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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    You are that person that brings revolution. Do you think that any of us others would even be thinking of. If it wasn't for you, many of these RPs would be just dull or boring. You may feel like many of your ideas get shot down quickly and I kind of agree with you, but let me now ask you a question. Who was it that came up with the idea of moving discussions away from the OOC threads? That was you. Who came up with the idea of a summary (we really need to update that thingy)? That was you. Who was it that came up with the crazy idea of making a chart of all the characters? That was you. You are the one that proposes changes, we are the one that keeps the best ones and develops them. Without you there is no change. I believe that it is because of you that many of the RPs (especially ATWAG) are as good as they are. You know what I think of a that puzzle. I think it is genius and it really helps to break up the RP and make it more interesting.

    Oh and watch Black Rock Shooter OVA now because of those things that you are saying.
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.


      @ S121 + Katrix


      I have zero self confidence still.
      =w= I have zero faith in myself and everything I've been doing and thus I'm so ready to just shoot myself
      I felt like I come up with these crazy ideas that people agree with but then...enthusiasm dies when it comes to following through.

      I'm a god damn fool.

      *insert laughing at myself*



        Have faith in yourself, and if you don't believe in yourself then...

        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          Ever heard of laziness? It's apparently something that you lack. Oh how lucky you are. Just look at us. We are so lazy that we can't even keep a summary updated (and there is maybe the fact that we forget about it). My point is that not everyone is capable of putting as much time into this as possible. If anything then you got it all wrong. You are the genious that comes up with all these ideas and we are the fools that are too lazy to go trough with it. You should be angry at us and not yourself.
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Alright now listen here, CUCOO. I'm not going to try to explain myself in a way that paints me in a good light, so to hell with it. When I post after someone tells a story, I try my best to recount it in my character's tone of voice. I show the other player that I was paying attention, that I was interested in what they had to say. Oh, so your character is a flower shop owner? Well, I'm going to make my character skeptical and think over that for a few before responding. Oh, something I didn't expect? Why don't I just express my confusion/amazement by showing that the character whom I control is also confused and/or amazed, instead of replying with a simple one-liner or conversation closer.

            And yes, you might have guessed I was being grumpy and edgy and of course the last post was directed towards you. When I get these vibes from you that say "Hey, your character is interesting in my character's eyes, so we should meet up!", I get all giddy inside. Oh boy, I think. A good opportunity for two minds to come together and come up with a story through their characters! Yet, when I get there and I'm forced to wait on you while the sea of comments and posts from other players washes up around me, it takes away my enthusiasm. I see more posts about a "Monado" and other things that, should I be in the AtWaG II RP, would have interested me had I not noticed that you spent more time describing how the ball moved than getting out there and kicking it for a pass to a teammate. Do you see where I'm going?

            I'm an ass and I've come to accept that, but I like to keep my ass in motion. Sure, I can busy myself in other RPs, but when you get the desire to learn other players' stories through your character's eyes and are left wanting because your partner is unenthusiastic and lacking for ideas, not to mention emotional when a dickhead like me shoots a sardonic comment... Well, hell! What am I to do? Obviously the answer is to man up and go about life, or perhaps it's better to seek support! You're a good man, but for christ sake you can do better than this. Hell, it's easy to be better than me as a human being! Just put effort into it!

            I'm Major Mario and that's what I think.


              @ Major

              Me and my infamous notes

              Yeah I can describe something out of character up a months of sundays or w/e the saying is, but come to constructing it into a story...

     get me and my predicament with Eternal Galaxy and why it has taken 9 years to even get something written (via RP here)

              I don't feel confident enough with my own ability to construct and describe things in prose or w/e it's called technically that If my character is in a spot where, in my own writing style would be a place where I would just have the characters go back and forth in dialogue and describing their actions as though it were a play script, I struggle with coming up with posts that aren't simple one liners.

              Sometimes I feel like I'm more a play script writer as I would rather have a character literally speak of what's happening rather than describing it otherwise...
              ...and even then I keep it too concise to really build anything.

              So it's a case of "I have shortcomings as a writer and I know it" coupled with "No faith in my own abilities" yields me hating myself whenever someone points out those shortcomings.

              I'm more transfixed by the shortcomings and weaknesses of myself that I forget my strengths.
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 01-20-2014, 08:06 PM.


                ... Yea, I should describe Mira's appearance further, huh?

                Appearance: long, wavy dark blue hair in a school faculty uniform... Yea, not much to it.

                Another thing to mention, while male ghouls grow uglier the more they regret, female ghouls, as they regret, grow more beautiful... As a ghoul. I don't know how else to say it. She's... More tolerable to look at? I dunno.

                And where does faculty sleep?



                  Faculty sleeps usually off campus in their own homes. While the Headmaster sleeps in his house which is quite literally next door to the University on the border between the campus, and the forest surrounding the University. Nurse Hanna despite being technically undead does sleep... she just doesn't have a home, and as such sleeps in her office at her desk... or on her desk.

                  Mira would either have to

                  A: camp out on the campus.

                  B: Get her own dorm in the Female Dorms because well... women (especially faculty) are not allowed to share dorms with any of the students unless it is an ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY. Meaning Mira won't be able to sleep in the same dorm much less live in the same dorm as Allen.

                  C: She sleeps in her own office like Hanna does.

