, from making themselves practically invisible, completely forgettable, or making them have the equivalent of an acid trip.
Closed-Eye Satori have an aura like this around them, making them far harder to see or detect than normal. Only applies slightly to machines, causing light static.
This does scale with Mind magic though, and it can twist and pervert spells and skills from that.
Character: Koishi Komeiji
Name: Koishi Komeiji
Gender: Female
Race: Satori
Age: 419
Personality: Koishi’s personality is strange, to say the least, due to her closed-eye nature. She’s extremely forgetful, though she has a good habit of writing down a lot of things since she can’t exactly think of them.
She’s been shown to be extremely cheerful in most circumstances and friendly towards basically everybody, except when she realizes she needs to be “super serious”.
During those few times where she actually focuses, she reveals an almost very different side of herself, usually being somewhat cautious, but trying to spill out of many good ideas as she can before she loses her train of “thought” again.
She always tries to accommodate for others, helping them when they’re sad, or calming them down when angry. She can be best described as a shoulder to cry on.
Soul elements:
Soul Points:
3x Mind
2x Movement
Skills/Powers: Koishi possesses the coveted ability that all closed-eye Satori possess, being able to read and manipulate the subconscious. More detailed summary in race, but basics include planting suggestions, manipulating what a person sees, and “invisibility”. Power scales up with Mind Magic.
Her peripheral cords can also be launched forward as projectiles, or alternatively use them as a hook to drag themselves to a location.
They are also skilled with throwing blades, using it as a main form of self-defense. Combined with their near invisibility, this can make them a hard target to hit due to their evasiveness.
They are also good with blades themselves, but prefer things like knives or machetes.
Greatly enjoys baking. It’s one of the few things she’s been seen to focus on, although she has to write down all the recipes lest she forgets.
Also writes small snippets of things, usually small short stories.
1x Enchanted Hat (acts as a “bag of holding”)
1x Enchanted Cooler (keeps things fresh and cold as long as it is inside)
10x Snickerdoodles
1x Handwritten Snickerdoodle Recipe (Written in Koishi’s near illegible handwriting.)
5x Large Notebooks
12x Mechanical Pencils
150x Throwing Knives
1x Treeman Combat Machete
2x Toothbrush
9x Tubes of Toothpaste
2x Regular Clothes
1x Winter Gear
5x Pairs of Looooong Socks
2x Heavy Looooong Socks
1x Cell-Phone
1x Cell-Phone Charger (wireless)
10x Human Hearts (stored in cooler)
1x World Map
Bio: Koishi came from a fairly well-trodden mountain, surrounded by many small towns and villages.
She lived with her sister, in a concealed palace of stone, built long ago by their ancestors. Unlike her sister, she was always curious, occasionally venturing down into the towns below. The people always seemed to be afraid of her once they realized what she was.
All she wanted was a friend, but she was ousted out left and right. For a Satori and their strong emotions, this hit her very, very hard, sinking her into a quite deep depression. Her sister tried to help, but to little avail. One day, in an effort so she wouldn’t be sad anymore, so people wouldn’t be afraid, she closed her third eye.
Now she couldn’t be hated, but now it was hard for her to feel love, too. Her mind simply glossed over it though, as her subconscious ran wild.
She wandered for a long while. She wasn’t exactly sure how long, or to where, but she wandered so. Upon returning home, her sister asked her to try and go to the university, hoping she might find direction again. And she accepted. So she goes, off to wherever the university may be.
Reason for joining the school: They were urged to by their sister. And since their sister is the best, they accepted. After being reminded several times.
Notes: Always keeps her hat with her. Panics somewhat without it.
Speaks in a strange manner, adding plurals to things that shouldn’t, or adding other things at the end of words.
TSU Staff: Groundskeeper
Nobody exactly knows when the man arrived. Nobody knows exactly who they are, either, given they cover practically their entire body in some mixture of bandages and other wrappings, most notably a trenchcoat and a pair of practically glowing red goggles. Not to mention them being exceptionally tall, standing at a height of 7'4.
However, what they do know is ever since they’ve been around, the grounds have been exceptionally clean, hedges all cut to near perfect degrees, any damages repaired in record time, and other general things to keep the quality of life high.
Whenever asked of who they are, the most common reply they give in a low, near baritone voice is: “I’m the groundskeeper.” before moving away or ignoring any other questions.
The more true side of them shows primarily when asked to substitute for a class, which they will accept.
Their actual name is Hank, though no last name has ever been uttered from beneath their mask.
They show a very high proficiency for many types of magics, but appear to prefer restoration and buffing-type magic and understand the many intricacies of healing both others and themselves, up to a point where they can restore practically eviscerated people from the very brink, including themselves.
They also have tendency to throw the current curriculum out of the window upon seeing it and teach freehand, preferring to see what the students know and going from there. The actual teachers are usually angry with him due to this, however Hanks himself seemingly do not care in the slightest, giving the somewhat battered curriculum back to them on the next day, along with fixing the window.
