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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    @ Sustic

    and the ironic thing is.... this entire story is a time travel paradox.

    Think LoZ: MM and you would know what I mean...



      Oh crap, it's like playing a game of Landmines! XD

      (P.S.: Don't confuse SUSTIC with MM! Even I had a hard time figuring out what happened! XD) (I figured it out, but I needed to learn about the entire timeline paradox.)


      It helps if you don't think too much about it right now. Just go with the flow and you'll be absolutely fine.

      If you have any questions, Cucoo and I will answer them to the best of our abilities.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        ... Should I be ashamed to say that I... never really played Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time? (Oh dear god I'm going to get so much hate for saying that...)


        I have a hard trying not to think about things.

        Every time I try not to think about something I end up thinking about it.


        Hajime: O.o

        Eve: "OH COME ON! I JUST FIXED HIM!!!"



          Then just have faith that you'll be fine.

          Believe that I believe that you'll be fine. (Guess the reference. )
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            Eve: "Uh... I'm sorry... but I think SUSTIC will be temporarily out of commission... I will be taking charge of things until Hajime finds that damn box of spare SUSTIC heads." *Turns to Hajime who is cleaning up the brain matter all over the room.* "HAJIME STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND FIND THAT DAMN SPARE HEAD BOX!!!"

            Hajime: "Fine -.-"



              Then tell SUSTIC that he should believe that I believe that he'll be fine.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                @ SUS

                Trust me, by the time Part III happens, everything will make sense. We still have 75 chapters between now and then.

                And I won't hate you for not playing the two greatest Zelda games of all time.
                ....not at all =^.^= *is holding big goron sword behind back*

                In seriousness, you should play MM. The story is fantastic.

                @ S121

                A game of minesweeper on easy modo perhaps?

                And MM is actually not that hard to comprehend the second time I've played it (First time I was too young to understand)
                The concepts are simpler than they appear...which surprised me after remembering one thing in the past.

                Oh and...

                @ SUS
                "Believe in your strengths....believe..."


                  Eve: "I'll be sure to do that... HAJIME WILL YOU HURRY UP ALREADY!?"

                  Hajime: "FOUND IT!" *Opens the box and takes out a spare head and screws it on to SUSTIC's body.*

                  What the hell happened!? Did my head explode again? DAMMIT I THOUGHT I TOLD THAT SHOP OWNER THAT I NEED A MORE STABLE HEAD!!!

                  *reads S121's previous posts.*

                  Yea, yea... just have faith that things will be fine...

                  I'm still kind of worried though. I'm gonna go do something to take my mind off things. That will help.


                  I guess I shouldn't say that I haven't really played much Zelda games other than Zelda 1, Zelda 2, and A link to the Past huh? Also I'm afraid I ate all the starbursts in the world...

                  Also don't think about attacking me with that thing! I swear I will go full on Blade Master on you!

                  Last edited by SUSTIC; 11-12-2013, 05:31 PM.



                    I meant I wasn't able to fully comprehend the game.

                    Even now, I still don't fully comprehend the mask.


                    You got ripped off by that shop owner.

                    Anyways, yea. Just do something else to take your mind off of things.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Alright, character is prepped out and ready for judgement.

                      The Operator



                      how does hand work

                      Human - Cyborg augmentations?

                      Intelligence and Stealth Operations. Highly versed in electronic systems, assassination, firearms and infiltration.

