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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    You plan on having him die here in part I?
    in the chapter list timeline, when do ya plan on that happening or how?


      It's quiet.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Making big post...for the second time =w=;
        Should be ready in a moment.

        Emergency stash of images I want to keep on hand for later.
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-01-2013, 09:08 PM.


          In chapter 7 or 8 perhaps? As for how he dies...that will be revealed probably soon enough, what with the black roses going after him, i will give one clue though, he already knows he is going to die (thus the recklessness).
          How many times can you die a day~?
          How many times have you died a day~?


            @ book

            well that's really early indeed. If anything the Black Roses will be trying to recruit him, not kill him. They are like the renegades of the story, bouncing between factions as mercenaries.


              @ Kristia
              I got big post for the next part with Anankerisa. Gonna wait for Thursday so I force myself to focus tomorrow on homework. Feel free to search for Anankerisa though she won't be found...she'll find you.

              Gonna get some rest...I've been getting less than 5-6 hrs of sleep...and I can't function on that...
              Especially with lack of food too...
              I think I'm slowly killing myself =w=;;


                Shoot I seriously need to sleep...but I'm going to do this set up at least for the time being for how I will organize a summary of what's going on. I'll do the summary at the end of each chapter, that way I can sum up everything in one fell swoop for that chapter.

                For chapter one I'll subdivide it as follows:

                how about this: everyone come up with a clever metaphorical title that would represent your characters for the time being until Thursday when I'm thinking proper again.

                CHAPTER ONE | Guardian's of Helios
                - (Mainstream summary)
                - (Book's character: Nhiome)
                - (Mima's character: Mima)
                - (Kristia's character: Mara)


                EDIT: Updated OP accordingly, put a bunch of things into spoiler boxes to shrink down the space it takes up.
                and now I sleep.
                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-02-2013, 01:32 AM.


                  Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                  how about this: everyone come up with a clever metaphorical title that would represent your characters for the time being until Thursday when I'm thinking proper again.

                  CHAPTER ONE | Guardian's of Helios
                  - (Mainstream summary)
                  - (Book's character: Nhiome)
                  - (Mima's character: Mima)
                  - (Kristia's character: Mara)


                  EDIT: Updated OP accordingly, put a bunch of things into spoiler boxes to shrink down the space it takes up.
                  and now I sleep.
                  Well, mine shall be known as Fractis Animus (or "shattered spirit" in Latin)

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                    Could you specify the size of the ships, and also their firepower and defenses and capacity?


                      a possible name for a metaphorical title for the bioroid would be "The wandering machina"
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                        Shoot I seriously need to sleep...but I'm going to do this set up at least for the time being for how I will organize a summary of what's going on. I'll do the summary at the end of each chapter, that way I can sum up everything in one fell swoop for that chapter.

                        For chapter one I'll subdivide it as follows:

                        how about this: everyone come up with a clever metaphorical title that would represent your characters for the time being until Thursday when I'm thinking proper again.

                        CHAPTER ONE | Guardian's of Helios
                        - (Mainstream summary)
                        - (Book's character: Nhiome)
                        - (Mima's character: Mima)
                        - (Kristia's character: Mara)


                        EDIT: Updated OP accordingly, put a bunch of things into spoiler boxes to shrink down the space it takes up.
                        and now I sleep.
                        For will just be "Black Wind" which is basically what "KuroiKame" means

                        I also noticed how your version of fighters was different from mine... and since I did not really base the KuroiKame on anything, i do not have a link and I can't draw either, my art is terrible -_- . So I will just try to describe it.

                        Sort of like an arrow, except the shaft is a lot shorter and nearly as thick as the arrowhead. The "arrowhead" is where the engine, controls, basic equipment and things like that are located, this is basically the cockpit. The sleeping area and the forward cannon is located here, pretty comfortable in general, made for long journeys/waits. The shaft is like a corridor, it connects the forward and back section, as well as containing the specialised air lock, docking clamps etc, just the entrances and exits. The "fletches" or the back of the ship is the cargo area, where the loot can be stored as well as containing more complicated pieces of machinery and food&water and other such supplies. When viewed from the side, the approximate ratio of the front to the middle to the back is 3:2:5. Maybe about 2.5 meters tall, 5 meters wide and 30 meters long for the entire ship, pretty small. No wings or anything like that, thrusters located at the back, the guns are located either directly in front or behind to allow for the 180 degree range.

                        Ok, hope this is enough to allow you to visualise it.

                        Edit: randomly googled image and found a picture that sort of fits the description. . Similar general shape (minus the "wing"s and the "can"s sticking out the front of the back area) , only thing different is the gun in front and behind and the colour should be black.
                        Last edited by bookdragon2000; 10-02-2013, 10:41 AM.
                        How many times can you die a day~?
                        How many times have you died a day~?


                          @ Mima
                          That. is. perfect.
                          I'll put that in for your sub story here for chapter 1.

