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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Just to be certain since my mind is fuzzy right now

    No one else has applied that isn't taking part in the IC atm, right?
    uhm...translation: I didn't forget someone somehow right?


      not that I know
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Aye...didn't think so =w=
        There's just a couple of people on the fence, so for some reason I thought I might have missed something somewhere.

        Oh and did anyone figure out what "song" has a similar tempo/structure/rhythm/Ihavenoideawhattocallit to what Anankerisa is singing?
        It should be relatively obvious...

        Just had a stupid idea that may or may not work.
        At part IV I'm thinking about doing alil something special for Trouble cause of a few reasons.
        I'll figure out what exactly when we get there...but it's sorta just formed at the back of my mind.

        Anyway I'ma get some sleep that I seriously need after 4 days of killing myself with lack of food and all.
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-02-2013, 11:50 PM.



          I see your point, i never actually considered the airlock. I edited it (on the profile on page 5) a bit so that it was a little more feasible.
          How many times can you die a day~?
          How many times have you died a day~?


            Name: Seiuna

            Gender: Female

            Race: Irian (half human, half thunderbird) with a mix of Vatian, though Irian traits are more noticeable and dominant

            Profession and/or Talents: Mercenary of Beta Div, as a Irian thunderbird, Seiuna is able to fly/glide but is unable to maintain it for long stretches of time (say 15 mins or more), also she has hollow bones, making her light thus very agile and quick.

            Inventory: A light saber (see notes), and a modified pistol held at her thigh for emergencies, Owns Vortex II (see notes)

            Appearance: Cropped brown hair with azure eyes. Has two blue wings and tail feathers streaked with white which she can 'condense' or expand. Her wingspan is about 2 meters expanded, while 'condensed' it's about 30cm more than her shoulder width. Wears a long sleeved navy blue suit with black pants.

            Personality: Plans strategically and tactically ahead though there might be a slight chance that it might go wrong, sometimes stubborn, a bit absent minded but very responsible when it comes to duties, very loyal and patient

            Elemental preference: Wind

            History: Her father was an Irian who had an affair with a Vatium, despite family lineage of being 'Pureblooded Irian', thus her father and mother were shunned by his side of the family. They eloped to Nexus where Seiuna was born. She met Azune, a human, whom she became fast friends with during her time at Nexus. Her father worked for the council as a strike fighter in the Alpha Division as a Lieutenant or sth. She had some recurring dreams but chose to forget it as quickly as possible. At the age of 15, her mother passed away to an unknown disease. After that, the relationship between her father and Seiuna widened, until it was more like a superior officer to a cadet relationship instead of a father - daughter relationship. Soon Seiuna decided to join the council, like her father, but opt for the Beta Division to have more freedom. After years of training, she graduated from military school and bought the Vortex I at a second-hand ship store (if there are any) when she started, and quickly modified it, after learning it from other mercenaries. Azune volunteered to help her man the newly repaired and modified Vortex II, becoming her co-pilot

            Bio: Mercenary commandant of the Vortex II with a very stubborn attitude, starting to rebel against her father more

            Notes: Vortex II - maverick fighter, focuses on speed and and has more firepower than the usual ship due to some modifications. Defenses are slightly below average especially the hull, but the speed of Vortex helps to dodge incoming projectiles. Modified to fit a crew of 2 people, plus 2-3 other people, though only Seiuna and her co-pilot , Azune, man it.
            Sword - A retractable light saber (like those in star wars), the handle is like 15cm and when the blade is out, it's about 1m in length. And it's silent unlike those in star wars

            If Cucoo is to allow me, may I create a profile for Azune?

            Edit: for the title thingy I'll go with Valkyrie

            Edit 2: Thunderbirds as in The Birds of THUNDER not the freaking huge birds
            Last edited by Pandre; 10-03-2013, 07:31 PM.


