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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Seems that way.

    In the meantime, I've been playing the heck out of Minecraft.


    I'd say the first one.

    The second one sounds too casual, as if it's a normal fight.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      ok, Im focusing on my poke story
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Okay then, each of Sigma's servant's themes:

        Prometheus and Pandora's:

        Copy X's theme:

        Vile's Theme:

        Elpizo's theme:

        Dynamo's theme:

        What do you think of each one?


          and the new chapter is up ^^
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




            The first one sounds good.

            Fake Zero's theme sounds more like it would be a stage theme at first, but slowly picks up.

            Vile's theme is good. It's energetic.

            Elpizo's theme sounds iffy to me. It might work...

            Dynamo's theme sounds too upbeat to me, but it also might work, depending on the tone of the battle.


            I'll go read it now.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              I find the first one matches Pandora and Prometheus. It has a sort of tone of insanity to it in the beginning that matches Prometheus, and parts that sound like it would match Pandora as well.

              Also don't you mean Copy X? :P Copy X is a reploid made to replace X (After the original X sealed himself and the Dark Elf away.) As he lays claim to being a perfect copy, one would expect that his personality would be identical to X's own; however, there are many major differences. One major difference to note is the degree to which he idealizes perfection: instead of identifying himself as a copy of X, he is persistent in making the distinction that he is a perfect copy, and to that effect feels that he is incapable of making mistakes. The standard by which he views himself creates a warped sense of justice in which any decision he makes is right by virtue of being a perfect copy. Zero makes note of this difference after defeating Copy X the first time by calling him naive, suggesting that he lacked the experiences and memories of the original X to properly understand justice and rule Neo Arcadia as X did. However, Copy X disregards this, and doesn't hesitate to stand up for himself and his perfection, as shown when he was attempting to switch into Seraph Form by exclaiming,"Everyone treats me like a fool. Let me show you my true power." Unlike X, he is also violent, like Fefnir, when enraged. He may be a copy of X, but he is almost completely opposite except for his physical design. His theme somewhat fits for me...

              Vile's theme should sound energetic as he is a person who literally lives to battle. So of course he should have a bit of an energetic theme.

              Elpizo seemed to exhibit some traits of megalomania. At first, he felt awkward for being made the Resistance Leader by Ciel, but as time progressed, he ended up feeling grandiose and self-important. He ended up firmly convinced that he was special and that he could only be understood by others who were special i.e. Ciel and Zero.
              He developed an arrogant nature and acted haughtily, feeling superior, omnipotent and invincible. Elpizo seemed to also suffer from persecutory, paranoid delusions, constantly wishing to destroy the object of his frustration (Neo Arcadia), and believed that Neo Arcadia felt the same way about him.

              After his invading forces were killed in Neo Arcadia, his ideal image of himself and his plans were destroyed. He developed a sense of self-inadequacy, which he sought to rectify by finding the Dark Elf and gaining its power. It can also be argued that he developed a narcissistic view of himself, wanting to become more powerful in order to maintain the illusion of his grandiose nature in the eyes of other people.

              In the end, Elpizo took a similar but opposite stance to Copy X; instead of wishing to exterminate Reploids for the good of mankind, Elpizo wanted to exterminate humans for the good of Reploids. This is somewhat of a Sigma cameo, since he also wanted to destroy only humanity. Ironically, thanks to Copy X antagonizing Ciel and orchestrating an attack which killed many humans as well, this made Elpizo and Copy X the only Mega Man Zero series Reploids who fit the original definition of a Maverick (Craft arguably being another one). Elpizo was brought to the real world, and turned Maverick by Sigma. His theme kinda fits, and kinda doesn't.

              Dynamo will not fight seriously whatsoever. His only goal is to gather combat data on anyone who seems like they would pose a threat to Sigma's plan. Dynamo is a very skilled fighter in ranged, and close ranged combat. Dynamo is arrogant, but not cruel like most of X and Zero's foes are. He would talk to them like a friend would, and play his battles out like they were for sport. Although he claims total allegiance to Sigma, he doesn't seem to have anything personal against the Hunters, so it seems doubtful that Sigma infected him with the virus. His running away seems to indicate cowardice, but it also signifies intelligence. Other foes that X and Zero have faced have died, being unwilling to run away even when things looked slim for their victory. Dynamo was smart enough to live to fight another day, or so it would seem... So yea, an energetic and upbeat theme for someone who won't really fight seriously, as well as for someone who does not hold a vendetta against anyone. Heck if you were to pay him the right amount then he might actually turn against Sigma.


                and silence shall reign on the forum
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  I am the silence that stalks the uh...

                  I am the quietness that...

                  I... I got nothing...


                    I am the silence that stalks the wanderer

                    I am the quietness that follows the sound

                    I got nothing fear on the silent darkness
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Uh... I like trains?...


                        I got a nice vid for that

                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                          I LIKE TURTLES!

                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Dear god am I tired... I will be heading off soon.

                            Before then S121 do you want me to try and find someone for Isaac to fight in my X and Zero arc or so? (I actually might call this Arc the Enigma Arc. As the Enigma Cannon will be a large plot point.)


                              im leaving too, enjoy the night^^
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                                It's all up to you.

                                You can either do it tonight, or tomorrow. I'll still be here.


                                Nighty night.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

