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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    And to make it really authentic~


      Lol. Anyways, I'm back. Jeez, long day. Private viola practice, then straight to my cousin's birthday party. It was funn, but I'm full to hell with sugary cake and giant chocolate chip cookie cake.


        welcome back to the land of the dead.


          meh, land of the living dead until Utsu comes back to revive us as humans. The yama has temporarily run out of power.


            I'm back guys, and I found this funny video

            I wonder what would happen if X did that in the RP... how would everyone react to X literally starts warping the fabric of space and time as he starts charging a very powerful shot... that would take hours to charge... if not DAYS.

            Then near the end of the charge everyone in the entire RP looks at X

            Everyone in the RP: "JUST FIRE IT OR YOU'LL DESTROY US ALL!!!"

            x: *fires a incredibly large blast that destroys everything in it's path. Gaining a speed faster than light, and then ripping a hole through reality as we know it.*


              One can imagine.

              Anyways, while we're here, why don't we discuss the first arc, the mavericks?


                living dead? so we are zombies?
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Would you like some extra gore with that brain?


                    @ Kristia
                    feels like's as though everything just kinda slowed tremendously since s121 isn't here.
                    It's bizarre to me that this is happening.
                    yet at the same time I completely understand.
                    ...maybe I'm the bizarre one.


                    Can I get disembodied fingers with that?


                      Ooh, can I have it with hot blood? I like my brains spicy.

                      Wb wriggle and Kristia. Hey wriggle, still morning over Utsu or do ya feel it in you to continue the Asian skies arc?


                        I prefer something sweet...

                        *From the Video's Description*
                        Sung by Flandre to her own signature tune, UN Owen Was Her, this song is a lot more gruesome than it sounds under the surface. The real meaning of the words can be translated thusly:

                        Internal organs and brains/spinal fluids
                        The hair in the blood is apricot
                        I threw the skeletal remains
                        Against the wall

                        Hurry up, let's play
                        Lifeless bodies never say anything
                        They just try to scream
                        The one scream they know

                        The little human
                        Escapes from it's basket
                        Gets beaten in the Danmaku and
                        Gets it limbs and skin cleanly torn off

                        Come on, I'll sing with you
                        Teach me a new song
                        Nobody answers to me
                        Nobody sings to me

                        I'll give you a piece
                        of flesh dripping with dark, venomous blood
                        Wasn't it delicious?
                        Come, let's sing again

                        Internal organs and brains
                        If I mix their red and gold
                        Will it turn black?
                        The same colour as the prison ceiling

                        Hurry up, let's play
                        The lifeless bodies still say nothing
                        I'll crack open a skull and sprinkle brains
                        On that dress fresh with blood

                        I'll shut you up alone again
                        In a castle built of mountains of bones
                        Come on, I want to hear you scream.
                        Let me hear you scream

                        Here is some new blood
                        This time with a blonde magician [ Marisa ]
                        I threw the skeletal remains
                        against the wall


                          Here's the thing.

                          I completely forgot what was going on in there.

                          Like, to the point that even if you told me, I won't be able to make any headway.

                          So here's the deal. We bring it back in season 2, same cast, different location.


                            well today was boring time at work, spent most of it with file work

                            Then I got back home and babysitted neighbour´s kid

                            and then I got free like this
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Well as for the main Mavericks in Sigma's army they will be in charge of various parts of Sigma's growing army. The ones that will be fought will be:

                              Prometheus and Pandora:

                              Prometheus and Pandora are some of the strongest Mavericks currently in Sigma's growing army. Prometheus is brutal and sadistic. This is shown as he shows NO mercy against an opponent, unless his opponent is someone of interest to either him or Sigma. That is the only time he is known to fight fair. He has command over shadows and flames. Prometheus is the one in purple armor, and armed with a scythe.

                              Pandora like her brother is one of the strongest Mavericks in Sigma's army. She is usually never seen without her brother around, and unlike her brother she is actually pretty quiet and reserved. Preferring to let her brother do most of the talking. However not much is known about her, but it is said that if her brother ever perishes her true self will be revealed. She can command ice and electricity. She is the one in white armor, and is armed with a staff.

                              Prometheus and Pandora are in charge of finding and retrieving the remaining biometals at all costs. As well as keeping Sigma's "eyes" over the other members of his army. They both share a single key to Sigma's base.


                              Vile is one of the many leading Mavericks in Sigma's army, and he possesses one of the keys to the location of Sigma's base. He had gotten his upgrade after his previous run in with John. Vile is much stronger, and is capable of competing with John in terms of offensive power. He is armed with a jetpack, grenade launchers and electric cannons in his knees, machine guns in his fingers, a rocket launcher over his left shoulder, and a very powerful energy cannon mounted over his right shoulder. Vile is a serious threat, and is somewhat insane. He usually only fights those that interest him. He is known to be harsh in a battle. Of all the leading Mavericks in Sigma's army Vile has the most weapons in his systems. Making him a serious and unpredictable threat on the battle field. He is in charge of a weapons and Reploid factory that develops weapons and well... Reploids for Sigma's army. Making this place a prime target for the Maverick Hunters.

                              Copy X:

                              The lead commander over Sigma's air squadron. He is powerful, but not all too powerful. He was an attempt at making a replacement for the real X in the Mega Man Zero series. However Copy X is insane, but considers himself a hero of sorts.
                              He wields a version of the X-Buster, and a version of X's Nova Strike attack. He can switch between 3 different elements.

                              He is in possession of 1 of 6 keys to Sigma's hidden base.

                              MORE ARE COMING UP.

                              Just a quick note: Sigma's base won't be fully revealed until all the keys are obtained. Even after Sigma's base is revealed it is recommended for everyone to take out the 8 lead Mavericks of Sigma's army to fully get rid of the army. As each leading Maverick is in charge of something important.


                                @ wriggle
                                Then... I shall finish this myself!

                                Don't worry, I'll guide Asian skies to a safe let off. Btw, did you responds to HM... Or rather Tricky...