              Originally posted by Pandre View Post
              Name: Seiuna

              Gender: Female

              Race: Irian (half human, half thunderbird) with a mix of Vatian, though Irian traits are more noticeable and dominant

              Profession and/or Talents: Mercenary of Beta Div, as a Irian thunderbird, Seiuna is able to fly/glide but is unable to maintain it for long stretches of time (say 15 mins or more), also she has hollow bones, making her light thus very agile and quick.

              Inventory: A medium length sword say 1m, and a modified pistol held at her thigh for emergencies, Owns Vortex II (see notes)

              Appearance: Cropped brown hair with azure eyes. Has two blue wings and tail feathers streaked with white which she can 'condense' or expand. Her wingspan is about 2 meters expanded, while 'condensed' it's about 30cm more than her shoulder width. Wears a long sleeved navy blue suit with black pants.

              Personality: Plans strategically and tactically ahead though there might be a slight chance that it might go wrong, sometimes stubborn, a bit absent minded but very responsible when it comes to duties, very loyal and patient

              Elemental preference: Wind

              History: Her father was an Irian who had an affair with a Vatium, despite family lineage of being 'Pureblooded Irian', thus her father and mother were shunned by his side of the family. They eloped to Nexus where Seiuna was born. She met Azune, a human, whom she became fast friends with during her time at Nexus. Her father worked for the council as a strike fighter in the Alpha Division as a Lieutenant or sth. She had some recurring dreams but chose to forget it as quickly as possible. At the age of 15, her mother passed away to an unknown disease. After that, the relationship between her father and Seiuna widened, until it was more like a superior officer to a cadet relationship instead of a father - daughter relationship. Soon Seiuna decided to join the council, like her father, but opt for the Beta Division to have more freedom. After years of training, she graduated from military school and bought the Vortex I at a second-hand ship store (if there are any) when she started, and quickly modified it, after learning it from other mercenaries. Azune volunteered to help her man the newly repaired and modified Vortex II, becoming her co-pilot

              Bio: Mercenary commandant of the Vortex II with a very stubborn attitude, starting to rebel against her father more

              Notes: Vortex II - maverick fighter, focuses on speed and and has more firepower than the usual ship due to some modifications. Defenses are slightly below average especially the hull, but the speed of Vortex helps to dodge incoming projectiles. Modified to fit a crew of 4 people, plus 8 other people, though only Seiuna and her co-pilot , Azune, man it.

              If Cucoo is to allow me, may I create a profile for Azune?

              Edit: for the title thingy I'll go with Valkyrie

              Edit 2: Thunderbirds as in The Birds of THUNDER not the freaking huge birds
              Overall it looks really good. Some minor tweaks because my system is overall bad to begin with where one word can change the entire definition of something =w=' (my bad for not really making a definitive difference here)
              Beta Class VS Beta Division (you had it right but ya had a typo where I bolded and corrected it) Class is for the Ships and Division is for the Strike Fighters. Again, my bad for making the classifications tiers for both be identical x.x;
              Definition of a Fighter. Hrmhrmhrm...I should have maybe posted this to clarify in the beginning (and I'll be honest, at the beginning of time I was doing the exact same thing, cramming 10 people into a space fighter...) Again, bad on me for not defining this also (and then saying just run with anything. Well at least you made something and then I can just go in and fix it slightly to not conflict with anything.
              But think in terms of what's feasible for a fighter in like Star Wars or Star Fox. 1-2 maybe 3 and on the extreme 4. having that point it would probably be more like a small transport or 'gunship'.
              Now you could choose: Adjust for a fighter or adapt it for a pilot of a gunship/transport. To keep it as close to what you have, I'd say call it a gunship, which then opens the ability to add a few more things to it. (and by gunship, think of the things in the first 3 episodes of Star Wars with the clone transports.)

              Again, sorry for that =w= I'm still trying to figure out things to define in the OP here so...meh.

              Anyway, on a different note: Because ya have Vatian in yer chara, you get the bonus ability of being allowed to very very very passively being able to manipulate/sense Aura Energy. Think of it like 'The Force' except not as potent when it comes to being able to easily throw people around if unaided by anything. I would add a crystal staff or something with the sword to help amplify this ability so that he could be to a degree 'Jedi-like.'
              ...Use the Force, Seiuna.

