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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    And somehow Cirno = Navi...
    makes sense also...


      Who would Ganondorf be?

      If it was Twilight Princess, Suika or Yukari would probably be Midna.

      Aya would be the runner from OoT.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Why did I suddenly picture someone like Marisa as Ganondorf? I seriously don't know why!

        Also who would Rinnosuke be in the Zelda-verse?


          would probably be the happy mask's salesman.
          just cause he stands out more than other shop keepers.

          and Ganondorf...well Red-head Marisa would work, sure.
          But I was thinking...Mima...



            I edited my post for you.

            Who would Yuuka be? Maybe the forest temple sage?

            The Gorons would be Oni. There's no doubt about that.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Zora's would definitely be the Kappa.


                And what of Shiki?



                  That's a hard one.

                  There's not many judges in Hyrule.

                  She does make overly long lectures, so I would say that she would be the owl from OoT.

                  That Owl took forever to lecture you about what you should do next.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Nanaya Shiki A.K.A Satsujinki (Character)

                    Name: Satsujinki

                    Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour

                    NPC Character of Choice: Shiki Nanaya (Tohno)

                    Game of Origin: Melty Blood/Tsukihime

                    Power: "Chokushi no Magan" (Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception) Ability to see death in everything he can "understand" the concept. As he is a character, he can only understand other character and objects. Also, Magic and any kind of different power is not possible to kill. He sees death in 2 ways:
                    Lines of death: Lines where, if he cuts through, death happens. An arm that is cut this way can't (or so he declares) be healed
                    Point of death: Harder to see, the points where, if stabbed, deatyh happens before the mean itself. Seeing the dots of death puts a lot of strain to his eyes, so he can't use this ability too much.

                    Weapons: Magan goroshi: Glasses that he puts on. This glasses have the power to "seal" his eyes. If he were to be without those, he'd go crazy in about 3/4 days.
                    Nanatsu-Yoru (Seven Night): a pocket fruit knife, he uses it to trace the lines or dot of death

                    Weaknesses: Mental disorder: As a game NPC, he was named Shiki Tohno. In Story development, he was supposed to have a "dark side" that could appear in a particular condition. As he now is in this world, the two personality merged together. Nanaya, mindless killer, attracts attentions and goes rather crazy when meets other character

                    Distance: To "Kill" Shiki must trace the line or must stab the point of death. This means that a quick and agile target is more trouble to him.

                    Height: 169cm
                    Weight: 57kg
                    Blood type: AB
                    Hair color: Black
                    Eye color: Gray (Glasses Sealed), Bright Blue (Mystic Eyes of Death Perception)
                    Always wears a blue school uniform, pretty plain.

                    Personality: Half Personality Tohno (Appears when his eyes are sealed): A calm, gentle and helpful boy, he'd get himself in any knd of trouble if it means help someone.
                    Half Personality Nanaya (Mystic eyes activated): A crazy boy, everything is a prey for him, pretty difficult to understand his reasoning.

                    Morality: Chaotic Good (As the Tohno personality is the most active)

                    Biography: Shiki, real family name Nanaya, was adopted by the wealthy family called Tohno. The Nanaya family was known to be a famous demon hunter clan. This clan was destroyed by the Tohno family, a family of half blood people, and they abducted Shiki, at the time only 10 because they thought he had some power to keep under cover Makihisa Tohno's demon blood. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. In the Tohno Family were also 2 kids: Akiha and SHIKI (caps to not confuse). SHIKI, in a frenzy because of his demon blood, almost killed Shiki under the eyes of Akiha. One of them died, Shiki, after recovering the fatal wound, received his power. Even after recovering, though, Shiki suffered of anemia. Because of this, he was given in care of a branch family of the Tohno household. Seven years later, Shiki is recalled to the Tohno household, and starts living with his sister, beliving he was Tohno Shiki. In reality, SHIKI was the real brother of Akiha. As soon as Shiki returned home, he met a beautiful woman, a blonde one. In a blood frenzy, Shiki stalks her, and using his eyes, Dissects her in 17 pieces. She revives though, being a High level vampire. To redeem himself from this mindless slaughter Shiki did, he decides in help the girl, Arcureid, in the hunt of a vampire that is killing peoples in the whole town. He finally found him, and discovers that the vampire is none other that SHIKI. Shiki also remember his past, defeating SHIKI.
                    He now lives in the human world, where he is sure to not feel his "Blood call" and revert into a mindless Nanaya Hunter

                    Traumas: Seeing high amount of blood can bring him to a quick regression to the Nanaya self.
                    Vampire in general create disgust in him and can make him unreasonable

                    Notes: Ok, hope it wasn't too lenghty.... About my schedule. I'm (almost always) free from 21.00 pm and 00.00 pm UTC/GMT +1 hour and on Saturday/Sunday all the evening and night (maybe, not sure)
                    "So? Shall we kill each other?"



                      Did Melty Blood originally start out as/was intended to be a video game?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        No, Tsukihime was first as a Visual Novel, then the character were adapted to a 2d fight game

                        ^Last of the Melty Blood Series
                        "So? Shall we kill each other?"


                          Sorry. I would say welcome to the party, but unfortunately, we are about to end this rp. But, luckily, we're only closing it because we're starting a season two on a different thread due to the length of this one. Just wait until then ^_^


                            ..... WAT?! I MEAN, WUT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
                            *soulless stare*
                            .... L-let me k-k-know i-i-if y-yyou s-s-start s-s-s-season two......
                            I'mma g-g-give t-t-tthe s-s-s-ssame ap-ap-apapplication t-t-t-though....
                            "So? Shall we kill each other?"


                              What Wonder said. All we need to do is close the story in London, then the main story of this RP which is called the Devourer Arc. After those are done then it won't be long until the second season (or sequel as I call it) will be made.

                              Also aren't Visual Novel's technically considered a type of video game?

                              I mean here is this from Tvtropes:
                              "Visual novels are a medium using the narrative style of Literature, but in a digital format that could technically be considered a Video Game."

                              So technically wouldn't characters from Visual Novels, or started in Visual Novels then moved on to become characters in a game technically be allowed because they technically started out as technical video game characters?


                                eh? There is this kind of problem? I thought that, as stupid as it may sound, Visual Novel were considered games in all the effect. You know, Storyline, Plot, Choice making, sometimes minigames and things like that....
                                "So? Shall we kill each other?"