They have also won the local gardening contest. Every year. No exceptions.
They also heavily dislike those who litter or cause destruction to the university. This usually results in teaching them a lesson, both literally and via violence, though never anything they can’t restore, unless the perpertrator attempts to kill them. This is thought to be part of why they are extremely proficient with healing magic. Students near the beginning of the year are let off with a warning. After that, there are no holds barred.
Lesson scales up with amount of destruction/and or littering of grounds. Considering the lack of actual killing and full restoration of the subject and clothes, this is somewhat allowed, but must be handled properly. Please see: ADDENDUM 1835 for further information.
Physical capabilities are very high, increased further via heavy enchantments to clothes and ambient buffing magic.
Usually uses fists, however when needed, the groundskeeper also has a set of firearms under his coat and a single blade on his back.
The first of which is a pair of Wilson Hunter 1911A1 Custom pistols, capable of dispatching heavy targets up to an Oni or higher with repeated fire. Chambered in .460 Rowland.
The second is a IMI Tavor Assault Rifle 21st Century, or the TAR-21. A highly compact assault rifle, used when heavier targets make themselves known. Used for taking out several opponents at a time, or dispatching a single heavy target.
The last one is a strange one, possibly a custom firearm. It resembles a Valtro PM-5, but with a far shorter barrel, and a larger grip. This is used for the heaviest of targets, usually alongside his blade. Is semi-automatic, capable of firing as fast as one can pull the trigger, has a magazine of 14 rounds, loaded in 12 gauge.
Any info regarding the above weapon would be appreciated by TSU staff.
The final weapon is what appears to be a blade resembling a katana in make. A rather simple handle and blade. This also appears to be one of their primary tools for hedge cutting, despite what most would see as inefficiency.
This weapon is rarely used in combat, only in the most dire circumstances, or when they are “serious”. They show incredible skill in combat with this weapon, alongside many, many others.
Combat is not advised with the Groundskeeper. Simply let them do their job, or call them up as a substitute if needed. Otherwise, it would be best to let them be.
There are times when they disappear from the grounds. These occur usually at night, several personnel have reported they come back coated partially in blood, but clean up very shortly afterwards.
Note: You people requested an "application" for this man? Considering the complete lack of info on this person, if they even are a person, there's really not much to say which hasn't already been spoken of above. It's completely uneccessary. Damn record-keepers. But fine, here you go, an "application", if you can even call it that.
Name: The Groundskeeper (Hank, last name unknown)
Race: Unknown, possibly Human or Oni? Leaning on Human, considering lack of horn. (Human)
Age: Unknown, however we estimate between 50 and 140 years. If human, this is likely due to magical means. (128)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Hank stands at a height of 7'4, and covers the majority of their body in a layer of bandages aside from the area around the eyes. Atop that, they wear a black bandana on top of their head, as well as over their mouth. Covering their eyes are a set of thick goggle with red lenses.
He wears a black trenchcoat with long sleeves and a set of fingerless gloves on their hands. Usually the coat is closed, but beneath is yet another layer of bandages. Black pants beneath, possessing kneepads along with two holsters for his handguns. For footwear, they usually wear a set of heavy black boots.
So basically, other staff, if you want to identify him, look for the extremely covered man who looks like they should be browsing Hot Topic and hang out with goth kids. Though they do neither, seemingly.
Personality: Cold, for the most part. They wave off most interaction with students aside from when they're substituting and don't talk much to staff either. They usually reply with nods. They're not mute, though. They seemingly save their voice for these substitute classes, in which they can go into very thorough explanation on most, if not all forms of magic, though they usually prefer to test things on the field rather than in the classroom.
Otherwise, he's fairly quiet, especially when tending to the grounds, though some have sworn to heard him sometimes humming music, though nobody can figure out what tune it is.
Info: Just read the above document. It lists everything else, and i'd rather not restate what's already been said other than what I apparently have to.
Last edited by Koishi; 01-12-2017, 04:49 AM.
Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.
You just discard their guts and keep on driving.
At first I thought the groundskeeper was the store guy from Resident Evil 4. I do like the race, character and NPC app, although we shall wait for the others to give their opinions.Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..
I am about unsure what you meant with "After all, no sense in scaring off new and inexperienced teachers." then.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using TapatalkBorn in the light.
Molded in the dark.
Never Forget,
Keep Fighting.–Don't Forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
–As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Originally posted by Tewi_Inaba View Post
@Mima: the grounds keeper looks interesting but please put it in the form of an NPC app which the template can be found on page one.
And it's Groundskeeper. One word. Otherwise it looks weird.
Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.
You just discard their guts and keep on driving.
Well, that's limiting. But check the doc again.
Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.
You just discard their guts and keep on driving.