                      1x TOJINBO Heavy Industries Suit- Corvus MOD3.5.2C (Custom)
                      While severely outdated by today's standards, the the TOJINBO suit has been greatly enhanced by the Corporation to maintain its effectiveness. An Aurora Crystal Matrix has been woven into the fabric, allowing the suit to sustain itself with a reliable power source instead of relying on the restrictive and inconvenient power umbilical system. This power is used by the suit to maintain the Corporation's indigenously developed Operating System and Corvus stealth subroutines, which consist of an array of multi-lenses camera/pixel fibres applied in two layers above the Crystal Matrix. When the user's stealth is compromised for any reason, the TOJINBO suit's original functions can be recalled by the onboard computer- that being the nullification of incoming projectiles. Indeed, the final layer of the suit before the delicate undersuit and electronic wiring is made of Physics-Fabric, a material that when electrically charged, reacts against the slightest touch. Of course, the degree of the response is dependent on how much force is applied to the suit- a touch barely triggers any response, while a shove can cause the material to raise its density to match metal. The flaw in this system is that the suit will draw material away from unused parts to shore up its defences, which means that sustained fire over a large area of the body can lead to system failure, while a seemingly much more powerful anti-armor round against a single point will deflect harmlessly.

                      1x Corporation Operator Helm
                      A large helmet with integrated HUD, weapon-synchronisation and communication systems built by the Corporation.

                      1x ARAGUA Security FM-204 Personal Defence Weapon
                      A small pistol that utilises neodymium electromagnets combined with Aurora Energy to propel slugs at near light speeds. Stopping power is low but is incredibly accurate and can sustain fire rates of around 3 shots a second from its generous 25 round magazine. Magnets activate when the trigger is pulled and can last for around sixteen magazine's worth of ammunition before needing to be replaced.

                      1x WENGSHAN OM-56-354 Oscillator Rifle
                      Combining the firerate and ammunition capacity of a light machine-gun with the portability and stealthiness of a submachine gun, this weapon is only slightly larger than modern-day small firearms and boasts a seventy-round strip magazine that is rammed into the top of the gun to reload. Powered by Aurora Crystals and a small battery, the Oscillator Rifle derives its name from the unique effect its specialised rifle endows on its projectiles- as each steel-tungsten 'cube' passes through the chamber, the onboard electronics tweak the cube to vibrate at random frequencies as it enters open air. When these oscillating projectiles strike a target, impact force is greatly magnified. Its semi-electric power supply allows the gun to be fired in a vacuum.

                      1x Corporation Battle Cloth
                      An intriguing weapon of Corporation design, the Battle Cloth is little more than a souped-up square piece of Physics-Fabric with an electrical charge applied. Additionally, its edges have been treated with mono-filament resin, creating an extremely sharp edge capable of cutting soft objects. All Operators are trained in its usage, including wrapping it around foes' necks, performing 'wet-towel spanks' (which have the added bonus of both stabbing and shocking the opponent), using it as a temporary shield when struck by bullets or an enemy, or simply blinding and electrocuting enemies by throwing it in their face.

                      1x Digital Bag
                      A inventory system for digitization and storage of items. Memory is rather small because of the high load on the TOJIMBO OS already. The Operator is considering applying for an upgrade of her SmartLayer computing technology.

                      1x Utility Kit
                      Simple belt of lock-picks, breaching charges, intelligence instruments like microphones, ciphers and optical probes and laser cutter. Other tools include two high-power breaching grenades, large directed explosives capable of punching decent holes through light ship hulls if necessary.

                      1x SIGSAWA INDUSTRIES FFR-301 MAVE Exoatmospheric Stealth Insertion Frame
                      Small vacuum manoeuvring and exoatmospheric survival pack with sixteen Type-5 KOUSOKU low-signature rockets that attaches to the back of the TOJINBO Suit to allow the user five minutes worth of thrust in all directions whether in space or in-atmosphere. Used to insert or extract operators raiding enemy vessels from allied shuttles, and contains two hours worth of oxygen supply as well as an OS module for the TOJIMBO suit that allows the computer to activate and manage the Frame's local energy shields, which deflect micro-asteroid impacts. The Frame also includes an external insertion kit which projects temporary atmospheric equalisation fields around the user as they cut their way into the ship's hull. The kit also includes self-sealing impact foam which is sprayed onto the hole once the user is inside the ship, hardening and ensuring the atmosphere inside the ship will not explosively decompress once the equalisation fields are turned off.

