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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I mean general. Like, how someone would stereotypically go about solving any problem. Marissa would solve everything with a MASTAH SPAKUH!!!!! Albeit she literally wouldn't, but you get the idea.


      I know, I'm just making you get the mental image of John destroying his car.

      If John had a car, I wonder what color it would be...
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        oh gawd I forgot some of these support conversations

        The problem of having taste:

        Hello, Avatar. I've thought about your previous offer.

        The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word.

        I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill. ...Eating bear, that is.

        I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either?

        I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire.

        True, and even the finest knight isn't much use on an empty stomach... All right then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear!

        Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage... Or like you, Avatar.


        Er, Avatar? ...Did I say something wrong?

        Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it.So Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, do you?

        Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion.

        Then let's start simple. Take a bite of this jerky.

        I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch, munch* BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What... *cough* What IS this?!

        It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some.

        Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer!

        Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him... Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though...


        Hey there, Fredericson! I've got some new cured meat for you to try...

        I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name. ...And I'm not so gullible as to fall for your bear-jerky trick twice.

        Oh? I thought you were serious about getting over this, Frederick. Look, I'm not a monster. I prepared a whole series of meats in order of gaminess. We can take it slow.

        ...Well, I suppose I did ask for this.

        All right then. We'll start with chicken, then pork, then beef.

        *Munch, munch* ...Hmm, excellent so far.

        Next is mutton, It starts to get a little tricky here.

        *Munch, munch* ...This is...manageable.

        You're doing great! Okay, this one's venison.


        Munch, munch*

        ...By which I mean bear.

        PFFFFFFF! Augh! By the gods! I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah... It's s-so dark... T-tell Chrom that...

        Oh, stop exaggerating! Otherwise you might as well die here-- you won't last long on the battle...field? Whoa. I just had intense déjà vu.

        I said the same to you, once upon a training session. And I was right. If I succumb to this, I can't well protect everyone on the front lines... My body is ready, Avatar! The next sample, if you please!

        You talked yourself back into it? Impressive. And perhaps a little disturbing... Ah, well. Whatever works. Let's finish this Frederick! Open wide!
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-28-2013, 10:30 PM.


          John should take up drawing as a hobby in the RP :P

          Question: There is a problem. What do you do?

          X: Try and find a peaceful route, if that doesn't work go fight 8 powerful people before going to the main source of the problem. Then blow up the problem.
          Zero: Same as X, but with a badass attitude, and snide remarks towards his enemies.
          Axl: Scream and run in circles in a confused manner before stopping to transform into the problem then blow it up. In style!

          Chris: Blame Wesker, find source of problem, blame Wesker again, shoot problem, blame Wesker yet again, punch a rock, shoot problem more, blame Wesker AGAIN and then finally blow up problem with a Rocket Launcher.
          Claire: Find source of problem, shoot problem, shoot problem again, and look good doing it.
          Wesker: Kill everything.

          Phantom: Give out heroic speech, and fight problem. Tries to finish solving problem by blowing himself up, while the problem escapes.



            I was actually thinking of having John do something like that after the Devourer Arc. He was going to try and catch up on all the things he had missed; music, art, etc. I was actually thinking of having him get help from people in Gensokyo. It would be a pretty funny, but important part of John's progress.

            John: "Blow it up."

            Isaac: "Kill it with power tools."

            Jason: "Shoot it util it stops moving."

            Six: "....... Actually,.. the problem was supposed to kill me."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Ok using that format...
              Robin: Fight a battle on the back of the problem then kill it and wind up killing himself in one of the most glorious tragic endings I've seen...
              .........and then be found in a field again.


                Since Axl will be staying in Gensokyo after the Devourer Arc then he can really help John catch up.


                  I liked Chris and six's responses XD

                  Anyways, here are more!

                  Naked Snake: sneak up on it in a box. Then fill it with bullets.

                  Ocelot: revolver. Always use the revolver.

                  Alfred: what problem? I TURNED IT INTO A DOLL ALREADY!!!!!



                    Really? I liked my response for Phantom more.


                      Shulk: MONADO...BUSTER! And then there was still a problem -w-; DAMMIT RIKI! STOP CHANGING THE FUTURE TO THE WORST CASE SCENARIO AT THE LAST SECOND!

                      Link: Light arrow to the face of the problem. Not the knee. If problem is not solved, use more light arrows. Out of magic and arrows? Proceed to use everything. The fishing rod is especially effective...

                      Matthew and Co. : SPAM DAEDALUS! SPAM IT! SPAAAAM IT! NOW SPAM ECLIPSE!!!!



                        I wonder how Alfred and Alice would have gotten along...


                        Oh boy...

                        There's a lot of work that needs to be done with John. -_-;

                        I was also thinking of having John go to hell and get advice from Oni about having fun.

                        Cue the drunk, clumsy, 1,400 pound Spartan.

                        He'll also try to get help from HM, and try to get advice from him.


                        Link!? 8D

                        *John looks at Link's green tunic, then to his green MJOLNIR armor*

                        (Too much green...)
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Ladies and Gentlemen , Boys and Squirrels...

                          I present to you...

                          THE GREEN TEAM

                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-28-2013, 11:35 PM.



                            The Green Team would consist of...

                            John (Green armor), Meiling (green clothes), Link (Green tunic), Yoshi (Green skin), Doom Guy (Green armor), and Luigi (Green clothes).
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Another member to add to the Green Team:
                              Rena: From Elsword, class Night Watcher:


                                So much GREEN!!!
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

