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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I think John might.

    He is one of the sole reasons why HM will become a monster. To John, he destroyed an innocent person's life by taking his family away. He will feel as if he is the reason HM became that way. After all, it was John's choice to blow up Base 3. On top of that, John will have a lot of inner conflict whether or not he should tell HM about his involvement with Base 3's destruction. Telling HM will devastate him to the point of insanity, but not telling him goes against his morals, even if it means keeping HM happy.

    As for the song, I like it.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      - ok so should I go ahead and polish this up and post it in IC?

      You still DARE resist ME?! Then perhaps I should end you first!
      >Grima attacks Robin

      So dark... A sea of black... I final strategy... No cards left to play... He has...won... Ah... I c-can't see... I can't hear... I feel...nothing... ...... ...Nothing... ......

      ——ve to ————ack!

      ...... ...Huh?

      Yo— ha——— fi— back! ——ghting!

      I...hear something... A voice...

      Fight ba—! —ave to keep ——ing! Fight back, Robin! You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your damn word!

      C-Chrom? Chrom! Chrom, I can hear you!

      What?! No! You are mine now! The dragon's grip cannot be broken!

      Come back to us, Robin!

      I know it would take more than this to stop you, sir

      I thought I was your favorite dragon! Forget about Grima!

      You have earned my trust and my love, sir. Now return to us!

      Morgan (F)
      Father! You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again!

      I can hear them... I hear my friends!

      Stop this at once! SILENCE those wretched voices! You are all powerless! Frail! Insignificant! You are NOOOTHING!

      Return to us, Robin! Your bond with us is stronger than even the fell dragon's might!

      I'm coming, Chrom! Hold on!

      >Robin breaks free

      ------(end rip from wiki)

      Robin: Ugh
      - opens eyes
      Robin: ...! Wait, no!
      - gets up and looks around.
      Robin: Chrom? CHROM!!
      - panic starts to set in
      Robin: Chrom! Lissa! NOOO!
      - falls to his knees, and looks to his hands
      Robin: I...what happened??? Did I...? has to be a trick! The others need me! I... have to...
      - goes limp and stares off into the distance.
      Robin: This...can't...
      - looks at his surroundings slowly, his eyes still wide. As he takes in his new environment, realization slowly seeps in.
      Robin: Everyone...forgive me...
      - closes eyes and feels the breeze rustle his cloak gently. His mind slowly worked on his current situation...
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-27-2013, 10:35 PM.



        Good point.

        As for X he would be fighting his best friend and closest ally in the entire world. A person he had worked with almost a hundred years (not really specified as almost every year in the entire series is 21XX- 22XX by the time of Command Mission which takes place years if not decades after X8.

        In other words X has known Zero for almost his entire life. Zero had literally been their to save X several times, dying in the process. X and Zero could almost be considered brothers in terms of how close they are to each other.

        This will all change when X has to face Zero.


          @ S121
          Just know thatJohn killing Gerard won't be the only reason.



            I know, but that doesn't mean John knows.

            The only way John will know is if he's told about it.


            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Actually, he might. It's the fact that John didn't trust HM enough to tell him.


                In any case, I must head out now. Btw, if Wriggle s shows, tell him that he needs to update on Dai. If he forgets where wet were, tell him that HM f found a way to hack into the ship.


                  ok Robin is now in play. The game is afoot!


                    back from dinner, how is everyone tonight?
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      I am doing fine.

                      Just to make sure I will be posting an app for Chung before I even continue to RP as him, but before that I will be posting a picture of...

                      Gender-bent Chung!


                        ^Genderbent EVE is amazing.


                          I imagine her saying "IŽll kill you with the power of love!"

                          Hi wriggle
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            NPC Character of Choice: Chung (Also known as the White Wolf of Hamel due to his appearance.)

                            Game of Origin: Elsword

                            Power: Chung has the strength, power, and skill to easily wield a large and heavy cannon skillfully as it were a feather. He deals with heavy artillery and a wide range of heavy weapons from a distance, but can also inflict powerful blows at enemies in close range. Able to use cannon balls in a varied and continuous manner by leveraging the management of cannonballs so as to achieve the maximal firepower. Chung can also support his allies with mortars and by giving them energy with special shots from his Destroyer.

                            Weapons: The Destroyer, a large cannon that uses mostly magical ammunition. As such he is never without ammo. However after 12 shots he must prime his cannon again. He can do this by slamming the butt of the cannon onto the ground or pulling a lever on the handle.

                            Weaknesses: Not much is known about Chung's weaknesses. Though I would say that despite being able to wield a large cannon as though it was weightless he still has a hard time swinging it around due to it's size.

                            Normal Chung:

                            In Berserk Mode:

                            Personality: He is kind hearted, and will do anything to protect his friends. He is still feeling quite lost since he was brought into the real world.

                            Morality: Good

                            Biography: Members of the Seiker family are known protectors of the Hamel City, the capital of the Senace Kingdom. It is to this name that Chung was born. Widely known as Prince Seiker, Chung was trained for combat from his early years. When the Senace Kingdom came under attack, Chung's father devoted himself to defending it. Unfortunately, the demons had possessed him, causing him to lose all control of his own body, and the noble fighter unwittingly came to lead the enemies to attack Hamel. The Prince tried to stop his father, but got seriously wounded by him.
                            With the help of Elsword and his friends, Chung escapes the battlefield and is on the way to recovering from his wounds. Meanwhile, most parts of the Senace Kingdom are now occupied by the demons. He then decides to leave Hamel to the Red Knights and go with Elsword to train and become stronger than ever. He swears to himself that he will not use the Seiker name and will call himself Chung until he returns to save Hamel and take the Water El back from the demons.

                            After a year of traveling with Elsword and the others Chung found partial chronicles of a way to improve on the protective stone in his possession. Gathering knowledge on alchemy and explosives from all over Elrios, he can now get to work on redesigning his Destroyer.
                            Chung's pursuit proves successful as he becomes capable of dealing barrage attacks that are both intense and somewhat unpredictable in any combat range. This intensified firepower and newfound skills lend him the status of Shelling Guardian.

                            One year after that Chung arrived at his father's study in an attempt to obtain information for improving the Destroyer's firepower. He stumbles upon a hidden research document that his father had been working on for enhancing the Destroyer before he became corrupted by the dark demons' energy. Chung used the document's information as a start to find a way to enhance the Destroyer, however, in the end, he required a catalyst that could produce immense energy in order to be successful. Chung asked the Ponggo mechanics of Altera for help, and together, they created the "Disfrozen Portal", an engine that could supply infinite amounts of El energy.
                            To be able to confront his father, and to protect the world and his friends, Chung sought to become stronger. With the Disfrozen Portal and his newly enhanced Destroyer, Chung grew closer to this goal as he became a Tactical Trooper.

                            Traumas: His father being possessed by demons, and his home kingdom of Hamel being taken over by demons.

                            His theme:




                              I'm still having a heart attack/sh*tting bricks/panic attack over the violation of the original concept issue...
                              Last edited by S121; 08-28-2013, 12:31 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Originally posted by Kristia View Post
                                I imagine her saying "IŽll kill you with the power of love!"

                                Hi wriggle
                                Female Chung: "I'll kill you with the power of love!"

                                Some evil guy: "Oh really now?" *Get's blasted by a large pink blast of energy coming from Female Chung's Destroyer Handgun thing and dies.*

                                Female Chung: "Yay I win!"

