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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Robin/Avatar sounds like he/she would be an interesting choice.

    As for gender count, it doesn't really matter. You're free to pick whatever you want.

    As for spoilers, it's <spoiler=> and </spoiler>. Just replace, the < > with [ ].

    Goodmorning everyone.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Originally posted by S121 View Post

      Robin/Avatar sounds like he/she would be an interesting choice.

      As for gender count, it doesn't really matter. You're free to pick whatever you want.

      As for spoilers, it's <spoiler=> and </spoiler>. Just replace, the < > with [ ].

      Goodmorning everyone.
      wow that is different from what I'm used to =w=;
      vbulletin yet SO DIFFERENT

      Anyway, ya I think I will go with Robin...inb4 I use the one I had in my game file which I renamed to Cicero >.> ...which was surprisingly fitting.
      So Is there anything else I should do to set up as Robin/Morgan?
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-26-2013, 03:21 PM.



        Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I had to do some stuff.

        Anyways, all you have to do is look at the first post on OOC for the application format.

        Application format/misc.: (Click Me)

        Here's some of the applicants, to give you a rough idea of what's needed.



        John (I would recommend this if you're planning on getting overly detailed with his/her abilities and equipment.)

        If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Sup guys.


            Hey guys I'm back, but I will be going to work in like 3-4 hours so...


              Halsey's Bio is TOO DAMN LONG!
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Do what I would do when making a Bio for a character that is too damn long.

                List mainly the important parts of that characters bio, along with a small summary of other things that are needed when needed.


                  That's what I do, but every detail somehow ties into others.

                  If you don't mention one thing, then the whole Bio doesn't make sense.

                  I'm going to try and condense it, so there will be a drop in quality.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Well you could always just make the whole bio, but put it in a spoiler.


                      I think I might exceed the character limit, but I'll try...
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Lol wut character limit.


                          I'm back people

                          Also remember Prometheus and Pandora? Two villain characters that I will introduce in my arc in the next season (that is if we even are allowed to do my arc)?

                          Well I was thinking of what would happen if in the fight against Prometheus and Pandora that Pandora is killed.

                          It's kind of scary to think about it. I mean Pandora is the only one Prometheus is willing to fight with, and truly trusts (and vice versa.)

                          If Pandora is killed, then I'd hate to see how Prometheus will take it. It would probably be a complete mental breakdown from hell. I would imagine that Prometheus would absolutely go berserk if it happened, and Sigma would have to send the others just to stop him.

                          However if Prometheus is killed... *shivers at the thought of how Pandora would take it.* Pandora is already kind of disturbing already...


                            Name: Dr. Catherine Halsey

                            Game: Halo

                            Abilities: Exceptional intelligence. Said to be one of the smartest women of the 26th century.

                            Equipment: M6 Magnum Pistol (model not specified), and "Micro AI" Jarod.

                            Weaknesses: She is a human, so she's weak to all things humans are.



                            (Taken from the Wiki.) (Click Me.)

                            “If people would just share things with me, I could solve all the world's problems.”
                            —Dr. Catherine Halsey

                            Little is given in the terms of social activities or even a list of friends. Her intelligence is unquestionable as well as the loyalty and respect she receives from the majority of her comrades and her Spartans. However, as seen in Halo: First Strike, her judgment is not always correct, although bearing the guilt of the Spartan program, her sense of right and wrong has differed greatly. It is obvious that she truly cares about her Spartans. She has a notable fondness for classical music, especially Debussy, and often asks nearby AIs to play select pieces as she works.

                            What can be gleaned is that she preferred the company of AIs, and, although she may be angered easily at being mentally defeated, always appreciates the simplicity of them. None more than Cortana, who was actually created from a flash clone of her own brain. She is well-versed in Greek mythology.


                            Dr. Halsey carried extraordinary guilt because of the SPARTAN-II project, feeling that she had exploited the children and destroyed their lives, a feeling which was later passed to Cortana. Though she continued to support the Spartans and gained monumental prestige for her efforts, she also felt responsible for each one who died. She never could quite justify their exploitation as a "necessary sacrifice." She also had considerable respect for the Spartans, and addressed them by their first names (even with their armor on), which seemed to greatly annoy them.