              Also for swords, to add a bit of description to it, what kind of things did you have in mind for it? If nothing, add some crystal energy abilities to it and I'll help develop it into something that would make it formidable to what the standard sword is (something that has an energy edge that can create arcs of energy that act like projectiles (thing beam attack in Legend of Zelda) or even gunblades, which have an odd balance and thus tend to be ineffective in close range and because they use more of a pulse gun, act more like a inaccurate shotgun for ranged.)

              Finally, I completely encourage multiple characters.
              Have at it.

              And another ironic thing. I had Beta Division planned out to be commanded by an Irian, so that could have been a deciding factor for her to join it.

              EDIT: because that's long winded, here's the short quick thing :P
              In short: One typo on Beta Class VS Beta Division that affects things, one consistency thing I never defined before with fighters that I should now, some more description on the blade so we can really make it useful for ya to use, a bonus ability you can add because of Vatian, and a confirmation that you can have multiple characters.

              End Result: You're good as soon as the things are fixed. If you go ahead and make those slight adjustments you can go ahead and post in IC. (in otherwords you don't need my second approval. Just go ahead)

              And regarding the IC, Beta Division will be starting in Conlustrare. I'll make a start post so you have an idea of what's going on there.
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-03-2013, 01:31 PM.



                Ok, edited it already


                  Alright good good.
                  Anyway I made a starter so you can have some sort of idea of what Beta Division is doing in the post with a chapter title.

                  EDIT: also by putting you there, you'll effectively be in the Mainstream to a degree. Also as things start off with your character, consider a short little metaphorical title for your part in the story. That way I have something to title the summary of your part.
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-03-2013, 07:31 PM.


                    yea...title would preferably be Thunder Valkyrie


                      Don't worry, Beta Division has part coming up in the Main Stream, but other than that your pretty much free to do as you please. Go on a freakin' adventure if ya wanted to. Make your own story. Become a hero. Unless you want to get into the deeper plot alittle bit?


                        Time to create a more...enigmatic character.

                        Name: Unknown, but simply referred to by all that have seen him as The Reaper

                        Gender: Unknown

                        Race: Possibly Bioroid, though no one has gotten close enough to know

                        Appearence: The Reaper wears a special suit of black exo-armor, which is quite organic looking, the front looking like a set of ribs, with glowing red lights going along the rib-like structures. The arms are quite thin and long, with large armored shoulderpads, tendril-like decorations haning off of them. The legs are more or lass the same, with tendrils hanging off the back of them. The helmet is creasted at the top, and on the front of the helmet are two little yellow lights, one above the other, while the back of the helmet keeps going, leading to a last set of tendrils.

                        Profession and/or Talents: It calls itself a Harbinger of Justice, and is known to be able to take out entire manned bases without anyone hearing a peep. It's fighting skills are superb, and could take out even the most skilled opponents.

                        Inventory: It carries a black and red bow with string made of energy, while the arrows themselves are ripped with energy. The quiver specially makes these arrows using Aura crystals. It also carries a regenerating pack of special armor piercing kunai, which are on the lower waist. Lastly, It carries a large black and red scythe, capable of cleaving through heavy armor.

                        Personality: Usually grim, and considered by most to be righteous. Making a single mistake in it's presence will probably get you killed, if he was not already trying to kill you.

                        Elemental preference: Dark, Matter

                        History: It's past is for the most part, unknown. Whatever happened though gave it a twisted sense of justice, and ever since then, has terrorized bases and populated areas thoroughout the galaxy, and is well known for having the highest known bounty on record.

                        Bio: It continues to dish out "justice" across the galaxy upon anyone he deems "unjust" and the penalty is always death, whether they like it, or not.

                        Notes: Other than the weapons, The Reaper has multiple abilities given by the exo-suit it wears, which make him a highly dangerous threat.

                        Charge: It can charge forwards with blinding speed, crushing or knocking anything out of the way that comes into his path.

