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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    So we can say that Yukari is an old blonde, she won´t crush us? :P

    But yeah Neo, its been almost 8 months
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      after the chart is complete, then I'll be able to work out more of the specifics
      There will be a lot of humans suddenly interacting with the characters, probably due to all the events of Season I as a cover...
      and some of those humans will be SCAE agents.

      Anyway, my morning so far:
      I went down and bought myself a cappuccino...and didn't notice as it was coming out that it was less coffee and more water.
      So I bought a Large, watered-down, cappuccino...


      @ Katrix

      Aye...ya...went to bed officially at 3 AM EST because I wanted to make sure I caught ya for that last post.

      Anyway, I'll add your characters to the chart and just leave em in the organization sub category for now. Unfortunately the way I organized it doesn't have the certain arcs so I'm not certain who goes where.
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 11:35 AM.



        When I got up out of bed my sheets wrapped around my right foot and as I got out of bed I must not have realized it. I stepped on the other end of my sheets and I feel! Thing is my foot twisted sideways a bit as I fell, and now it freaking HURTS!!!

        Well if I stay off it for a while, and keep ice on it I should be fine.

        Anyways I'm back people.


          Yeah she's still sleeping.


            Hey Wriggle poke Yukari with a stick and see if she wakes up!


            Gee that sucks.


              I wouldn't dare ^^ The only person I can poke to wake up is Lady Gaga.
              (Get it?)

              @Cuckoo and SUSTIC
              Your new IC in AtWaP awaits, should you choose to accept it.



                I'll think of a post for that in a second. I'm still a little dazed after falling and hurting my foot. Almost freaking hit my head against the wall as I fell...


                  If that happened to me, insta-hospital for me ^^;;


                    Luckily I'm a rather tough nut to crack.

                    I once broke my foot when I was younger (fell out of a tree because I was being stupid to climb it), and no one was really around so I had to hop on one leg to call 911. Okay that was a lie.

                    I did end up falling out of a bunk bed when I was sleeping at a friends house one time when I was younger. My friend told me as soon as I fell and hit the carpet I got up and went to his kitchen for a freaking glass of water. I'm not sure if that's just high pain tolerance, me just being to sleepy to care, or just me being to stupid to react.


                      I... I pricked my finger and got dizzy from blood loss before.



                        Seriously? If that we to happen to me the jolt of hitting the floor would have either just flat out knocked me out, given me one hell of a migraine, or caused me to shoot up and curse at the floor.


                        Really? That sucks...


                          @ Wriggs

                          that's something I never would have thought possible...
                          pricked finger yields dizziness.......


                          This is a reminder for me on where I left off with the chart

                          Originally posted by Katrix View Post

                          There is also the fact that Org.XIII control all nobodies.

                          I. Master Xehanort: Original Xehanort.

                          II. Young Xehanort: Younger Xehanort.

                          III. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness: Terranort's Heartless.

                          IV. Xemnas: Terranort's Nobody and the leader of the first Organization XIII.

                          V. Xigbar: Braig's Nobody and a member of the first Organization XIII.

                          VI. Saïx: Isa's Nobody and a member of the first Organization XIII.

                          VII. Luxord: ???'s Nobody and a member of the first Organization XIII.

                          VIII.Riku Replica: Replica of Riku.

                          IX. John Replica: Replica of John.

                          X. Another: Unknown's Nobody.

                          XI. No Heart: Unknow's Heartless.

                          XII. Terranort: Xehanort in control of Terra's body (It's complicate)

                          XIII. Aquanort: Xehanort in control of Aqua's body (It's complicate)

                          Ansem the Wise: Wise sagekind and Xehanort's master/teacher

                          Riku: Sora and Ansem the Wise's friend

                          As for Season 2 charcters

                          Xion: Member of the original Org. XIII. She is a imperfect replica of Roxas.

                          I think that is all for now. Sorry for the wait. School suddenly happened



                            You pricked your finger... and got dizzy from the blood loss? Isn't that anemia or something? (Sorry I'm not that good with my medical terms.)

                            Anyways the only thing I remember feeling that day I fell out of the top bunk of a bunk bed was the entire front side of my body being in pain. I was confused at first... then my friend told me what happened... I didn't believe him at first...


                              It's hemophilia ^^;;


                                I share wriggle´s blood loss, I overproduce blood, a cut or opening, blood crimson flows and flows

                                I have to "vent" it out of my system or either my nose or mouth have some leakings.. ><
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