                            Her feelings of guilt were made evident by the fact that she often referred mentally to "sacrificing the few to save the many," though this rarely worked to soothe her conscience. By the time she was rescued from Reach by the Ascendant Justice, she simply wanted to save as many lives as she could, believing that the war was not one that the UNSC could possibly win. While she knew that her own Spartans, the SPARTAN-IIs, couldn't be persuaded to turn from the war, she believed the SPARTAN-IIIs may not yet have been fully determined to win the war, and she set out to try and weaken their resolve to fight. When she was arrested Halsey allowed herself to be taken without any resistance due to her guilt.

                            Halo 4's prologue reveals that although Dr. Halsey carries the guilt of the SPARTAN-II project, she also sees them as the "next step" in the destiny of the human race.


                            “Do not underestimate them. But most of all, do not underestimate... him.”
                            —Dr. Catherine Halsey defending her SPARTAN's with special focus on John-117

                            Halsey also had somewhat of a unique relationship with John-117. Some of this may stem from him being the first subject she observed, but she had a great fondness for him and he was her favorite Spartan. Halsey told Cortana she considers him the luckiest and best of the Spartans and also apparently finds him attractive given her reaction to Cortana's comments on that. Halsey was responsible for John's first promotion to Squad Leader as a result of her acknowledging his leadership skills and suggesting it to Mendez. Halsey also had John's full trust and he always did his best to never undermine her authority.

                            Halsey decided to test her favorite SPARTAN's sense of ethics by handing over data concerning Avery Johnson and how his Boren's Syndrome made him immune to the Flood. She knew that if the data was handed over to ONI, Johnson would likely be killed and dissected in order to find a cure to the Flood infection. She estimated that there is a billion to one shot that they could have replicated Johnson's condition, but conversely ONI would do it to save Humanity from a greater foe. At first, John chose to sacrifice Johnson in order to try and save millions of people out of his duty to protect all of Humanity. However, John reconsidered and eventually destroyed the data due in part to the sacrifice of Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb and Lieutenant Elias Haverson, believing that one man could make a difference as opposed to sacrificing him for the greater good.

                            She is good, but in her mind, bad, or evil. She feels extreme guilt over what she had done to the Spartan-IIs, and did everything in her power to protect them, even if it meant breaking military law to do so.


                            (More Wiki ripping. It's not like she's going to be a playable character or something. Not unless somebody wants to take control afterwards.)


                            Early Life

                            Halsey was always incredibly intelligent. As a child, she was said to be smarter than her parents and was always eager to share her knowledge with others. By the time she was 15, she was already writing her second Doctoral Thesis paper, in which she discussed archaic line commands. It is also known that at some time in her early life, she supervised the creation of the template for third-generation Smart artificial intelligences.

                            During their survey travels for the Spartan-II candidates, Halsey grew attached to Jacob Keyes. The two were involved in a romantic relationship in the early 2520s, and in 2525, Halsey gave birth to Miranda and raised her for a few years, when on July 12, 2531, Miranda's father agreed to take her in, raising her on Luna. Halsey would later have a falling-out with Miranda, who would later change her legal name to her father's and refuse to speak to Halsey for several years.

                            SPARTAN-II Program

                            “This boy could be more useful to the UNSC than a fleet of destroyers, a thousand Junior Grade Lieutenants -- or even me. In the end, the child may be the only thing that makes any difference.”
                            —Catherine Halsey speaking to Lt. Jr. Grade Jacob Keyes, referring to John-117 in Elysium city.

                            Dr. Halsey served as a scientific adviser for to the Office of Naval Intelligence from 2515 to 2522, when she was made chief scientist. She made huge contributions to many ONI Section III projects, including the creation and deployment of AI constructs. She created and initiated the SPARTAN-II project, and designed the MJOLNIR armor system. These scientific advancements all proved to be important breakthroughs for the UNSC, as they were ultimately responsible for ensuring the survival of mankind.

                            In 2517, at the age of 25, Dr. Halsey helmed the SPARTAN-II Program; SPARTAN-II would create a new generation of supersoldiers based upon the earlier work of the ORION Project using abducted children. Establishing a set of rigorous genetic criteria to screen potential candidates, she identified 150 children for the program, but ONI would only give her enough funding to train 75. Thus Halsey made arrangements to meet each of the candidates in order to determine who her 75 candidates would be. At her request, Junior Lieutenant Jacob Keyes accompanied her during the interview of John-117. Upon choosing her candidates, she then had the children abducted from their homes and brought to the planet Reach for training. The 'recruited' children were replaced with flash clones, which ultimately died within a few years from various neurological and physiological diseases due to complications arising from the unperfected flash cloning process.

