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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Wriggu go 2 sleepz nao. Bai


      goodnight wriggle

      meanwhile im enjoying a portal fanfic
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        Nighty night.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          found her making the pose XD

          Well then.. time to sleep, cya ^^
          Last edited by Kristia; 09-02-2013, 01:55 AM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




            Nighty night.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              HOLY CRAP I MISSED A LOT


                Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post
                HOLY CRAP I MISSED A LOT
                Aye aye
                oh and I have 2 posts hiding in the IC.
                Robin is moving slowly along the wall looking for and feeling for any sort of opening. S121 says there's a hole in sector 3 that would be an opening but I don't know where that would be in correlation to the battle area...


                  Yea I saw.

                  All we can do is wait for S1 to come on and tell us where exactly the hole is.

                  Also I should list the exact skills Raven currently has available.

                  Maximum Cannon: Raven's main attack for close range. It's weak, but if you get caught in it prepare to get burned. It is one of the first skills you start with in Raven's base job class. It carries to all job classes like the rest of Base Raven's skills.

                  Cannon Blade: Raven releases a large fireball that travels forward for a few seconds. It does decent damage, and seems to be meant for singular large targets. It's a skill that Base Raven gets. It carries on to all job classes

                  Bursting Blade: Raven engulfs his sword in flames and does three aerial flips with it, pulling off a slash with each flip in the air. Basically a triple aerial flaming sword slash. It's a basic Weapon Taker skill. Raven readies his Nasod Arm and fires 4 flaming bullets towards his enemies. Overheating will fire 2 extra bullets. I imagine it to be a sniping type move for Raven, having high accuracy, and decent damage.

                  Revolver Cannon: Raven readies his Nasod Arm and fires 4 flaming bullets towards his enemies. Overheating will fire 2 extra bullets. I imagine it to be a sniping type move for Raven, having high accuracy, and decent damage. The shots also pierce through enemies.

                  Hellfire Gatling (A.K.A. My favorite of Raven's skills as the Weapon Taker): Levering his Nasod Arm, Raven rapidly shoots 40 blasts of heat, dealing heavy cumulative damage. Overheating will allow Raven to shoot 30 more shots. It is a powerhouse move, covering a large area in front of him. Best used against crowds due to it's low accuracy.

                  Giga Prominence: Raven plows his Nasod Arm into the ground and unleashes flames underground, causing geysers of fire to erupt around him, damaging anyone and anything nearby.
                  Overheating will release explosive smoke which causes extra damage before the explosion. Though in this RP Overheating will just intesify the power of the eruptions.

                  Ignition Crow: Raven shoots out a flaming crow, which will fly to a certain range. The crow will leave behind a trail of flames that will damage targets.
                  Overheating will cause the 'crow' to fly 2x the normal range and increase damage output.

                  Then his ultimate attack (an attack for Veteran Commander that is only currently in the Korean version.)
                  Burning Buster: Raven summons a swarm of crows, which will rain down on targets and explode upon impact. He will then punch forward before unleashing a fiery tornado, damaging any remaining targets.


                    Also would like to know ahead of time what the battle area will be like. floor plan sketch or something would be nice, that way I can at least know how to have Robin go about things without screwing up something like oh say like knocking a pillar over on an opponent by blasting it with magic when there are no pillars... or hiding behind something for a sneak attack when it's a flat arena...
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-02-2013, 11:15 AM.


                      Well I don't know exactly what is going on between Six, and Katrix's characters currently so I can't help you there ^^;



                        In the meantime...curious, how crazy would it be to introduce a chibi Inu Sakuya?

                        why? because...I want this to happen...
                        - Enter Inu Sakuya
                        (Big evil tough guy): Huh? What do you want little girl? Go away before you get hurt.
                        Inu Sakuya: *passive stare*
                        (Big evil tough guy):...Did you not hear me? I said begone! Before I have to hurt-
                        Inu Sakuya: *pulls out big Gatling gun*

                        C'MON ISH FUNNY AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME!...
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-02-2013, 02:20 PM.


                          If you need a idea of how the batlle field is going to look I have found a video showing somewhat how it would look. The only difference is that it would be bigger.
                          The pillars are also static.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            ok no terrain advantages...though could maybe ricochet things off of the pillars...
                            Ok so the last thing need to know is the getting into the building. Is it just a gaping hole by sector 3? and I suppose then there's no way of having Chung and Robin fashionably late to the party due to delays in getting there.

                            Unless the arena were to be more like this which is bigger naturally...


                              Goodmorning everyone.


                              The hole in the wall was caused by Gerard driving through the building. It's in Sector 3, while everyone is in the very end of Sector 2, right whee 3 and 2 meet.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      's like 2 rooms and the hole is at the "opposite end" of sector 3 and then everyone is at the door of sector 2 and 3?
                       big is a sector (in terms of football fields or house rooms?)

