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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Just bullet time, lad.




      Either way, don't expect Prometheus Labs or the Maverick Hunters to be easy targets.

      Prometheus Labs already had one mole in their ranks, so they have quickly learned to sniff them out. There's also the matter of them installing 50. cal turrets that read faces and Spartan Designation Numbers, due to them getting attacked twice in the same day. The main reason I've made them tougher is because of the earlier incident, along with everyone and their mother infiltrating their base. Heck, it's a base full of futuristic Spartan super-soldiers. They're not supposed to be pushovers by any definition of the word.

      As far as I know, the Maverick Hunters are in a space Station, making them difficult to reach.


      Actually, they destroyed Base 7 with an antimatter bomb. They do have one of Base 7's head researchers though, so they didn't lose too much.
      Last edited by S121; 11-24-2013, 10:05 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        Actually it's because some woman came over to my apartment and accused me of bullying some kid in the apartment complex I live in earlier today -.-

        That's when I told her that I have not left my apartment at all, and she still didn't believe me.

        She had the cops with her too.

        Luckily my brother (who I'm living with), his fiance, and both of my neighbors had told the woman and the cops that I have not left my apartment at all today. Then the woman looked at me realized that I WASN'T the guy, and then she (along with the police) had left. The woman didn't apologize, but the cops did at least (hell I even knew one of the cops. He was a common customer at where I work... Wal-Mart. Well he is a common customer at the Subway that's in the Wal-Mart that I work at.)

        I hate the people in this world... I swear I do...


        Didn't Neo say that the Maverick Hunters HAD a space station? She didn't specify where they were located...


          Originally posted by wonderweiss View Post
          @ S121
          @ Major
          If you do plan on introducing old snake/ solid snake, I imagine Big Boss being so confused when they meet.

          Big Boss: Wait... you were made from my genes? And you fought and killed me twice? along with all of Outer Heaven?...
          Confusion would give way to respect. And why do you assume I would introduce Solid Snake? I remember Remi had him for some time in the opening parts of the RP.


            *Sneaks in*


            How is everyone?...

            Sorry... I tend to... want to not do anything on the weekends >.> Hence why I wasn't really on. So anything I miss?


              I feel ya brah.

              Oh shoot I gotta catch up to you on Elsword now.



                Maybe. Let's go ask NeoFox, just in case.

                Also, sorry to hear about your day. Hopefully it gets better.

                If it makes you feel better, know that there's some people out there that don't jump to conclusions and are not too proud to admit when they are wrong.


                Welcome back!

                Where are the Maverick Hunters located.

                Are they in space?


                Actually, Remi quit the RP.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  @ Neo
                  Lol what's there to miss?

                  Btw guys, I was thinking that for the tome span, everybody had parted ways temporarily. Until the Christmas party, that is.


                    @ Neo

                    Major made this for the OOC of Season II



                      @ wriggle
                      I've gotta catch up with everyone... Tomorrow. Night y'all



                        Thanks. Oh and NO they are not located in space. They have a space station, and a moon colony there, but those are just a few bases they have.

                        They have 3 bases on Earth.

                        The Enigma Cannon Base located in the Arctic, because the cold helps it cool down (even though it has a nitrogen tank to keep it cold as well.) If used anywhere else it could potentially overheat and malfunction.

                        The Main HQ located somewhere in the US (have yet to think of a exact location.)

                        Then a sub-base which is on an island close to Japan. Which is going to send people to help with repairs and stuff.

                        They also have several different bases for each division and all. If you recall there are different Units for the Maverick Hunters like a undersea Unit, Desert Unit, Air Unit, and stuff. They have at least a few more smaller bases for each Unit to stay in. These Unit Bases are located in different locations across the globe to match the Unit's assigned location (like the bases for the Desert Units are located in deserts and stuff.)


                          Originally posted by S121 View Post
                          Actually, Remi quit the RP.
                          I know. He's Remi.



                            Ok, thanks for clearing things up.


                            So it's normal for him to quit RPs?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Originally posted by S121 View Post
                              So it's normal for him to quit RPs?
                              He runs this damn place. He probably doesn't have time to spare. Then, yes. Now, probably not.

                              Big Boss had time to date Paz and Kaz, but now? He's dead.


                                I honestly don't care how great solid snake is, I don't care how many times he beat big boss, naked snake is always the best. My first mgs game was portable ops, so it's safe to say I grew up on big boss.

                                Just popping in to say that...night...

