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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I stopped caring about it before summer started which is when it stopped working. I'd rather just find some other way to chat with you guys about non RP stuff.



      Thing is... Dante probably WOULD be Eleos's wingman after the battles against ACO is over.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        @ SUS

        Originally posted by Major Mario View Post

        Would that work for ye?

        @ Mega

        Hide the women and daughters...
        Hide everything female.



          Did you try reinstalling it?

          When does it break? Is it as soon as you open it?

          Try and give a detailed description of the problem and one of us might be able to help you get it working again.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Know what I noticed? The Neo-Yakuza has just been taken out of the equation, like as if they are now a mere threat. Just wait untill the end of my arc...



              Like I said. I stopped caring about Mumble anyways as I don't even know much people personally who uses mumble. I haven't even reinstalled it (for the tenth time) since summer. So I wouldn't even remember when it breaks.


              Possibly... but don't ya have to have like a webcam and/or mic for it?


              The last Dungeon I passed with you guys was White Mist Swamp I think... on my own... Bethma Lake.
              Last edited by SUSTIC; 11-24-2013, 09:28 PM.


                @ SUS

                Skype has an IM function
                in essence a bit more tricky than mumble but similar.

                Unfortunately I don't think it has the group functionalities quite as good as mumble or the likes



                  That's actually because we got sidetracked.

                  It didn't help that an alien invasion occurred.

                  Either way, I'm planning on having Prometheus Labs become a little more aggressive as the threats emerge (carpet bombings, Mantis assaults, plasma bombardments, low half-life mini-nukes, etc.).

                  The reason why is because there is now more evil organizations than good ones, and somebody has to keep their pill slipping, hidden-agenda having necks in a vice.


                  Last edited by S121; 11-24-2013, 09:36 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    Then I might go with Skype. I'll just have to download it, set up an account, and figure out how it works =.=" I'm also afraid that if I make a Skype account people I know will figure out that I have one and will pester me about it =.= they did that when a rumor went around saying I have a Twitter account when I don't :/

                    I don't like most social networking media and stuff. Only way I'll be social on the internet is through games, forums, and DeviantART.


                      It's actually the sidetracking which will be addressed at the rebirthing event of the Neo-Yakuza's power and the main group's motivation to finish what they had started.


                        I is back



                          Ok, sounds reasonable. It's the other organizations that Prometheus Labs will be keeping an eye on though, especially when they hear that Characters have been disappearing and losing their powers. Technically speaking, wouldn't the Spartans conscripted from the real world be considered Characters, or would the ACO pay them no mind. Then again, their leader is none other than Halsey, a Character.

                          So far, there's only two good organizations, and three "evil" ones.

                          The main thing is, after Base 7, Prometheus Labs will be going into overdrive and will be unleashing deadlier technologies.


                          Welcome back!
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            @ S121

                            Wait a min...

                            there's 5 total organizations?

                            And the ratio is almost 50/50?

                            Oh this works out even better...

                            And remember, ACO is neither good nor evil. How you interpret them determines that.

                            Which means it would be 2 evil, 2 good, and 1 wildcard


                              @ S121
                              I imagine them using the base as a means of supplies for chemicals. After all, it is the 'chemical powerhouse.'

                              Thing is, I also imagine the group almost completely forgetting about the Neo-Yakuza. In which case, I plan on having the Neo-Yakuza laying low in order to keep it that way until the big strike.

                              @ Major
                              If you do plan on introducing old snake/ solid snake, I imagine Big Boss being so confused when they meet.

                              Big Boss: Wait... you were made from my genes? And you fought and killed me twice? along with all of Outer Heaven?...


                                Why do I suddenly feel like I hate everything in the entire f*cking world right now?

