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    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I hate how minecraft is a big time waster.

      I already done so much on my survival world. I would post screenshots of it if you guys really want screenshots of my world.

      EDIT: Cya SUSTIC



        Sure. It's singleplayer, right?
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yea it's singleplayer. I have done quite a bit of progress on it. Cheats are disabled so keep that in mind.
          So here are the screenshots:
          Front of House:
          Inside House:
          Basement 1st floor (WIP):

          More coming soon.



            Ahh. It's good for an early house.

            My first house was a 2x1x3 hole in the ground.

            Just for my post, here's what happens during the Spartan-III Augmentation Procedure.

            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              That's not all. My farm is already pretty decent, it has pumpkins, wheat, potatoes, and carrots.

              I wonder if Chris would be capable of becoming a Spartan-III...

              I mean here is a list of Chris's skills and abilities:

              Chris is proficient with many types of weapons, particularly handguns, shotguns and sniper rifles. He is an expert marksman and once the S.T.A.R.S. top sharpshooter who won a shooting tournament, being the victor over Forest Speyer. His accuracy, precision and focus is fantastic, enabling him to hit long distance targets accurately. He is also an experienced knife fighter.
              In addition to his weaponry skills Chris is very tough as an unarmed combatant. Chris was proficiently trained in several fighting techniques such as CQC. In Resident Evil 5 he has put himself through rigorous physical training to increase his muscle mass, making him incredibly strong and resistant. He is capable of sending lesser enemies flying, and able to bring the largest to their knees with a single punch.

              Chris is seen facing Albert Wesker in hand-to-hand numerous times. Though Chris had no chance in beating Wesker in the past, due to his superhuman abilities, Chris managed to beat Wesker in Resident Evil 5 due to his extensive physical training. At some point in RE5 Chris tackled Wesker which knocked him back a foot. While fighting Wesker, Chris also displays great feats of stamina and endurance, as he is seen taking some of Wesker's most powerful hits without falling unconscious, immediately getting up to hold the fight to the end.

              Chris' strength was such that he was able to punch a boulder into submission several times his size (and weight) into lava during the final fight with Wesker. In RE6, Chris is capable to press lift enemies such as J'avos in order to throw them away. He can also use his bare hands to rip enemies apart or brutally impale them with their own severed tentacles. Compared to Leon's unarmed fighting style, Chris is a rougher fighter whose moves are often brawler-like.

              Chris is also very fast and agile, which is surprising considering his size, Sheva even comments on this in Resident Evil 5.

              In order to insure Claire's safety, Chris trained his young sister in combat techniques like using knives and firearms, and unarmed combat. Though Claire never really wanted to become a fighter, she has managed to survive the infamous Raccoon City Outbreak by using Chris' combat techniques.

              Also Chris's service in the Airforce has made him an incredibly talented pilot. He was S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team's co-pilot. In Code Veronica he pilots a Harrier in high blizzard winds. Later during Resident Evil 6, Chris pilots a VTOL and uses it to destroy a Neo-Umbrella aircraft carrier. Chris may also have a certain understanding of mechanics; he is able to reactivate a missile and use it to blow down a bulkhead door during RE6. Like Piers, he also has a certain knowledge in hacking doors during Chapter 3 where both him and Piers are locked up in the prototype testing room.

              Chris' skills and training always lead to him holding a high rank. He was chosen for S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, and he was chosen as a Special Operations Agent in the BSAA, later becoming a Special Operations Unit Captain.

              Chris, despite his amnesia in Resident Evil 6, was still a very capable fighter and retained most of his abilities from before the Edonia incident. Something which Piers comments on.

              All ripped from the Wiki.



                Actually, with Chris's current abilities, he could quite possibly become a Spartan-II, the same kind of Spartan John is. Of course, that's the best case scenario.

                He would most likely become like Six. Six actually has abilities that are greater than that of a Spartan-III, but not as powerful as a Spartan-II. That's why he's able to wear MJOLNIR armor.

                The way to tell how they'll end up is by their DNA. John was a perfect candidate, thanks to his DNA and natural abilities. Even when he was six, he could catch a coin in midair and tell you what side the coin landed on.

                The reason why Spartan-IIIs aren't as powerful as Spartan-IIs is because of 2 reasons. One is that their DNA isn't ideal for becoming a Spartan, and the second one is that Spartan-IIIs don't have the Catalytic Thyroid Implant, which boosts growth hormones.

                Six is somewhere in the middle. His DNA is almost ideal, but not a perfect candidate, so he becomes a "Super Spartan-III".

                If Chris became a Spartan, he would see a significant improvement in his intelligence, reflexes, strength, and durability, but nothing too drastic at first. As time goes by, he would start to improve further, due to his body adapting to the augmentations. Of course, he might gain a couple hundred pounds.

                It would be interesting if Chris enlisted into the Spartan Program. He already knows one of the trainers (Six).

                All in all, I'd say that Chris would make a good candidate.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  im back from a long time in the park
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    Welcome back!

                    How was it?
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      I want Chris to enlist in the Spartan program now. It could be considered his very own personal upgrade. I don't know if Chris would become a Spartan-II or Spartan-III though that's the thing. Maybe Chris could enlist, or Six could recommend Chris for the Spartan Program.

                      Also Chris's blood-type is O if that matters at all.


                        I needed some air, spoke with Rebeca about her parents about our rellationship, they are worried, but from the prejudiece we may face with society

                        so far the situation is rather calm with them
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                          That also means that he'll be assigned his very own set of armor.

                          Depending on whether or not he becomes a Spartan-III, a "Super Spartan-III", or a Spartan-II, he could be assigned either SPI Mark III armor, MJOLNIR armor, or Experimental MJOLNIR armor.

                          There's also a chance that Chris will become a Spartan-V. Spartan-Vs are more powerful than "Super Spartan-IIIs" and are on the verge of having the same abilities as a Spartan-II.

                          Jack and Daniel are Spartan-Vs.

                          Long story short, it's overly complicated.


                          Well it's good to hear that they are so accepting. It's all too often when it's the opposite.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            So how do we decide on what Chris should become...

                            Either way whatever he becomes he would be able to stand a better chance against enemies like Wesker even better. Possibly even fighting toe-to-toe with Wesker.


                              @ Neo
                              I think it's been long enough for Gerard wound top heal. What about you?



                                I think so to. Especially if an odd strand of the Virus is in Gerard's systems and due to Gerard's abilities he would gain a slight increase to strength, and speed as well as a small healing factor.

                                I'm planning on having the virus in Gerard's body being a special strand of Virus. A modified version of the T-Virus made by a special certain scientist in the Neo Yakuza base. This new modified version of the virus won't really turn one into a Zombie though. This new virus was an attempt at replicating the Spartan Augmentation program, but it was a failure due to the fact that the abilities weren't very significant. That's why Wesker was after Prometheus Labs. He was after the secret to creating true super-humans. They tested the virus by injecting normal humans, and Lickers as well. So Gerard has a special type of virus that will only make him slightly stronger, faster, as well as giving him a small healing factor.

