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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    There's actually a movie with similar stuff.

    Here's a clip.

    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Ok then... even so, Zommari's a fast motherf*cker, not to mention he gets faster as he changes to the point where he can fly, the wings only support. And when in that angel form you saw earlier, he can fly at as fast as, oh say, the fastest jet in the world, easily able to travel from the sun to earth in one minute.


        Samus fought Teleporting Space pirates and Ing that popped outta nowhere before. She can handle it.

        oh and the reason why I think Gunner would actually fit in this whole concept...

        should not have reminded myself of this I'm depressed...cause it's been dropped T3T

        and I'm gonna catch some shut eye here so blah.



          So he goes 8 times faster than the speed of light?

          Yes, we may be talking about her strengths, and she may seem overly OP, but just remember that she's still a human.. a genetically modified human, but she can still be easily killed.


          Bringing guns to a fantasy land.
          Last edited by S121; 08-31-2013, 11:16 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            aye the only way to beat her is to overwhelm her.

            In Other M's end game, she had to protect someone and fight off these 4 super bug things that were camouflaged as doors and have indestructible shells. Not only that, they can regenerate health so killing them is really really tedious...
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-31-2013, 11:15 PM.


              Lucifer: Well I'm not a dirty, smelly, rotten, back-stabbing, treacherous, eye-soreing pirate, now am I?

              I wonder how she'll react to the fact that he's an angel... actually, I think it'll play out more like this.

              Lucifer: Now you see? You're dealing with an angel, young lady!

              Samus: -

              Lucifer: And don't say that I couldn't be an angel just because I'm so destructive, because you're looking at one right now!

              Samus: -

              Lucifer: And another thing! Don't go saying that I don't deserve to be an angel because look here! I've been doing this for Millenia and I'm still an angel!

              Samus: ... I shall never look at angels the same way again. *charges cannon*

              @ S121
              Oh... Wow, I didn't know they were that fast nowadays... damn, I'm old... yet I'm young enough to be grounded...



                It's just that it takes 8 minutes for the light of the sun to reach the Earth. You said that he can get there in 1.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Oh wow. Interesting. Okai, he's fast, but not that fast... yet. Okay, let's see... he's about as fast as the speed of light.


                    Ok here's a possible way of defeating Samus:
                    last long enough that she runs out of missiles and superbombs. If she's reduced to just using beam weapons then that would increase the probability of beating her...
                    Though in all reality fighting her is a battle of attrition. In the end it's about how fast you can damage her before she can replenish it.


                      Man, I'm feeling really depressed.

                      I'm always depressed, but this must be the seasonal kind. It just hit me.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        K I back.

                        OH SHOOT CUCOO YOU PLAYED DFO TOO?



                          Welcome back.

                          Anyways, I also have another idea to revive Yuuka, but I have to know one thing.

                          Does the anti-mitosis magic only affect the wound?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Well if you only mean by external wounds, no. Anti-Mitosis works in the fact that it inhibits the muscle cells and the skin cells (and the lung cells, since she got pierced in the lungs) to undergo chromosomal division in Metaphase. (AP Bio in High school. Pays off here.)

                            Jeez, did everyone hop borders or something?
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 09-01-2013, 12:46 AM.


                              Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                              K I back.

                              OH SHOOT CUCOO YOU PLAYED DFO TOO?
                              Yea, I got upto like 75+ as a viper...spent alot on outfits and creatures and then stopped playing for a bit, then one day i wanted to woop some fools as a summoner I had made so I said " Ima go and download DFO after all this time and be awsome."
                              *goes to site and sees under maintenence*
                              " oh lol my luck..."
                              *then sees the announcement that it was closed/discontinued*
                              ...*finally sinks in*


                                Hey guys, remember Vergil?

                                Yea mind if I send him to Prometheus Labs? He's nearby and he can make it in time.
                                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...

