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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Yea. I plan on making that battle the scariest of the entire storyline, if not season! Imagine fighting that if AtWaG became a video game. Along with the battle with CRUEL general, the most 'belly-aching' battle (I'll give you a hint: Once the CRUEL general reveals what's 'under the white covers,' Isaac will flip his shit more than spongebob flips krabby patties) and the INSANE general, the most random battle. But in some cases, there are some generals in which a battle is unnecessary and replaced by a minigame.

    Oh, and about the Outside World, You might as well take over, I can't get in the server for some damn reason...



      Those can be pretty big reasons.
      Real thing begins at around 7:20

      Try imagining "someone killed Yukari in front of John's eyes and he is still standing there". How would John react? Would he get angry? Would he try to get revenge?
      Last edited by Katrix; 11-15-2013, 08:55 PM.
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        I'm back people. Went to get food...



          It depends on what happens.

          John didn't quite flip his lid when Yukari died the first time. I'm sure his bond with her would only get stronger with time.

          Depending on how she dies, John might not even believe it to be true. Of coourse, it might also break his mind to the point that he might outright reject reality and assume it's all a lie, similar to how he handled Cortana's death in Halo 4 (moments after being told that she was done for.).

          In other words, it would have to be believable, not like, "*stab* You're dead." Just remember that The Devourer had a hard time killing her. It won't be easy to pull off with brute force alone.

          So in other words, the deception would be half the battle, trying to solve John's mind like a puzzle, finding a way to make him believe that it's true without psychologically damaging him too badly.

          I make it sound overly complicated, but it's a lot simpler than it sounds.


          Welcome back!
          Last edited by S121; 11-15-2013, 09:08 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Are we talking about what would happen if Yukari was (believably) murdered in front of John?

            Well it got me thinking of what would happen if Lily died in front of Raven.

            Raven might end up going into a temporary state of depression that would quickly turn into an uncontrollable rage where his Nasod Arm finally takes control of Raven. Thus causing Raven to literally lose all control of himself.


              In my arc, three ppl will die, one from an overly elaborate plan, one from being killed, and one from suicide, and one will be taken away willingly to protect a hostage, with one man pulling the strings. He'll be the one John would like to give a good punch to the face to.



                You know, I'm sure that if somebody was a good enough hacker, they could infiltrate the Nasod arm's software and eliminate it's mental grip on Raven, giving Raven full control of the arm without the fear of being overwhelmed by it's influence.

                It's been something I've been thinking about.

                What do you think?


                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  I think the only person who would be a skilled enough hacker would be Cortana.

                  After all the Nasod Arm evolves and grows stronger as it influences Raven more.

                  If you recall his appearance as the Reckless Fist his Nasod Arm, even with intense modifications had evolved to the point where it looked like a living being of Raven, and it even states that as the Reckless Fist Raven is close to losing all traces of his sanity.

                  I think it would be possible, but he would need someone like Cortana to hack his arm. Not only that but I think Nasod Technology is also a bit of magic behind it as well, so that might make it harder... I mean if the Nasod Arm's overcome Raven is due to magic then it might be a bit more difficult.



                    Originally posted by Wonder
                    (I'll give you a hint: Once the CRUEL general reveals what's 'under the white covers,' Isaac will flip his shit more than spongebob flips krabby patties)
                    Who will it be? Himself? Someone he knows?


                    Only the god of all robots can save him now.

                    I'm actually interested to see what would happen if Cortana fought HM in cyberspace.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      WOOT CYBERSPACE!!!

                      That's actually going to be a location some of the characters will be going to within my arc. Also X and Zero will be literally fighting with an area between cyberspace, and reality due to the sheer power of the Zero Virus that Zero's body will be emitting along with X's true power.

                      Also I be back.


                        @ S121
                        I'll give you another hint.

                        1. the one pulling the strings is actually a human...

                        2. Oh, Isaac knows him... Isaac knows them very well...

                        3. Let's just say, Cortana won't be fighting HM, per say.


                          Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post
                          I think the only person who would be a skilled enough hacker would be Cortana.

                          After all the Nasod Arm evolves and grows stronger as it influences Raven more.

                          If you recall his appearance as the Reckless Fist his Nasod Arm, even with intense modifications had evolved to the point where it looked like a living being of Raven, and it even states that as the Reckless Fist Raven is close to losing all traces of his sanity.

                          I think it would be possible, but he would need someone like Cortana to hack his arm. Not only that but I think Nasod Technology is also a bit of magic behind it as well, so that might make it harder... I mean if the Nasod Arm's overcome Raven is due to magic then it might be a bit more difficult.
                          GlaDOS could probably do it. She'd probably be interested in the arm acientifically as well.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                            I'm afraid of what GlaDOs would do with his arm o-O After all I'm sure she would also end up messing with Raven a bit.

                            Raven: "Don't pull that cord!" *GlaDOS ends up pulling a cord within Raven's Nasod Arm, causing him to punch himself in the face with his other arm.*

                            GlaDOS: "Did I do that?"



                              Welcome back!


                              Unitologists? His dad? (He didn't know him very well...) The living embodiment of The Marker?

                              BTW, where's the area you were building at?

                              @SUSTIC and Mima

                              Then GLaDOS turns the arm into a weapon attachment for herself.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Nah, she wouldn't do something like that. She would probably scan it, do the hacking to help him and then, later, try to recreate it and put it on a robot.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