                          @ Pandre

                          I didn't have a completely solid model of what the ships capabilities are but this was what I was toying with in the IC post I had where I had Nero and the Soldier trying to explain what is impressive about a "boat."

                          "The Delta Division's Flagship, Excalibur, is an Alpha Class Battle Cruiser capable of carrying approximately
                          500 million people,
                          1.5 million aerial fighters,
                          750 thousand aerial transports,
                          650 thousand ground assault vehicles,
                          350 thousand ground transports,
                          and 5 Zeta Class carriers.

                          In addition, Alpha Class carriers are equipped with
                          40 billion external cannons, machine guns, and missile launchers.

                          In short, an Alpha Class Battle Cruiser is big enough and armed to the point where it could put the fear of god in any opponent.
                          Only nine have ever been built,
                          four for the Venturian Council, one of which disappeared without a trace, which is incredible considering the fact it's impossible to hide something as big as an Alpha Class,
                          three are in the possession of the NGO,
                          and two by the Guardians." The soldier explained with gusto.

                          Nero merely smirked. "And half of that she probably doesn't even remotely understand at the moment with her memories gone.
                          Anyway, a better definition is that it's about the size of a small planet with enough firepower to annihilate anything.
                          And what's more, The Delta Division fleet not only has an Alpha class, but also
                          4 Beta Classes, which is the next size down, about 3/4ths of an Alpha,
                          3 Deltas, an eighth of an Alpha,
                          and 7 Lambdas, about a thirty-second of an Alpha."
                          So the system I have is this:
                          Alpha Class Battle Cruisers are about the equivalent of Super Star Destroyers from Star Wars in size and fire power.

                          In terms of shields, it can focus them so that they can last against another Alpha for almost days. However this leaves an opening for attack on the side facing away from assault. Thus they can be maneuvered so that they can be destroyed, however the sheer fire power capable deters from attacks.

                          Anything else is measured as fractions of the capabilities of an Alpha class, with it steadly becoming less as you go down the list, with Omega and Kappa Class Destroyers being the exceptions in terms of fire power.

                          @ book

                          Alright, I'll add that title in.

                          Also, when you said airlock I immediately thought something a bit bigger than a fighter, which obviously is too small to have such a feature. It would be classified as a sort of transport/gunship here. Sort of what you could classify the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars as.
                          In short, it would be interesting to see it fare against smaller fighters...

                          @ Kristia

                          I'll add that as well

                          @ Book

                          If you wanted him to go down in a blaze of glory, you could have him enter the fray of the War of Eternity, cause the Strike Fighters and NGO always cross paths and wind up in a fire fight.

                          EDIT 2:
                          @ Kristia
                          Trying to work out what to do next...I'm thinking about having Anankerisa do what she does best (screw with people's minds) and make Mara wake up in her ship in Helios or Conlustrare as though everything that happened was a dream...
                          Or continue the game of hide and seek.
                          It would be an interesting twist to have Anankerisa appear behind Mara and have red threads appear attached to Anankerisa as though she was a puppet and then have Anankerisa whisper something like "You need to wake up."
                          A puppet controlling puppets...
                's one of the concepts I was toying with but scrapped earlier.
                          I think I'll just keep up the game of hide and seek until the freighter reaches Conlustrare.

                          EDIT 3:
                          @ Kristia
                          Gonna just go with the hide and seek. nvm bout the other thing
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-02-2013, 02:04 PM.


                            Ok Here's the template so far for Chapter One

                            CHAPTER 1 | The Guardians of Helios

                            - (Mainstream story summary)


                            Fractis Animus

                            Black Wind

                            Wandering Machina
                            And I know it's early, but I kinda want to say what I have planned for transitioning into part II.

                            After we get to like...chapter 30 here I'll make a transition thread (or repurpose this one) for where everyone would point out what needs to be added into the OOC for Part II and it would be the place where things will be planned out for people that may show up then to join in. That way everything moves into part II correctly.
                            Might not be completely necessary...but I'm just thinking ahead here.


                              alright then, everything is moving swiftly here
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                So far so good, indeed.
                                honestly this has gotten farther than I was expecting so I'm really hopeful here for getting through the main two parts and then getting into something along the lines of "free-roam" parts after where I have 0 mainstream and just the Venturian Galaxy as a stage and no other restraints except for the usual theme things.

                                Also for anyone on the fence about this...
                                consider this:
                                Because of the fact that this story is taking place in a galaxy...
                       can be virtually anything as long as it's not totally absurd.

                                For example,
                                Want to be a planetary war hero? You can do that.
                                Want to be a king of a planet? You can do that.
                                Want to rule a solar system that isn't one of the main ones? You can do that.
                                Want to be Jack Sparrow on a planet ruled by pirates? You can do that.
                                Want to be a dragon warlord space pirate? You can do that.
                                Want to be Link on the planet of Hyrule? You can do that.

                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-02-2013, 08:14 PM.