                  Or D: She begs the Headmaster to let her use the Guest Bedroom he has in his place.


                    Originally posted by bookdragon2000 View Post
                    I usually stick to one character but...Kage is nocturnal, so might as well create a second for when he sleeps:

                    Name: Kusuri Yagyuu

                    Race: Human

                    Age: 18

                    Bio: The earliest memory she had was when she was 5, then she had been living in the slums of a large city, scrounging for herself. She survived that way until the age of 12, when she began taking small odd jobs and started to earn a living. Then at around the age of 15, she saved enough to leave the city to find another place where she could turn over a new leaf. She ended up in a small town that was kind of in the backwaters, working at an apothecary. The owner of the apothecary had taken her on as an apprentice, paying her a small wage. It wasn't much but she had enough to eat and was allowed to sleep at the apothecary. There she learnt not just about plants and their medicinal properties but other things as well that she hadn't gotten to learn in the city, like how to read and write as well as social etiquette. She liked her job, it being better than her previous situation, and she remained in that position.
                    She was in the forest gathering herbs, she had already gathered most of those on the list, but there was just this last herb. The last plants had distinctive leaves which had red stripes, and she needed to collect its flower. She saw those leaves and knelt down excitedly, only to be disappointed as there was only a very undeveloped bud, the flower had yet to bloom. She stayed there for a while, cursing her luck, the sun was already setting and these plants were hard to find without being able to see the red stripes. Then before her eyes, the bud suddenly grew into a flower in full bloom. She harvested it and returned home. She then told the owner of the apothecary, whom she had come to look upon as a substitute father, about the strange occurrence. He seemed stun for a moment, then backed away without saying anything, seemingly deep in thought.
                    The next day, he explained to her that magic existed, he did not know much about it, except apparently there was a school that trained those who were able to use it. After a few days of consideration, she decided to try to find the school and packed up her meager belongings, promising to be back after learning how to use the magic. He sent her off with his blessings as well as a small present.
                    She had been looking around for a while and finally found it after asking many questions in a few towns, she reached the university by following the route the bus took.

                    Gender: female

                    What Element/and or type of magic: nature magic, doesn't use it much, has no idea how to use it, only discovered it right before coming to Trinity Soul university

                    Luggage: nothing much except clothes and the small present which she hasn't opened yet.

                    Appearance: White hair which is cropped short for convenience due to her trips to gather materials in the forest. Black eyes, 1.7m tall. Usually wears a T-shirt and jeans which is more convenient for her often outdoor activities.

                    Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to use her magic and see how it could help her in daily life

                    Personality: Guarded, due to the years she spent in the city, but a rather....enthusiastic friend once she trusts someone.

                    Looks all good to me.

                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Well then.. here I go

                      Name: Kris Luna

                      Race: Wolf half breed

                      Age: 20

                      Bio: Kris was already odd from her clan in the northern areas of the country since she was half human and half wolf. She was extremely shy and scared of other people because of her appearance. Kris had no knowledge of her father, a simple photograph of her father, her mother and a baby was the only piece of memory she had of the wolf man who disappeared on her earliest days of life. Kris´mother did everything she could to give the half breed education and determination to live her life. Soon the magic of her blood appeared when she was 16 years old by the form of ice needles almost killing one of her bullies and she was never bothered again from the kids, now they feared her. Deciding to protect her, Kris´mother sent the wolf girl out of the town towards somewhere she could be safe and happy. Kris did everything to get the money for her travel while her mother went on the search of her father.

                      Gender: female

                      What Element/and or type of magic: Ice element. Kris can create ice objects from simple snow balls to deadly cutting weapons made of ice. She can both use her magic to attack and to protect by vreating a barrier of thick ice. There is a risk of her element related to her emotions though, if Kris gets emotionally altered, her ice can manifest differently, if she is sad, the ice could be of a snow storm, and if she is angry, deadly sharp ice would storm their way to a target.

                      Luggage: Clothes, an assortment of books, a pocketwatch with her family photograph inside of it.

                      Appearance: She has red long hair and has a height of 1.82 meters (image 1), she has dichromatic eyes that are green and yellow, her ears are ones of a wolf on the top of her head (image 2)

                      Her body and general look (image 1)

                      her eyes and ears (image 2)

                      Why did you come to the University?: She has two reasons to come to this university, the first one is to control her emotions and magic, while the second one is to trust herself to move on from her fears

                      Personality: She is usually calm and tries to help even though she is shy to people. Determination runs on her blood and she doesn´t give up on what she is doing hoping to help someone. Kris can have emotional crashes if someone presses the right buttons on her mind causing her to go berzerk in a madness of either sadness or anger.

                      Other: As in the bio and personality, the wolf girl is scared of people, but tries to break from her shell
                      Last edited by Kristia; 04-09-2014, 09:54 AM.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                        It all looks good except for one small part.

                        People get their magical abilities at ages 15 - 17.

                        It's nothing major, but you might want to alter her bio slightly when it comes to that.

                        Other than that, everything else looks good.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          and it has been edited, I hope SUS approves it
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Actually, I'm a mod, so I should be able to approve it.

                            To make it official...



                            as long as you post in ATWAP.
                            Last edited by S121; 01-21-2014, 01:56 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              oh ok *bonks my head* XP

                              hm.. where can I start?
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                                Wherever you want.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