                      The Operator, being an Operator, values honor, loyalty, sacrifice and stoicism above all. She heeds her orders to the letter, whether she likes it or not, and lacks self-direction, compassion or even a sense of self. She sees herself only as an extension of the Corporation.

                      Elemental Preference:

                      Created in the sterile chambers of the Corporation's Force Application systems, the Operator is just one of many agents that exist to exercise the Corporation's will. The Operators are the Corporation's eyes and ears, responsible for the collection valuable intelligence that their usual methods cannot detect, and recovering sensitive payloads from high-threat environment. Occasionally they may even be called upon to execute members of society that the Corporation feels cannot be allowed to live.

                      The Corporation is a faction dating back to the times on Earth- a pseudoconglomerate of several large companies, it is led by the 'Grey Men', an elite and enigmatic cache of idealistic capitalists who use the Corporation to influence events in order to maintain what they believe is a balanced world both politically, militarily and socially. As society has spread amongst the stars, so has the Corporation, using its massive pooled resources and hidden economic might to fuel research into advanced technology and maintain its massive Force Application Divisions- essentially a private, full-strength military fighting force. However, with the loss of the faction known as the Guardians, one of the Corporation's largest supporters in military equipment and funding, the faction has moved to even more secretive measures while they steadily recovered from their loss. Now, the Grey Men have deemed it ready to return to action, and the Corporation is now seeding its intelligence agents across the galaxy for reasons unknown.

                      Operator Code: B-108
                      Handler: Class 7 Full Action
                      Combat Rating: 9

                      The Operator has performed many assignments for the Corporation before, including assassinations, reconnaissance, spying and even a few total exterminations. With the loss of the Guardians, she has been recalled to her home and placed in cryosleep for several years. Only now has she been awakened for a new assignment.

                      - The Corporation is a timeless entity that has existed since the early days on Earth, always in the shadow, and always watching over events. They occasionally intervene in happenings that they deem as aiding or hindering their enigmatic goals. While the legitimacy of their actions are debated, the Corporation's interest, for better or for worse, can be interpreted as for the best of the Galaxy.

                      - Cybernetic augmentations to increase the Operator's combat effectiveness have resulted in the removal or replacement of several non-vital body parts. Among these modifications is the HARPY combat module that has replaced most of her neck, resulting in the loss of her vocal cords. She cannot speak, and instead lets her Handler do the communication.

                      - Every Operator is assigned a Handler, a mission controller that monitors the situation from the safety of a Corporation vessel and relays enemy information, mission updates and may occasionally broadcast messages through the Operator's external communications systems. In cases of Operator rebellion or other inconveniences, the Handler is instructed to kill the Operator by utilising their suit's self-destruct.

                      -Subtlety is the hallmark of the Corporation. Every Operator is trained to utilise only the minimal amount of skills to ensure mission completion and weapons and rules of engagement are strictly monitored to ensure that the operation is carried out with minimal loss of unnecessary life and minimal waste of resources. As such, the Operators utilise a threat-system to govern the level of combat they can engage in. The system uses three classes: Bishop, Cardinal and Emperor, each representing a threat level from minimal to dangerous respectively. In emergency situations the Corporation can authorise a Deity-level Threat, which allows Operators to utilise any tactics available to them now and in the near future to ensure mission completion.

                      - I would prefer not to introduce her with some past beef with Eleos, just for the fact that she's supposed to have just woken up from cryo. Even if they were to meet, her rigid mindset would only allow her to view him as an ally, enemy or assassination target.

                      - MAVE Frame allows the Operator to 'rocket-jump' a few times, dash sideways or backwards, or even fly with it for a limited time. It also projects limited energy shielding capable of stopping micro-meteor fragments, which would translate to a small amount of small-arms fire. Unlike SPARTAN Shields, however, both the rockets and shields have a limited lifespan. If they run out, they run out. In particular, shields deplete even when nothing is happening. The shield is a small bonus to the Physics Fabric, which is the main line of defence for the Operator.