                            With the assistance of Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez and the dumb AI, Déjà, Halsey put her budding Spartans through a rigorous programme of physical training, military indoctrination and advanced tactics, supervising their augmentation procedures, combat training, and education, and monitoring the effects the training had on the children.

                            Halsey kept in close contact with her Spartans throughout their lives, from her base under Reach. Tellingly, she was always able to tell them apart from each other even under half a ton of MJOLNIR battle armor, an ability honed from years of familiarity which her Spartans found annoying. Dr. Halsey always used their first names, never their ranks or Spartan tags. She had a huge amount of respect for, and from, the Spartans; as their only mother figure, she commanded absolute obedience from her Spartans. Accordingly, she was also privy to the Spartans' closely held secrets, having taught many to them as children, such as the security code, Oly Oly Oxen Free.

                            Involvement during Human-Covenant war

                            In 2544, Halsey was captured by a Covenant fleet during the Battle of Miridem while being transported in a cryo tube. A team of Spartan-IIs, consisting of John-117, Kelly-087, Frederic-104, Solomon-069, and Arthur-079 were sent to rescue her with Open Frame 92/Extra-Vehicular Activity vehicles. Knowing Halsey's value to both the UNSC and the Covenant, Luro 'Taralumee, the Covenant fleet master, planted decoys in several CCS-class battlecruisers.

                            After being rescued by John, Kelly, and Frederic, Halsey comforted John as he swore not to lose another Spartan.

                            Fast forward to the events of Halo 4, Catherine Halsey was imprisoned for hijacking ships and kidnapping a Spartan.

                            Halsey was later interrogated by an unknown individual regarding the SPARTAN-II Program. She defended the justifications for creating her SPARTANs, reminding her interrogator that they saved humanity. The interrogator then meticulously noted that the Spartan-IIs developed sociopathic tendencies. Halsey realized that her interrogator was looking for a reason to replace John-117, and insisted that the best of her Spartans is still alive and should not be underestimated.

                            Six months after the New Phoenix Incident, the UNSC Aladdin transported Dr. Halsey to the Infinity to examine a Forerunner artifact recovered by Fireteam Crimson during a mission on Requiem. The artifact had previously absorbed Dr. Henry Glassman into itself when he tried to study it. Halsey determined that the artifacts is communing with Infinity's engines, which are based off Forerunner technology and something on the planet.
                            Some time later, Halsey began examining the artifact under the supervision of SPARTAN-IV Gabriel Thorne. She then received a communication from an unknown person, who informed her of the Promethean Knights. This led to Fireteam Majestic retrieving a package on Requiem. Upon examining it, the package let out a burst of energy and displayed images of New Phoenix. Noticing Captain Thomas Lasky and Commander Sarah Palmer sharing worried looks, Halsey confronted the former, accusing of having known the Prometheans' true nature. Lasky admitted that the UNSC has been aware that the Prometheans are ancients humans made into AIs. Halsey corrects that this Promethean is made from a person who lived in New Phoenix. Lasky expressed confusion, as these memories couldn't have gotten from Earth to Requiem. Thorne then abruptly left the room and Halsey realized that he had been staring at an image from the artifact.

                            Returning to the artifact, Halsey received another communication from the unknown individual, who, unknown to her, was Jul 'Mdama, the leader of the Covenant Remnant. 'Mdama then asked what she knew of the Librarian. Halsey accidentally repeated it outloud, causing Lasky and Palmer to become suspicious and discovered her secret communication. Lasky then ordered Palmer to arrest Halsey for withholding information.

                            Halsey was then moved to Lasky's ready room, her wrists cuffed. She defended that she did not give any information to her contact. Just as she criticized Palmer, Roland, the ship's AI informed the Captain that Thorne had been detected alive on Requiem.

                            After being placed in the brig, Roland asked her why she withheld the truth. She responded by using an AI override protocol on Roland to escape and gather what information the UNSC had on the Librarian, all of which was her own work, save for a debriefing of John-117, whom she apparently believed dead, after the New Phoenix Incident. She then got into communication with 'Mdama, offering her assistance to find the Librarian. However, Roland then managed to overcome the override and cut the communication and summoned security. Captain Lasky then confronted Dr. Halsey and planned to place her in cryo, but she slaps him in the face, accusing the Captain of withholding the truth about John-117's survival. Then suddenly, Promethean Knights began to teleport through the artifact onto the Infinity.

