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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Dhal Revive...?
    Idk. Does it break through Devourer's anti-mitosis magic?


      Okay Zero has 3 ultimate attacks.

      The Genmurei which is a much more powerful and lethal version of the move Ittouryoudan: Genmu Zero.
      Genmurei is a technique where Zero puts all his strength into one single slash, as he performs a slash with his Z-Saber two large crescent waves of energy go flying out of the Z-Saber. The 2 Crescent Waves of energy will cut through almost anything in their path.

      Then their is the IttouRyoudan: Genmu Zero or otherwise known as "Cutting in Two with a Single Stroke: Phantasm Zero" It's a version of the Genmurei used in Marvel vs Capcom 3 where Zero does something similar, but only fires 1 crescent wave of energy from his Z-Saber. It's not as powerful as the Genmurei, but it is powerful as it can cut a normal Reploid and most opponents in two with a single attack.

      Then their is the Rekkoha a move where Zero puts all his energy into his fist and punches the ground, causing large powerful lasers to rain from the sky, damaging anything within the immediate area.

      Nightmare Zero (Or the Zero Nightmare as it is usually called) has a variation of the Genmurei call the Genmurei Kai which is weaker, but is modified for more consistent usage. Zero Nightmare fires 1 grey crescent wave from his Z-Saber that moves at varying speed depending on how much power he has at the current moment.


        my bad bad.

        There was something else I needed to figure out for Robin's magic...what effects could it have on others? Because we're talking a bit more realistic here, not working with traditional FE:A HP bars and stats (max HP is 60 for any unit, Robin's Ignis activates and critical activates, deals around 250-300 damage. What is this thing called overkill?)
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-31-2013, 05:16 PM.



          IDK, Mima just said that it brings people back to life.

          One would assume that it would, considering that it can bring people back from status effects, such as poison and possibly magic.

          It's not stated but implied.

          What do you think?


          I can't find anything on the item, so maybe it's a made up one?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Hang on to that thought until Mima shows up.

            Also, that new profile pic on Neo.
            Das Kawaii.

            [Edit]Hey Neo, the fissure ain't THAT wide.
            Also, the fissure only opens the floor to the bottom floor. It ain't THAT deep either.
            The Devourer just trying to scare ya.
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 08-31-2013, 05:17 PM.



              *Blushes* Thanks. If you didn't read any of the previous pages in the OOC my profile pic is Shinobu from Ninja Nonsense: The Legend of Shinobu, a pretty wacky anime.



                We need to find a way of contacting Mima!

                When does he get back!? AHHHHHH!!! D8

                Naw, I'll wait.

                In the meantime, if Yuuka dies, I'll have memories and quotes at the ready.

                If she dies, I might have John still try to keep his promise of visiting her, even if it's just once, probably by asking a favor from Shikieiki.

                He goes the distance for his friends.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Hey Yukari should I reveal this?
                  {What is it? (Reads note) OH GOD NO}
                  Why not?
                  {That just reveals every plot point.}
                  I guess.


                    That would spoil the surprise, wouldn't it?
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      Hmm Neo must not have read this so I'll repeat this in bold, caps, and big size.

                      THE FISSURE AIN'T THAT WIDE


                        Sup guys. Yea,.seems I'll be on for sometime. Going to the mall. She gave me the phone. Btw wriggle......Dai.... Nuff said. But either way, congrats on the freedom.


                          because it was an edit in on my previous post, I dun think anyone caught the question:

                          There was something else I needed to figure out for Robin's magic...what effects could it have on others? Because we're talking a bit more realistic here, not working with traditional FE:A HP bars and stats (max HP is 60 for any unit, Robin's Ignis activates and critical activates, deals around 250-300 damage. What is this thing called overkill?)

                          Oh and hey ppls back from the living dead.



                            I'd say use it at your own discretion.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post

                              Hmm Neo must not have read this so I'll repeat this in bold, caps, and big size.

                              THE FISSURE AIN'T THAT WIDE
                              Well you did say that the Fissure was too wide to simply jump over. So I thought it would be rather large. Sorry it was my mistake

                              EDIT:Anyways I did edit my post if that makes you feel better.


                                XD well then I'll have to edit minez :3

                                Also if I type a bunch of :3s, then you know I'm fine with whatever miscommunication that happened.