                      - The Operator is trained in use of many Corporation armaments, and she may elect to choose different equipment when she has access to them. Her listed firearms are those she prefers. Additionally, like all Operators, she is transported to her operations by a transport belonging to one of the Corporation's puppet companies that would not be out of place in the situation, or a Corporation stealth spacecraft if that is not possible.

                      EDIT LIST

                      - Tweaked inventory to match her stealthy methods of engagement. Inventory still seems large, but I may have over complicated things. TOJINBO and MAVE can be thought to be as one item, seeing as how she always weare the Frame. Tools have been relocated into a single Utilty Belt.

                      - Revised Battle Cloth to be more dangerous.

                      -Added more fluff about Corporation procedures.
                      Last edited by MyHatismyFriend; 11-13-2013, 04:03 AM.


                        - The Corporation is a timeless entity that has existed since the early days on Earth, always in the shadow, and always watching over events. They occasionally intervene in happenings that they deem as aiding or hindering their enigmatic goals. While the legitimacy of their actions are debated, the Corporation's interest, for better or for worse, can be interpreted as for the best of the Galaxy.
                        Oh gawds...I screwed up.

                        This is mostly my bad, but there's one small problem with this concept I completely forgot about.
                        from earth, there was only about 5-10 humans that arrived in Venturia about 520 trillion years ago after it was destroyed (they were colonists on Mars that would up getting pulled through a wormhole to the Venturian Galaxy). The odds of one of those people being of the Corporation and being able to restart a division of it in Venturia is very small.

                        The reason this is a problem is because of consistency: I nixed the Spartan Program from being able to exist in Venturia because of this.
                        So I would edit it to not being since the time of Old Earth, rather the beginning of the Orginial Venturia. It would be more plausible there as it's within the Galaxy.

                        Basically, Venturia is like a petri dish in a controlled environment. It's isolated and thus there isn't too many things that have been introduced to it. Humans have been the only thing that has been introduced that is foreign to the galaxy.

                        Again, sorry about the inconvenience there x.x; I have to get that info into the OP here.
                        The rest is fine.
                        Also I would say to follow through and answer the last part of the Character creation thing as well as make a planet which you could start on. If you don't want to make a planet atm, you can start with one of the others (which I have to update the list...)

                        @ Everyone else

                        Quick, remind me of all the planets and locations that currently are not in the map of the OP.

                        @ Back to Hat
                        Anyway, Like I said before, I'll get to a mega summary this Saturday of everything that has occurred.
                        And again, I'm still working out many of the specifics so that's why it seems I'm slightly scattered with my details. Again, sorry about that TwT;


                          Goodmorning people. How is everyone today?

                          Hey look an IC post!


                            @ SUS

                            A wild IC post has appeared...

                            Yes, I am a bit slow with the IC, I wait for everyone so that I can make one massive update across the board in one fell swoop. Also It helps keep things relatively tame in terms of pace. Of course, now that everyone is sort of in the same room, things will most likely accelerate.

                            In otherwords, I've been deliberately doing that, but things will be breaking free of me and more into w/e everyone wants to do. I'm just sorta assimilating and getting everyone familiar with the basic functions of everything. Once that's done, then things should be a bit smoother.
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-13-2013, 06:28 AM.



                              Yea. That's actually a good thing to do usually in RP's. At least the way I see it.

                              It allows others to think of a respond to your IC posts due to the length between IC updates. Which is nice.


                                @ SUS

                                Aye, I'm sorta a regulator on the speed, but I intend that after a certain point, when we're all familiar enough with what I have in my story, things will break free of that and flow normally.
                                In a way, I'm simply being training wheels for the time being...until even I know how all the specifics will work out. Hopefully this will be achieved by at least the end of part I.

