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    Goodmorning everyone.


    I only lost 4 energy tanks on him.

    He was a pain in the @$$, but once you get his attack pattern down and start dodging his attacks, you can live much longer.

    I love the black pimped out suit.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I still have a hard time with him... on normal... when I have 130 missiles... and every energy tank but two...

      I got lucky and got two of the charge beam combo for the Ice Beam in on him in a row at the beginning before he fully regenerated and I got his health down to the halfway mark... then he just kept CORNERING ME! I either suck at Metroid Prime, or the Omega Pirate is a freaking cheater when I battle him. Also I'm not all too good at remembering patterns (coming from a guy who hasn't played Metroid Prime in over 3-4 years.)

      The Omega Pirate is the only boss I don't like in Metroid Prime though, and once you defeat him and have all the artifacts you get to fight the best boss in the game... Meta Ridley...

      Meta Ridley is just a fun boss to fight. Easily the best in the game.

      Over all I guess we all have that ONE boss or that ONE part in games that we all absolutely hate.

      So my final words for this post will be...

      The Omega Pirate is a &%$#ing cheater...



        What are you playing it on? Wii, or Gamecube?
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Classic Gamecube... on a large HD TV that the picture is a little blurry on Gamecube games...

          In all honesty it's just because I haven't played Metroid Prime in forever, and I got kinda cocky when I fought him not too long ago... (an hour ago.) I got his health down to a SINGLE SLIVER OF LIFE and then he killed me... mostly because one of the space pirates he can summon (one that can only be killed by the Plasma Beam) kept camping on a wall and kept firing at me causing my health to drop, and I couldn't kill it because of the Omega Pirates ability to absorb shots or whatever like a magnet.

          I should really be blaming that one Plasma Space Pirate...



            For me, it's the Wii.

            What I did was that I waited until he was finished with his weapon absorbing ability, then spammed rockets at him until his armor broke. I learned a neat trick where if you quickly alternate the power beam and missiles, you can fire missiles as fast as the Plasma Beam. As for the pirates, I would quickly switch out of the X-ray visor and pick them off with quick-charge shots. If you use quick-charge shots, you can do lots of damage in a small amount of time, along with triggering their special abilities (freezing them solid, electrocuting them, etc.).

            As for the Omega Pirate, I used the Plasma Beam to damage him. The Plasma Beam is the perfect combination of damage and rate-of-fire, turning it into the best beam to use. It does almost as much damage as the Ice Beam, while firing almost as fast as the Power Beam.

            I ran out of missiles when fighting him, so I switched to the Ice Beam to destroy his armor. The Ice beam is good for those moments when you need to get in as much damage as possible in a split second. I would fire the Ice Beam every time he tried to hit me with his shockwave attack.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              I know the rapid fire missile trick, and I prefer to use the Plasma Beam to destroy his armor as two charged shots destroy his armor quickly.

              Also when he is regenerating and you must use the X-Ray visor to see and attack him I use the Ice Beam Charge Combo AKA the Ice Breaker (Ice Beam's super missile) as one shot from it takes off a quarter of his health if you use it then.

              Other than that I am taking a break from Metroid Prime for today.


                EDIT: I just read on the wiki that 3 super missiles can kill the Omega Pirate...



                  I have a feeling that you're going to go try it out.

                  Have fun killing him.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Nah not now... want to RP. Either way I have an interesting bit of information from the wiki:

                    From the wiki

                    The Omega Pirate had a multiplayer mode in the early Metroid 1.5 design draft.
                    3 on 1:
                    One-player controls an omega Pirate, the others control bounty hunters. This is basically a remake of the Omega Pirate battle in the singer[sic] player game, only this time, its multiplayer and could be a bit more intense.
                    •Bot or Human player permitted
                    •Split screen
                    •For the Omega Pirate’s UI, the camera will be raised significantly to emphasize height
                    •Omega Pirate can call in support of trooper pirates and recharge via phazon.
                    •A multi-player variant on the boss battle from the single player game, we could use the same arena or create a new one.

                    Also it said that Kraid was originally supposed to be a boss in Metroid Prime, rebuilt much like Meta Ridley... but due to time constraints was not implemented at all...

                    f*ck... Kraid was my favorite boss in Super Metroid (he was so freaking huge... but easy) aside from Ridley.


                      Omega Pirate just (hic) messing woth you. His Rum not even drop


                        Wriggle are you drunk? If you are then go to your room...



                          That would have been cool.

                          The multiplayer for Metroid Prime 2 was kind of boring...


                          Then the Omega Pirate better stop lazing around and start putting up a real fight.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            Hell yea it would have.
                            Even though the Multiplayer was solid in terms of gameplay, it was quite boring with only the standard deathmatch, and Bounty Mode. It needed more gamemodes, and more, diverse maps.

                            A team series of gamemodes would have been fun like team deathmatch, or even capture the flag and such. I do like the current maps though.

                            Overall Prime 2's multiplayer is fun AT FIRST. After you play all the maps (heck even if you just play 2 of them) it becomes boring.

                            I would like to see another attempt for a Multiplayer gamemode in a Metroid game in the future at least.

                            Aside from Metroid Prime Hunters. Though I would like that game to be remade for the console.
                            Last edited by SUSTIC; 10-18-2013, 05:40 PM.



                              Exactly. It also didn't help that you couldn't alter the damage values in multiplayer. You were dead within a couple of shots. -_-;

                              Here's a little something to listen to. It sounds cinematic.


                              Need you for this post.

                              Medic Tent

                              "We still have time before the ceremony, right?", Isaac asked Satori.

                              (If we hurry, we should be able to get Koishi help and make it to the ceremony.)
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I know. Even Prime Hunters (though a relatively weaker game in the Prime series) had better multiplayer!

                                They really missed a lot when it came to Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer. Also I forgot something about Chung's Tactical Trooper class.

                                Chung's Destroyer has two firing modes. 1 is his standard blue shots and artillery, and the second is his Artillery Shelling Mode where he turns his Destroyer around. Having the barrel on the other larger end of the Destroyer aiming forward he can fire far more powerful red blasts from it. However there are two downsides to this:

                                1: They have a slower firing rate than the standard firing mode.
                                2: He only reloads 1 red "cannonball" into his Destroyer with every 2 shots from his standard firing mode.
                                3: Due to the sheer power of the blasts Chung's movement is restricted.

