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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Hmm... I think we'll get to remember that someone real soon -w-... now then, who was your most favorite enemy to fight? Doesn't have to be easiest or hardest, just one you enjoyed fighting.

    Btw, I also want to interview Wesker. Might be interesting...


      Axl: "Favorite villain to fight? If you mean in the story so far then I will probably have to say my current fight with Kirkland as it has been one of my only fights so far. I did have a fight with Earthrock Trilobyte from my world as he had come to the real world and was causing some trouble underground, however he went chicken and ran off. As for fights in my world I would have to say-" *gets pushed out of the way and knocked out by Wesker as he comes to the front of the Interview Booth.*

      Wesker: "Oh I apologize, were you still answering a question? Oh well looks like I'm next. So go on, ask away."

      Oh damnit Wesker!


        Wow. And I had yet to ask him some personal questions... I guess I'd better not waste time here. Now then, Wesker... do you like being called Whisker?

        Lol jk so what are your thoughts on Gerard's fighting abilities?


          Wesker: For one, I do not condone to being called Whisker. When I was working for S.T.A.R.S. A few of my teammates occasionally call me Whisker... Moreover I think Gerard's fighting capabilities are exceptional. When he worked with the Neo-Yakuza I saw what he was capable of, and I must say that I'm impressed. Though he still does not stand a chance against me."

          Axl: *Wakes up* "Ow... what happened?" *Gets hit by Wesker again and passes out.*


            Maybe. After all, though he is a super human, you are a superhuman. Next off, Which generation do you come from? As in do you come from the end of RE5 or the start of RE2?


              Wesker: "I come from somewhere in the middle of Resident Evil 5, after all I didn't really make an official appearance in Resident Evil 2, or 3."


                Ah. Understandable. So you don't remember ever boiling in la-

                *replayc'd* Anywho, what do you think of Gerard's come back to your theory? *plays playback* It's the chaos that's keeping the world in control! Without chaos, there would be control, and control is just a fancy term for tyranny!

                *walks in* Yes, I do remember saying that. Well, Wesker? Your move.



                  Wow Wesker I'm surprised that you haven't even beaten Resident Evil 5...

                  Wesker: "Well I am a busy man, and I only play games from my series when I have time off. Besides I can never get HUNK, nor Jack to join me. Instead I had to get the Ndesu 2 to play with me, and he just breaks the controller... As for your question... I heard that line before... somewhere... or something along the lines of that. Also theory? It's the damn truth! This world is in chaos! It's overpopulated! I'm just doing the world a favor!...

                  Also Gerard I hope you won't forget the annual Neo-Yakuza Barbeque that's coming up in a few weeks... oh wait... You aren't part of the Neo-Yakuza anymore!" *chuckles evilly* "And I was going to bring my famous potato salad, it's chock full of vir- I mean Vitamn T!"

                  Wesker I think you're going insane... more so than usual...

                  Wesker: *shoots evil glare at me*

                  I'll be quiet...


                    Ha! Don't make me laugh! No power in the world could make me go to that god forbidden barbeque!

                    Not even if it had vanilla-chocolate-strawberry swirl ice cream?


                    OH NO, MY ICE CREAM!!! *runs back to break room*

                    ... Now then, why Prometheus Labs? Surely there were others, and if not, you own a base nicknamed 'the chemical powerhouse.'


                      You know what? I think I'll join in as well.

                      It would be good for me. It should also help me sort of get a feel for how John would act in a calmer situation.

                      Choose any character.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Wesker: "Sorry Gerard, but I gave your ice cream to some of the guards. Anyways Prometheus Labs is the closest location, it's simple planning! Attacking a laboratory that is so close to my base allows for easy and quick deployment of back up. Also I'm after Halsey, after all her work on the Spartan Project will prove useful to me. Now I apologize again, but I must go. I have a flight to Africa to catch... I wonder why they are sending me to a volcano of all things..." *Leaves room.*

                        So who is next! Wait no I want to ask some questions now!

                        Could you get Aya for me :3?

                        Also I have a question for John!

                        John are you terrified at all of what Yukari is capable of? Also what do you think of X?


                          Okaidy then!

                          *meanwhile, back at the Drevis mansion* Dio: Hey, Aya, I just got word that someone wants to interview you. Do you want to go?

                          Aya: Sure! I'd love to! But can I bring Snowball?

                          Dio: Hmm... why not? It couldn't hurt.

                          Aya: Okay! Let's go, Snowball!

                          *Flies to interview* *goes to interview booth* Hello!


                            I'm so glad I beat Mad Father today.
                            Well hello Aya! Now what pretty eyes you have... Anyways what do you think of the two people that kind of broke into your own home? I mean Phantom is a freaking robot for crying out loud!


                              Aya: Well, I'm not going to lie, I was quite afraid. I mean, I just got used to seeing spirits like Dio and Coron, but it's been a while since I saw another human, especially a robot of all things. The only thing that 'lives' in my house are me and snowball here.

                              By the way, which ending did you get?


                                Ah well I would be afraid to, at least Phantom seems friendly enough... also what do you think of Phantom Aya?

                                I got the one ending where Maria and Aya open up their own clinic a few years later after the house burns down, and Aya's father dies after trying to turn Aya into a doll. Also how Aya ends up showing that she is probably going to turn out like her father.

