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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I like the ending song a lot more as well. Mega Man X5 has one of my favorite soundtracks of any of the Mega Man games aside from Mega Man 3, 4, 8, 9, X1, X3, and X8



      Isn't that like half the games? XD

      (I highly doubt that it's half the games. You showed me that there's like 20 of them.)

      Anyways, I also like how the song is relaxing. I never played the game, but I can imagine that it gives that "winding down" feeling once you beat the game, that feeling of relief and triumph.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Yea it kind of does. In the good ending or so Zero is truly dead, but X continues to fight on and he never forgets his dear friend Zero. X was also given Zero's Z-Saber or he found it in the area after the final battle. Also everyone began to go back into repairing all the damage done from the Eurasia Colony crashing into the Earth (well in the good ending it's blown up, but the debris from the colony still causes massive global damage causing humans and Reploids to seek shelter underground.)

        X5 WAS supposed to be the last game in the entire X series, but due to it's positive feedback CAPCOM made another game in the X series. As a result X6 came around and takes place within mere weeks after the events of X5 or so. After X5 the games started to go downhill (even though I still enjoy X6, and X8.)

        X5 had that finality to it that the other games didn't. Yes X8 also had a strong sense of finality after it, but I believe X5 did a slightly better job and could have been a good ending point of the series allowing the Zero series to begin. In X5 there were so many callbacks to previous games in both the classic and X series. In the intro animation it shows small pictures of past battles X and Zero had gone through, while the opening theme is a remix of Mega Man 3's weapon get theme. In some of the final stages of the game you see Wily's symbol in the background, and in the boss fight against Zero (if you are playing as X), or X (if Zero didn't go into his Awakened State you can keep him through the rest of the game) Wily's symbol can be seen in the background. One of the bosses in the game Squid Adler was a good friend of the boss Launch Octopus from X1. Squid Adler also wasn't going to fight X or Zero in fact he was kind of willing to help them, but if you read the dialogue before the battle begins Squid Adler goes Maverick RIGHT before the battle and attacks X or Zero. Sigma's final form is claimed to be designed by " an old man who knows a lot about you...He told me an interesting story. He told me that you are something far greater than what you appear to be... " hinting that the person who made Sigma's body in X5 was Wily. In fact Sigma's final form is occasionally called Gamma Sigma due to the resemblance to the fight against Gamma in Mega Man 3.

        Due to Mega Man X6 coming out without Inafune's approval Inafune had to rewrite a lot of his plans for the Zero series.



          So somebody had to go and screw up the continuity for Inafune.

          I have a question. Are all the games tied into one giant story, or do certain parts belong in their own storyline?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Mind you X8 is still a very fun game, and is one of my favorite games in the X series.
            Well the timeline of the games go as this in terms of series...

            The Classic Series -> X series -> Zero series -> ZX series -> The Legends Series
            Almost all the games in each of those series do take part in the main storyline. Except for a few of course. Though I won't be able to name them.

            By the time of Zero 4 all connections to the Classic Series is cut off. Zero is finally dead for real, X died in Zero 3 meaning the connection to Dr. Light and Dr. Wily is cut off. The ZX series has no reference to the Classic and X series due to it taking place far into the future while the Legends series is not connected directly into the previous series as it takes place incredibly far into the future where most of the world is flooded save for islands and ancient ruins from the past.

            The only game I can really think of that has it's own separate storyline is Mega Man X: Command Mission a turn based RPG that is really fun, and has a unique plot for the Mega Man series. However it is still connected into the main games as such it does not have it's own separate storyline. Though it is described as a a side story set outside of the main storyline which takes place after X7 or so.
            Then in a separate universe:

            The Battle Network series -> Starforce series.

            Though people do try and connect the Battle Network Series and Starforce series

            There are a LOT of games in the entire Mega Man franchise. The main games it's really hard to explain the timelines and storylines of each game without looking up info.



              It does sound somewhat complicated for a game franchise, but I'm sure Castlevania and Legend of Zelda are worse.

