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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Which one?

    Oh well. He doesnt know that.


      What Mima said.

      Mechaniloids are robots that have below-average AI and a more mechanical shape than a humanoid shape (like the Robot Masters and Reploids). Mechaniloids also have the ability to go Maverick.


        All of them.

        I didn't have the good heavy weapons researched. I went all stealth, so when I fought the monsters, I was unprepared.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ugh, how insulting! I will assure you that the Pupa has an above average AI and will not go maverick. Harumph!

          And I ment which Zeke. If you meant the one with Paz, I had to force myself to own-grade the zeke just to win.


            Model X just said that from his assumptions. He is after all only used to the terms used in his series.

            Remember there are two types of Mavericks.
            Flawed/ Error Mavericks

            and Viral Mavericks

            Flawed/Error Mavericks
            There were Mavericks before Zero and his virus spreading capsule was uncovered. Though it is unknown, there is much speculation among fans that some of these Mavericks were caused by errors to their system: after all, X had not been fully analyzed, and he was working with an archaeologist, Dr. Cain, as opposed to a robotics specialist. So it makes sense that there might have been some errors to cause them to go insane. Errors which can be likened to humans with mental deficits or biological/emotional imbalance reacting to negative stress violently. Prior to X, Robots were made to provide humans with ease of living and subordinated to tasks deemed too dangerous or monotonous for humans to perform. By providing sentience, the ability to not just to think and learn, but most importantly to worry "To decide right and wrong for themselves", these first "Maverick incidents" may simply be the reploid equivalent of extreme dissident violence. Being as they have become essentially, a new social demographic born into autonomy to replace robots, with no previous ideology, ethical or moral code indoctrinated into them, other than specialized programming and bodies necessary for their tasks. It is implied by Doctor Light that he intended reploids to exist and develop their own society alongside mankind, peacefully. However since X's discovery and the proliferation of the reploids by Dr. Cain, these incidents intensified artificially after the discovery of Zero and the spread of the virus from Zero's capsule. Mavericks caused by technical flaws and errors in their Suffering Circuits are usually not destroyed, but rendered harmless for future repairs so they can be reintigrated into society. Zero himself in the beginning was a flawed Maverick, being unwilling to obey orders as well as relishing in causing destruction, which was primarily the reason why Dr. Wily sealed him away.

            Viral Mavericks
            The major cause of Mavericks is a sentient energy lifeform created in form of a computer virus called the Maverick Virus and later retroactively the Sigma Virus. The virus usually causes the infected Reploid's Suffering Circuit to malfunction, which results the victim to become very violent and irrational (in other words irregular), though this is not always the case (such as Sigma who merged with the virus instead). Viral Mavericks lose their inhibitions and their empathy as they will follow their own desires without any regret, even if they hurt humans and reploids alike in the process. Viral Mavericks infected by Sigma generally succumb to the belief that the human race is limiting the potential of Reploids. Those Mavericks often deliberately try to injure or kill humans. They will also not falter to attack other Reploids that are trying to defend humans. Reploids who are infected by the virus cannot be restored, because their data is corrupted. They had to be killed until the cure of the virus was found. It came finally with the creation of the Mother Elf.
            Mavericks in this category include the infamous former head of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma, and Reploid scientists Dr. Doppler and Gate.

            A similar (though not directly related) effect exists in Mega Man ZX and in Mega Man ZX Advent, in which Master Albert and former researcher Serpent were corrupted and manipulated by Model W (The former, Master Albert, which was the creator of Model W denies this), thus going Maverick in the same fashion. The majority of Mavericks in Mega Man ZX are in turn controlled by Serpent, and therefore indirectly by Model W as well.

            So technically the Pupa can go Maverick. Though it is unlikely. If it goes out of control due to a fault with it's AI then we are all screwed.


              John will wake up if you want him to.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                If you want to, sure. The Pupa's voice is pretty loud, I guess. That might wake him.


                  Ok, I will.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Oh yea two other forms of Mavericks

                    Free-will Mavericks

                    Some reploids are labeled Mavericks, because they have consciously decided, without any infection or flaw in their Suffering Circuits to go against the will of the humans. These are usually criminals, mercenaries or rebels who act against the government. Such free-willed Mavericks usually act more rationally than viral Mavericks.
                    A example of free-will Mavericks would be all of the new generation Reploids which came after Axl's creation. As Lumine reveals in Mega Man X8, they can go Maverick at will, because their copy chip contains Sigma's DNA and thus his way of thinking along with his philosophy of evolution - though technically, all Reploids in existence can potentially become free-willed Mavericks due to their ability to determine right and wrong for themselves, so new-generation Reploids are not the exception. Other examples include Vile, Shadow and the more extreme example of Colonel Redips, all ex-Maverick Hunters that turned evil to become more powerful - though Vile is questionable, as the reason behind his turn is an unrepairable break in his programming, like it was with the first mavericks, which were caused without any virus.

                    Another notable example of a free-will Maverick would be Boomer Kuwanger in Maverick Hunter X for the Playstation Portable. The game manual states that Kuwanger sided with Sigma after looking over the facts rationally.

                    Political Mavericks

                    Not all Mavericks try to harm humans or the government. Because the distinction of who is or is not Maverick is decided by the Maverick Hunters, sometimes a group will be unjustly called Maverick for political reasons or misunderstandings, such in Mega Man X4.
                    Most notably, this happened with the Repliforce, a Reploid army which was crushed by the Hunters. After realizing the mistake, the leader and commissioner of the Maverick Hunters (a reploid reminiscient of the Repliforce General, along with the same whiskers) resigned out of shame, appointing Signas in his place. The Red Alert is also another example, though they have been manipulated by Sigma.

                    The "Liberion Rebellion" led by Epsilon in Mega Man X: Command Mission is another prime example, as Epsilon only wanted to create a place where Reploids could live free of world politics, but his plan to induce Reploid evolution through Supra-Force Metal, not to mention some of his Cadre's questionable tactics, was interpreted as Maverick activity by the authorities. However, after learning of Epsilon's true motives as well as the betrayal of the Far East HQ Hunter Commander, Colonel Redips (who, having somehow deduced himself as the destined ruler of all Reploids, is a perfect example of a free-will Maverick himself), the authorities chose to defer the "Maverick" status from Epsilon, although the Hunters had already destroyed him by that time.

                    Yet another excellent example would be the Resistance in the Mega Man Zero series; these Reploids do not seek to harm humanity in any way (with the notable exception of Elpizo, another classic example of a free-will Maverick), not to mention the fact that this organization is actually led by the human pacifist Ciel, but are designated as Mavericks due to their defiance of the Neo Arcadian regime and its constant "retiring" of reploids falsely accused of becoming Mavericks.


                      Alright, i dunno what time it is for you guys, but it's gettin pretty freakin late for me. I know Neo lives here in florida (thank your brother) so I'm surprised you lasted this long.

                      Speakin of which, I remember when I didn't sleep for the whole day. What was I doing? Waiting for inuyasha to play. It goes on at six in the morning. By the time it was over, the sun had shown itself.

                      So anyways, I'll be the first one off. Night yall.


                        Nighty night.

                        It's 2:20 AM over here.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          I've been up for 2 days straight before due to an RP I really enjoyed being in.

                          Also night Wonder.


                            @ both

                            So before I go...

                            Every day I'm steppin on the beach.

                            Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-24-2013, 04:24 AM.


                              I usually stay up to go to my dad's PT programs.

                              If not, then I usually go to bed at 3 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                4:55 here.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

