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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    ... We need a naked ribbon Nitori?


      Wait what?

      *Takes a closer look at Nitori*

      Oh, well what do you know? I didn't even notice until now. I guess you're right,... but no we don't need a naked ribbon Nitori. I'm pretty sure that would kill Zero.

      I was referring to the tank, but that'll work too. XD
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Well, end of road trip. Hows evryone duin t'day?

        Btw, fates of others.

        Ocelot would find another home after taking that crystal thing-a-ma-bob and live there with Aya and the other spirits... Maybe in a relationship due to Aya's age...

        Ocelot: *shoots Wonder* What the hell, man?! I don't care how old she is, she's still a kid on he inside!

        Wonder: *bleeds out from gunshot*

        Anyways, they're still gonna be a part of a story because we've still yet to introduce Aya's insane side...

        As for Snake and the crew, I ould love o continue them... If Lucian would come to life...


          The server exploded, but I'm doing good.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Aye. So arcs that we need to finish before the end of season 1 are...

            London arc via final battle with Wesker

            California arc via completion of Ocelot's mission

            Vietnam Arc via Volgin's safe travel to London

            And of Course Devourer arc by the defeat of Gluttoneriel

            Plus, once all arcs are done, I'll be adding the last post with a foreshadowing of the epilogue of the Devourer arc. Sneak peek!

            The Devourer laid there, defeated.

            "I... Cannot believe it... Those damn mortals... I will come back... I will end them... And then consume this world..."

            A voice came from nowhere. "Actually, the show you have just put on has just shown me that you are incapable of doing so."

            The owner of the voice came out from the shadows. Gluttoneriel looked up. "... You..."


              hrm curious, being this far into the story, would it be at all possible for me to join in on this RP?

              I have 2 or three possible characters and would pick one dependent on what the story would need...

              ...or am I trying to hard to find a place to fit in? :x


                Actually, you might wanna wait until season 2. This one's closing real soon. But there will be another one with the same concept. It's like a sequal.


                  We've had a couple of people join in at different times.

                  You're welcome to join, but it might have to be in the second one.

                  That being said, can I hear your choices? I'm a little too curious for my own good.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Originally posted by S121 View Post
                    Wait what?

                    *Takes a closer look at Nitori*

                    Oh, well what do you know? I didn't even notice until now. I guess you're right,... but no we don't need a naked ribbon Nitori. I'm pretty sure that would kill Zero.

                    I was referring to the tank, but that'll work too. XD
                    *Zero sees naked ribbon Nitori and blushes wildly.*

                    Zero: "DEAR GOD NITORI THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO GET NAKED!!!"

                    Anyways I definitely know a character I want to introduce and make my new main character if we do end up making a sequel or after the Devourer Arc is over.

                    She is a reploid based off of the japanese Kunoichi, and she is a highly trained thief (akin to Robin Hood.) She finds pride in her skills as a thief. Her name also starts with an M.

                    Also recap with the London Arc again? From both S121 and Wonder please.

                    Also I'm back.


                      Gerard runs at Wesker with his katana pointing at Wesker preparing a clash.

                      Btw, Ocelot asked the biometal how to take off the suit.


                        Originally posted by S121 View Post
                        We've had a couple of people join in at different times.

                        You're welcome to join, but it might have to be in the second one.

                        That being said, can I hear your choices? I'm a little too curious for my own good.
                        Even though id like to do a male character...I think I could pull off Lisa, the borderline psycho (think yandereish) Ranger from PSO2

                        Actual ingame:

                        Ill post the others when i get home to a comp


                          Oh, that Coron!


                            Is anyone else not able to get on the server?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Anyone still here other than S121 cuz, ya know, he just posted.


                                im here with a bowl of popcorn

                                Last edited by Kristia; 08-24-2013, 07:16 PM.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


