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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I've been like that lately too.

    Oh am I back?


      Oh btw this is random, but my Raven Veteran Commander is now shirtless in Elsword:


        Much buff such summer wow


          Now I wonder what would happen if Yukari managed to see John without a shirt/any armor/ or absolutely nothing at all.

          For some reason I get the feeling that John would be in danger if that happened 0-0 (by danger I mean John will probably get some action if you know what I mean xP)


            Okay sorry for double posting and bad taste in terms of that joke, but that joke I just made was just bad :P


              Hey wriggs, ya there?


                Just playing TF2. Why?


                  @ SUSTIC

                  Already had that joke :P

                  Originally posted by S121 View Post

                  I'm back from a power outage.

                  I actually wonder how that's going to play out in the RP, the whole relationship.

                  There's hundreds of different possibilities, much harder to predict than usual.
                  Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                  @ S121

                  It'll be the most badass kind of relationship.

                  Though I will pity the bed frame...
                  ...if you know what I mean...
                  ..........*is ran over by Yukari's train*
                  Originally posted by S121 View Post

                  *Then blasted with "Super MAC" Cannon.*

                  Careful, you never know if the guests on this site are bored artists... 0_0;

                  I don't think John would even be able to lay on a bed in the first place. The guy weighs 400 pounds without the armor.

                  That would have to be a bed made out of reinforced steel, or some other strong metal.

                  He's just too damn heavy, period! He would break a chair even without the suit!XD



                    Oh... it seems like you guys indeed made that joke before!
                    Also just going to throw this out there...


                      I wonder how many people actually understand the (un)subtle Korean in Elsword.


                        I back from watching Ender's Game!

                        I hate to compare it to Halo, but they were both similar in regard to using children as a means to end a war. -_-

                        S121: "Local Halo Nut."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          @ SUSTIC
                          Now that's pretty cool

                          The only thing that doesn't make perfect sense is why is Eve holding Raven's head like one of her drones...
                          specially considering he's in what seems mid lunge...


                            GODDAMMIT I KEEP PUTTING OFF THE POKEMON RP!!!


                              A quick summary of today´s events

                              Aunt Vero and Rebeca went for the groceries since most family came in. Some glared at me like if I was a pile of cow cake

                              Uncle Marco was the neutral bridge since he doesn´t acknowledge my sidings but he hates aunt Tania´s ramblings

                              So it was just like that while I was cooking wiht uncle David and his daughter when Rebeca came in with the groceries, the glaring part of family looked at her like a stranger who was barging into the house. I quickly got between her and my bigger cousing Daniel before he would do his bigotry (I tower most of the family with my 1.86 meters) so he backed off

                              Grandpa got angry with how we were treated and was about to kick everyone from the house, but Rebeca stopped him saying it wasn´t worth it. At the moment we are in a library resting from the fiasco, she is reading a book while im writing this, her face shows I´ll have to vent her emotions off before an explosion, so when we get back we will talk about it.

                              We are thinking of leaving today or tomorrow morning since we are not wanted, grandpa and the others are what makes me stay, but damn I so want to punch my cousing if he ever touches my girlfriend again.

                              Kristia out!
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                I'm back.