              I can't remember, didn't you say that you wanted to introduce somebody from Command Mission? I think you said both main characters.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I said I only wanted to introduce one person from Command Mission and that is the character Marino along with the character OVER-1 from Rockman X-Over


                A machine that has different forms. He was built to stop Wily, Sigma, and other villains from the main storyline because X-OVER is a crossover game connecting all the main games (except Legends I think.)


                A thief Reploid, and is one of my favorite characters in Command Mission. She is based off of female ninja's also known as kunoichi.

                Also both main characters from Command Mission? That would be X, and Zero... along with all the other playable characters...


                  back from.. a dream night *dazes*
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    Ohhh, so OVER-1 is not from Command mission.

                    Ok, I get it now.

                    You know, I've been thinking that depending on whether or not Isaac has anything going on, I might dedicate him more with the Maverick Hunters.

                    I've been thinking of having him just do missions every once in a while, but there's a chance that I might get him more involved.


                    Welcome back!

                    A dream night?
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I'm back, but I will fall asleep.

                      Tell me what I have to do. I'll look them over and go throughe the list tomorrow.



                        Welcome back! (however briefly.)

                        Wonder wanted me to tell you that HM's storyline needs to be updated. John is also in that storyline, due to him finding HM's father and trying to get contact with HM.

                        Zommari/Lucifer is talking to Valenciel. (Wonder posted his post in OOC earlier.)

                        There's also X, Axl, and Zero's part with Aya and Momiji.

                        Renamon is talking to Meiling.

                        The battle is still raging on.

                        I believe that that's about it.
                        Last edited by S121; 10-12-2013, 02:46 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          He would actually be a pretty good operative in the Maverick Hunters. Capable of doing many things ranging from repairs, to combat if need be. I'm pretty sure Isaac could go up through the ranks in the Maverick Hunters. Maybe even to an A rank hunter if he decides to join them. Posting Hunter ranks in a minute...


                          X replied to Aya, and Axl, Zero, and X lowered their weapons.


                            It was that, something we dream that come true.

                            It was a surprise date in my apartment and it was like a dream, my girlfriend planned many things I love, had a good dinner (instant soup XD)

                            and enjoyed the time around as the rellationship took a step forward, she is actually here and asleep while im working (going to kill my boss for paperwork).

                            wriggle: Meiling is dashing towards Flandre and Renamon is following worried about what the dragon girl is planning
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              That's the crazy thing. Isaac is just as good at combat as he is with technology. He is downright deadly against single targets, but groups can be a little more difficult. He does have the Javelin Gun and the Contact Beam for handling groups though, and once he gets some of his planned upgrades, he'll be ale to put up more of a fight instead of getting nearly killed every five minutes.


                              Glad to hear that the best-case scenario happened.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                Okay the Ranks of the Maverick Hunters:

                                Rank E: Lowest Hunter Rank

                                Rank D: Starting rank for most Hunters

                                Rank C:

                                Rank B: X's original rank at the beginning of the series due to his hesitation in battle. If it wasn't for his hesitation he would have been a higher rank.

                                Rank A

                                Rank AA

                                Rank AAA

                                Rank S: X, Zero, and Axl all shared this rank at one point in the series.

                                Rank SA (Special A): One of the highest ranks and in the current point of the X series is Zero's current rank. It was also Sigma's and Vile's ranks when they were with the Maverick Hunters before going Maverick (Sigma was originally the leader of the Maverick Hunters, and he went MAVERICK AT WILL)

                                Rank GA (Gold A): In the RP it will be a very hard Rank for Maverick Hunters to obtain.

                                Rank PA (Platina A): An even harder rank to obtain.

                                Rank MEH/MMH: The highest Rank in X5, and the second to last Rank in the RP.

                                Rank UH: Or "Ultimate Hunter" only saved for those who truly have earned this Rank.

                                Marino will be a AA rank Hunter, while Over-1 will be a B-Rank much like X was though for different reasons.

                                I'm sure Isaac would actually be able to go up to A rank maybe even AA rank or AAA rank quite quickly due to his combat knowledge, and knowledge of engineering.

