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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    You ninja edit'd! Anyways I think that Kaname would admire Eleos for his looks, and would even be kind to him... when she is her normal self... As her split personality though she would probably find Eleos somewhat annoying as well as a possible rival.


      @ Mima

      ...Then they would be of Venion then. It's the most secluded part of the Galaxy.
      It would be an interesting system...
      to have the Anodyne and then the Demonarcs.
      Also being in Venion would tie into their backstory since Venion doesn't have a star.

      @ Neo

      and you ninja post :P

      And yea, I can imagine that second part being true to a degree. Because she uses a sword and guns, It would be interesting when she meets Aion and his Gunblades.
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-16-2013, 09:40 PM.



        WE ARE NINJAS!

        Anyways yea it would be interesting. Though imagine the reaction on some bad guy's face when he is attacking what seems to be an ordinary girl... then suddenly out of nowhere she ends up changing personalities almost instantly as she begins to take out everyone of the bad guy's men.

        The reaction I imagine would be priceless.

        Evil dude: "Ha! That female captain and her men stand no chance against us!" *Suddenly Kaname changes personalities due to the danger, and begins quickly taking out most of the guy's men.*

        Evil dude: "OH WHAT THE FU-" *Sword through neck.*


          Sorry guys. I've been playing Elsword all day today. I had the day off today so I thought I might just be lazy.

          Anyways I won't be on for a good hour or so, because the Demon Invasion weekend event is happening in just a few minutes and I have to prepare for it.

          Cucoo you are also missing the event!


            Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
            @ Mima

            ...Then they would be of Venion then. It's the most secluded part of the Galaxy.
            It would be an interesting system...
            to have the Anodyne and then the Demonarcs.
            Also being in Venion would tie into their backstory since Venion doesn't have a star.
            Yeah, that'll work. Also, here's a character for said race.

            Name: Deimos

            Gender: None, but considers itself a he.


            Race: Anodyne

            Profession and/or Talents: Deimos is lover of history and science, and is considered both by the few peers he has. Also, since he is known to be VERY old, he picked up quite a few things, such as swordfighting and is quite proficient with most other weapons as well. He also writes short stories in his spare time.

            Inventory: Deimos carries an old fashioned revolver, but suped it up so that the bullets it fires come out as pure energy.

            He also carries a sword, but only uses it when it truly comes down to life or death situations.

            He also carries a journal and a pen with a never-ending supply of ink.

            Lastly, he has his armor, hidden under his normal clothes, which can fend off against most bullets, lasers, explosions, and swords.

            Personality: He's usually seclusive due to his work, but when encountering others, is usually quite socialable, and likes telling tales from long ago to people. But when it comes to formal conversations, he's sharp and straight to the point. He also has ahabit of not giving up on a goal, even when in the face of certain death.

            Elemental preference: Fire, Light

            History: Deimos is one of the first Anodyne to be created, and was originally one of the twelve Elders of the species civilization. All they did was sit around and watch over the universe using a special observatory they created which can see almost anywhere in the universe. They cared not for worldly problems, and mostly ignored their people below, who treated them like gods. Deimos grew sick of this and left them to find find his own way of life, one he would enjoy to it's fullest extent. He drifted through many worlds, learning about many different peoples and their cultures. He saw the rise and fall of many a civilization, and yet he continued on his path, which he continues to this day.

            Bio: He is now a somewhat famed archeologist who loves exploring temples and other various ruins firsthand, occasionally uncovering an archeological wonder in the process, which he has a collection of.

            Notes: This is what he looks like.

            [Answer the following about your character]
            Where do you want them to start and why?:
            Exploring some unknown place or ruin, as it's in his line of work.

            What would your character(s) do with the near unlimited power of the Shards of Starlight? (Ability to create and/or destroy entire Galaxies when all 6 are together)
            What would they do with the power of Gods?
            He would free his people from the rule of the Elders and then, simply go back to his journey, possibly using his powers to get to people and places he would not have thought possible before.
            Last edited by Koishi; 11-17-2013, 01:41 AM.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              So how is everyone?


                Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                @ Hat

                oh lol ^^;
                well I suddenly have the urge to play Ace Combat again... (I only have the one on the 3DS =w=;...I should get some of the others...)
                If you have a PS2 I would highly reccommend getting the Legacy games- Ace Combat 4, 5 and Zero. They are widely regarded as the best in the series- Ace Combat 6 is a X360 exclusive and while the core elements are there they seem to have forgotten about the deep storylines exploring human sin, guilt, nuclear warfare etc. etc. and Assault Horizon is a glorified CoD shooter.

                Did I mention the soundtracks? The 3DS version were composed by the dude for Monster Hunter soundtracks, being a spin-off, low-budget game. But the legacy ones and even Ace Combat 6 have some truly amazing pieces in them, especially 5 and Zero.


                  @ Hat

                  *Is pure Nintendo*
                  ....meh oh well.

                  Anyway time for me to get some sleep. Night peeps.


                    So is anyone still on?


                      I am, watching some lets play on youtube, you?
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Feel like doing the same.

                        Other than that I just got a package of cookies from the store on my quick run for food...

                        Sugar cookies with sprinkles...


                          @ Kristia + S121

                          The simulation with Mara and Cortana is up to you guys. You can do w/e ya wish. Just assume w/e it is is realistic to the extreme (You can feel pain and all other sensory sensations.) I like to say that it even allows one to feel death.

                          Anyway, you can go ahead with that. Don't wait for me.

                          Now I'm gone. I won't be back for a long while since I got things to do. I'm forcing myself away from this as I have an exam on Monday I gotta get it really good or else I'm screwed...

                          So now I'm gone, night peeps.


                            goodnight cucoo

                            cookies.. *glares at Neo* tasty.. XD
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              I wish there was a way to send material objects via the internet >-> I would gladly give you a cookie xP


                                its ok, I got some crackers in a bowl with me haha
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


