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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Arguing on the internet never really leaves any positive results. Nobody seems to understand that.

    Anyways, I'll be posting on EG:SOS, now that I'm done reading the forum.


    Welcome back!
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



      Every time I listen to this song... every time I hear it... I feel like it just sounds SO fitting for the entire X series. Especially X, Zero, and Axl. It also is a song that mind of marks the end of the X series for me. Since X8 is the last game in the X series I always think of... the end of my favorite video game series.

      I always go back to it over and over and over again... I think Wild Fang from Janne De Arc is truly my favorite song...



        It is a good song.

        I feel like I should say something else, but I can't think of anything. I've noticed that I've been kind of silent today.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          Yea. It's been silent for everyone it seems today.

          Either way I always feel like the entire Mega Man series. Especially the X series... just seemed to fade out of obscurity. The Mega Man series is one Capcom's most popular franchises aside from Resident Evil, and Street Fighter if not their most popular franchise. Ever since Keiji Inafune left Capcom to work on other stuff Mega Man seemed to just... go downhill even further than before. It's like Capcom hates Mega Man now.

          They seriously cancelled 4 Mega Man games.

          Mega Man Legends 3 (which A LOT of people wanted) was cancelled.

          An online MMO called Rockman Online was cancelled.

          A first person reboot of the X series was cancelled in 2010, and the game did look actually pretty good surprisingly (if it was made I would have bought it right away.) Here is a link to the page on the cancelled game on the Mega Man Wiki:

          Then there was Mega Man Universe which was a classic style Mega Man game that would have had a level editor, a character creator of sorts, and was heavily based off of Mega Man 2 (as it was supposed to have the bosses from it return or something from Mega Man 2) which is said to be one of the best games in the entire Mega Man series.

          Well hopefully Mighty No. 9 would be just as popular as the Mega Man series once was.


            @ S121

            Aye it's been silent for a while

            and ya =w= PSO2 has created an angry fandom in the PSO-World forums. tbe SEGA has done it again. anyway...

            Oh and what did ya think of my really simplistic rite? =w= I was really going to put together my own but Metal Gear's Calling to the Night just fit and gave me something a bit more powerful than if I wrote nothing but lyrics.



              I thought the song's lyrics matched. The song fit perfectly.


              Here's to hoping.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                @ S121
                Aye...they did...and in more ways than one.

                And me shamelessly going at it again, what would make Eternal Galaxy more appealing to everyone else here? I'm curious what everyone's thoughts would be...
                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-02-2013, 05:40 AM.


                  After reading the wiki page about the cancelled game Maverick Hunter I got an idea for a character for SUSTIC's RP.


                    @ Neo

                    Those are always fun.

                    And that reminds me of a few games that were canceled that I wish actually happened =w=

                    LoZ: Mystical Seed of Courage...WHY?!?!? Y U NO HAPPEN?!?


                      Goodmorning everyone


                      Much harder to read than normal text, but I can read it, barely
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        Goodmorning everyone.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Sup Utsu.




                            I'll have a post coming soon.

                            In the meantime, here's a little something.

                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              I'll be gone for 3-4 hours, but I'll try to be back as soon as possible.

                              Go on and reply in IC and I'll post once I get back.

                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I'm back people. I've been awfully tired lately. Hence why I haven't been on lately.