                        Stomp: The Reaper focuses all of it's energy into a single stomp, giving enough force to even disrupt time aorund it, leaving enemies floating in a sort of "stasis" for aorund 10 seconds.

                        Boost: The Reaper can overcharge his armor for a short amount of time, boosting his speed and reaction time to almost impossible levels. This does leave him open for attack afterwords.

                        Shadows: It's most terrifying ability, and allows it to revive the enemies it has killed as ghostly energy shadows, which will fire upon everything except fellow shadows, and the Reaper itself. This last for about 1 minute, and must recharge afterwords.

                        This is more of a concept than anything else.
                        Last edited by Koishi; 10-03-2013, 09:08 PM.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          Originally posted by Mima View Post
                          Time to create a more...enigmatic character.

                          Name: Unknown, but simply referred to by all that have seen him as The Reaper

                          Gender: Unknown

                          Race: Possibly Bioroid, though no one has gotten close enough to know

                          Appearence: The Reaper wears a special suit of black exo-armor, which is quite organic looking, the front looking like a set of ribs, with glowing red lights going along the rib-like structures. The arms are quite thin and long, with large armored shoulderpads, tendril-like decorations haning off of them. The legs are more or lass the same, with tendrils hanging off the back of them. The helmet is creasted at the top, and on the front of the helmet are two little yellow lights, one above the other, while the back of the helmet keeps going, leading to a last set of tendrils.

                          Profession and/or Talents: It calls itself a Harbinger of Justice, and is known to be able to take out entire manned bases without anyone hearing a peep. It's fighting skills are superb, and could take out even the most skilled opponents.

                          Inventory: It carries a black and red bow with string made of energy, while the arrows themselves are ripped with energy. The quiver specially makes these arrows using Aura crystals. It also carries a regenerating pack of special armor piercing kunai, which are on the lower waist. Lastly, It carries a large black and red scythe, capable of cleaving through heavy armor.

                          Personality: Usually grim, and considered by most to be righteous. Making a single mistake in it's presence will probably get you killed, if he was not already trying to kill you.

                          Elemental preference: Dark, Matter

                          History: It's past is for the most part, unknown. Whatever happened though gave it a twisted sense of justice, and ever since then, has terrorized bases and populated areas thoroughout the galaxy, and is well known for having the highest known bounty on record.

                          Bio: It continues to dish out "justice" across the galaxy upon anyone he deems "unjust" and the penalty is always death, whether they like it, or not.

                          Notes: Other than the weapons, The Reaper has multiple abilities given by the exo-suit it wears, which make him a highly dangerous threat.

                          Charge: It can charge forwards with blinding speed, crushing or knocking anything out of the way that comes into his path.

                          Stomp: The Reaper focuses all of it's energy into a single stomp, giving enough force to even disrupt time aorund it, leaving enemies floating in a sort of "stasis" for aorund 10 seconds.

                          Boost: The Reaper can overcharge his armor for a short amount of time, boosting his speed and reaction time to almost impossible levels. This does leave him open for attack afterwords.

                          Shadows: It's most terrifying ability, and allows it to revive the enemies it has killed as ghostly energy shadows, which will fire upon everything except fellow shadows, and the Reaper itself. This last for about 1 minute, and must recharge afterwords.

                          This is more of a concept than anything else.
                          Hmmm~ It's approvable
                          First I kinda want to know what ya had in mind for him-er-it in terms of what and who it would interact with?
                          Also I'm half expecting it towards the end of anything to take off its helmet and reveal a certain blonde-haired woman :P

                          Anyway, joke aside, Just some sort of concept of where ya'd want it to be (if you don't want to reveal it here leme know via PM.) would be the only thing I ask ^^;


                            Well, I know I would like to start it attacking a base or something like that. No idea for exact location though.

                            Oh, and no, it isn't Samus.

                            Also, this is probably the closest thing I would compare the armor to.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Ik it's not :P I was just messin with ya~
                              hmm I know I had base raids before in my story but even I don't have an idea where to put it...
                              I would say just pick a solar system and make a planet and have at it.

                              in other words: Official approval


                                And now, it is unleashed.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