                            During the battle Lasky and Halsey are found by Palmer and are escorted back to the Infinity's bridge. However a lone Promethean Knight appears and takes Halsey hostage before teleporting back to Requiem. Some time after arrival she meets up with Jul 'Mdama at his base in the Librarian's chamber. After managing to deactivate the shield, which according to her required a 'more human touch', she runs into the beam which has formed in the Librarian's artifact and disappears. During this time however Osman as the new head of ONI has ordered Lasky to have Halsey eliminated should she ever be found again. Commander Sarah Palmer then assigns herself the task of eliminating Halsey, much to Lasky's protest, while she receives a gift from the Librarian. When Halsey entered the Shrine she came face to face with the The Librarian. The Librarian spoke about how Requiem's time was coming to an end, and how Halsey must accept her gift so as Humanity remains on the path to reclaiming the Mantle. The gift Halsey received was called the Janus Key, this artifact was indeed a map which showed every piece of Forerunner technology in the galaxy, this included all the Halo Installation locations as well as hidden Forerunner technology, that could propel Humanity into its next stage of technological supremacy. However, when Halsey accepted the gift she was launched back into Jul 'Mdama's clutches where he relieved Halsey of one piece of the Key, not realizing she had the second. Soon Thorne had gained entry into the Shrine and assassinated one of 'Mdama's bodyguards, while using Gek's cloaking device, Halsey quickly threw the second piece of the Key to Thorne just as Sarah Palmer arrives. Startled, 'Mdama summons the Promethean Knights to protect him, where Palmer attempts to assassinate Halsey but only managed a shot at her shoulder, 'Mdama soon escapes with the help of a Promethean Knight with Halsey as his hostage. An enraged Commander Palmer demands to know what Majestic was doing there, and when told their mission she questions why they would save a traitor, to which Thorne attempts to change her opinion by stating why had Halsey thrown him the Key if she was working with 'Mdama.

                            After Requiem is destroyed, Halsey is seen aboard 'Mdama's ship with her left arm amputated. Believing that both Palmer and Fireteam Majestic were sent to assassinate her, she offers to assist Jul 'Mdama in exchange for revenge against the UNSC.

                            After all this, she was transported to the real world, where she found many opportunities to go back into the field of science. Thanks to her reputation for being one of the smartest of her kind, she easily gained control over her own research facility and was given government grants to produce weapons, armor, medicine, and many other technologies. She thought of this as a second chance, a way to try and redeem herself in the only way she saw possible. This time, she was going to do things the right way. She was not going to kidnap children. Instead, she gathered volunteers from all over the world. She then created a revamped CHRYSANTHEMUM (SPARTAN-III) Project and created the SPARTAN-V Project. Soon after her facility settled, she reunited with Six. She was surprised that he managed to survive Reach, but soon found out that the reason why he survived was because he was transported to the real world right before an energy dagger could pierce his heart. At first, she was somewhat standoffish towards Six, but they soon got along and became friends. Halsey heard about the attack and tried to organize the Spartans, but the attack was too sudden for a more organized defensive force. She is now in her lab, trying to pick up the pieces of the destroyed lab, along with the many dead Spartans.

                            Traumas: Her past deeds. As she grew older, Halsey began to feel guilt for condemning her SPARTANs to a life of warfare which took their lives, and took various extreme measures to protect her remaining Spartans, even going against the military law to do so - a choice which would result in her eventual arrest by ONI in 2553. She harbors extreme guilt over what she had done to the Spartan-IIs. Now, they would never be able to lead normal lives. They were bred to kill and to eventually die. Not a day goes by that she doesn't think about all of the horrible things she has done to them. She keeps trying to justify the SPARTAN-II project, but can never find a way to stop the guilt.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              That was long as HELL!!!


                              Yes. There's a 5,000 character limit, but I could be wrong. It could actually be a 50,000 character limit.


                              Just don't kill Halsey, or else John would have the same reaction.

                              He thinks of her as a mother, so killing her would be a death sentence.

                              As for Pandora, how is she disturbing?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                hi people, here doing a lot of homework, but online
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


